失眠网 > 16Mn低合金钢 16Mn low alloy steel英语短句 例句大全

16Mn低合金钢 16Mn low alloy steel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-29 13:02:05


16Mn低合金钢 16Mn low alloy steel英语短句 例句大全

16Mn低合金钢,16Mn low alloy steel

1)16Mn low alloy steel16Mn低合金钢

1.When using THA302 austenite electrode as filler metal, the fusion zone is a needle-like thin film (10~20μm) martensite structure adjacent to the heat affected zone of16Mn low alloy steel.采用THA302奥氏体焊条焊接时,16Mn低合金钢一侧熔合区为一层厚度为10~20μm,呈“针状”的类马氏体组织。

2)Low-alloy 16Mn Plate低合金16Mn钢板

3)16Mn steel16Mn钢

1.Contrast Research on the Inclusions and Grain Sizes in 16MnR(HIC) Steel and 16Mn Steel;16MnR(HIC)和16Mn钢中夹杂物和晶粒度的对比研究

2.A study on corrosion inhibition of16Mn steel under thin electrolyte film with H_2S;16Mn钢在含H_2S的薄层液膜下的缓蚀研究

3.Failure analysis on16Mn steel elbow for oil and gas gather-transport pipeline16Mn钢油气集输管线弯管失效分析


1.Uniaxial Strain Cyclic Behaviors of 40Cr and 16Mn Steels at Room Temperature40Cr钢和16Mn钢的室温单轴应变循环特性

2.A study on corrosion inhibition of 16Mn steel under thin electrolyte film with H_2S;16Mn钢在含H_2S的薄层液膜下的缓蚀研究

3.Investigation on Welding Procedures and Welded Joint Properties of 16Mn Steel by Twin Wiretandem Sequence Submerged Arc Welding Process16Mn钢双丝埋弧焊工艺及接头性能研究

4.Study on corrosion behaviour of 16Mn steel in five fields of Inner Mongolia16Mn钢在内蒙古五地区土壤腐蚀的研究

5.Study on the microstructure of transint liquid phase diffusion bonding joint of 16Mn steel16Mn钢的瞬间液相扩散焊接头微观组织

6.Failure analysis on 16Mn steel elbow for oil and gas gather-transport pipeline16Mn钢油气集输管线弯管失效分析

7.Research on the Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of 16Mn Steel Welded Structure;16Mn钢焊接件疲劳裂纹萌生与扩展的研究

8.Damping Property and Microstructure of the Interface of 16Mn Steel/Zn Composite;16Mn钢/锌复合材料的阻尼性能与界面微观组织

9.Study for the Corrosion and Cathodic Polarization Behavior of 16Mn Steel in Soil;16Mn钢在土壤中的腐蚀及阴极极化行为研究

10.Corrosion Behavior of 16Mn Steel in Precipitation Water in Russian Crude Oil Pipelines16Mn钢在管输俄罗斯原油析出水中的腐蚀行为

parison of high temperature and high pressure corrosion behavior of 16Mn steel in different corrosive environment不同腐蚀介质中16Mn钢高温高压腐蚀行为的比较

12.Ultra-Long Life Fatigue Behavior and Fatigue Life Design of Joint Between Steel Q235 and Steel 16MnQ235钢和16Mn钢接头超长寿命疲劳行为及疲劳寿命设计

13.The Effect of Cathodic Polarization and Hot-dip ZnAl Alloy Coating on Environment Sensitive Cracking of 16Mn steel in seawater;阴极极化和ZnAL合金涂层对海水中16Mn钢环境敏感断裂的影响

14.Experimental Research on Mechanical Behaviours of Structural Steel 16Mn at Elevated Temperatures;16Mn结构钢的高温力学性能试验研究

15.Research of relation to ductile fracture toughness J_(IC) for hot-rolled 16Mn steel;16Mn热轧钢板延性断裂韧度J_(IC)的相关性研究

16.On Substitution of the Butt Welding between 35-steel for the Butt Welding of 16Mn and 35-Steel in the Connection of Drilling Pipe and Flange;35钢代替16Mn用于钻杆管与法兰盘的对焊

17.Research on Submerged Arc Welding Technology of 0Cr18Ni9 and 20R 16MnR Dissimilar Steel关于0Cr18Ni9与20R、16Mn R异种钢埋弧焊焊接工艺的探讨

18.Stress-strain relationship and modulus of elasticity of 16Mn steel under loading and constant temperatureQ345(16Mn)钢在恒温加载条件下的应力-应变曲线和弹性模量


Low-alloy 16Mn Plate低合金16Mn钢板

3)16Mn steel16Mn钢

1.Contrast Research on the Inclusions and Grain Sizes in 16MnR(HIC) Steel and 16Mn Steel;16MnR(HIC)和16Mn钢中夹杂物和晶粒度的对比研究

2.A study on corrosion inhibition of16Mn steel under thin electrolyte film with H_2S;16Mn钢在含H_2S的薄层液膜下的缓蚀研究

3.Failure analysis on16Mn steel elbow for oil and gas gather-transport pipeline16Mn钢油气集输管线弯管失效分析

4)low-alloy steel低合金钢

1.Acicular ferrite microstructure of weld metal forlow-alloy steel;低合金钢焊缝的针状铁素体微观组织

2.Study on accounting model of austenite grain size inlow-alloy steel weld metal;低合金钢焊缝金属中奥氏体晶粒尺寸计算模型的研究

3.Prediction of PF volume fraction inlow-alloy steel welding seam;低合金钢焊缝中先共析铁素体组织数量的控制

5)low alloy steels低合金钢

1.Improving on dissolving sample method for nickel inlow alloy steels;低合金钢中镍的溶样方法改进

2.CAD of transformation curves for supercooled austenite inlow alloy steels;低合金钢过冷奥氏体转变曲线CAD

3.The primary importance for the company should be attached to the development oflow alloy steels by utilizing the resources advantages.概述了攀钢低合金钢及微合金钢开发与生产的思路、状况及进一步发展的设想。

6)low alloy steel低合金钢

1.Analysis of Mn,Mo,V,Ni,Al,Cu,Cr inlow alloy steel by ICP-AES;ICP-AES分析低合金钢中的Mn、Mo、V、Ni、Al、Cu、Cr元素

2.Analysis and study on central crack in continuously rolled billets oflow alloy steel;低合金钢连轧方坯中心裂纹的分析与研究

3.Research onlow alloy steel part prepared by powder injection molding;注射成形低合金钢支持块零件的研究



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