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煎煮方法 Methods of decocting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-11 13:40:45


煎煮方法 Methods of decocting英语短句 例句大全

煎煮方法,Methods of decocting

1)Methods of decocting煎煮方法


1.The influences of different boiling methods on the kinds of anthraquinone in rhubarb soup;不同煎煮方法对大黄汤剂中蒽醌类的影响

2.Determination of Four Active Compounds Alignment in Different Water Extract of Flos Trollii Chinensis by HPLC金莲花不同煎煮方法水提取液中4种药效组分含量和比例的测定

3.The Special Decoction Method for the Drugs in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Its Clinical Meaning《伤寒论》方药的特殊煎煮法及临床意义初探

4.Accurate method is to use cold water to immerse first 1, 2 hours, again decoction of suffer from excessive internal heat.正确的方法是先用冷水浸泡1—2小时,再上火煎煮。

5.Effect of Different Decoction Processes on the Quality of Paeony Compound Decoction不同煎煮工艺对复方白芍汤质量的影响

6.as for cooking, frying with a small amount of oil, deep-frying, and baking seem to be used more while boiling and steaming used less.此外,在烹调方式方面,煎,炸, 烤的比例上升,煮,蒸的比例下降。

7.The optimum process is to add 8 times amount of water ,decocting for 3 times,once a hour.结果,以加8倍水煎煮,提取3次,每次1小时的方案为优化工艺。

8.Effects of decoction on transferring rate of berberine hydrochloride in Jiawei Ermiaofang配伍煎煮对加味二妙方中盐酸小檗碱转移率的影响

9.I"ll probably have fried (boiled) eggs and toast for breakfast.我早饭可能吃煎(煮)鸡蛋和烤面包。

10.They can be boiled or fried, and served with or without a piece of meat such as bacon or ham.蛋可煎可煮,和火腿或咸肉一块吃。

11.To extract the flavor of by boiling.熬,煎通过煮把味道熬出来

12.Shall I fry the eggs or boil them?我是煎鸡蛋,还是煮鸡蛋呢?

13.She forgot to watch the frying pan and the bacon was burned to a frazzle.她忘了看煎锅,结果咸猪肉被煮烂了。

14.Do you prefer eggs fried or boiled.你喜欢煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋。

15.a long-handled multipurpose stainless pot is suitaBle for Both frying and Boiling.多用不锈钢长柄锅,煎煮两相宜。

16.Study on Decoction Process and Optimal Comminution Granularity of Raix Scutellariae;黄芩煎煮工艺及最佳粉碎粒度的研究

17.They kill soap stock by boiling with alkali他们用加碱煮沸的方法处理肥皂原料。

18.Modeling of Continuous Cooking by Orthogonal Collocation连续蒸煮过程的正交配置建模方法


fire heating decocting method直火煎煮法

1.OBJECTIVE:To make an investigation on the quality of decoctions of traditional Chinese medicine prepared by decocting device andfire heating decocting method.目的 :考察机器煎煮法与直火煎煮法制备中药汤剂的质量优劣。


4)Special decoction method特殊煎煮法

5)decoction mashing煎煮制浆法;煮出糖化法


1.Using decoction to extract amylose and astragaloside,determine the amylose with spectrophotometry and determine the astragaloside with TLCS.采用煎煮法提取口服液中的多糖成分和黄芪甲苷,分光光度法测定多糖成分,薄层扫描法测定黄芪甲苷。



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