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司法教学质量管理 management of judicial teaching quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 15:55:08


司法教学质量管理 management of judicial teaching quality英语短句 例句大全

司法教学质量管理,management of judicial teaching quality

1)management of judicial teaching quality司法教学质量管理


1.Market economy results in the transformation of government functions and brings strong appeals for improving government administrative quality,judicial quality in particular,and judicial quality management(JQM) is a practical way to improve judicial quality in our country.市场经济导致政府职能转变,带来了民众提高政府质量的诉求,特别是提高司法质量的强烈诉求,而司法质量管理则是提高我国司法质量的现实途径。

3)teaching quality management教学质量管理

1.Application of the 8 quality management principles inteaching quality management;质量管理八项原则在教学质量管理中的应用

2.On the new ideas ofteaching quality management based on TQM and ISO9000 in colleges and universities;基于TQM和ISO9000的高校教学质量管理新理念

3.The Study of Teaching Quality Management Modernization in Vocational Schools;职业中学教学质量管理现代化研究


1.ISO9000 and colleges educational quality management;ISO9000与高校教学质量管理

2.Establishing Quality System of Teaching and Education, Strengthening Quality Management of Teaching and Education;建立教育教学质量体系 加强教育教学质量管理

3.Strengthening teaching quality management to improve talents training;强化教学质量管理 提高人才培养质量

4.Application of the 8 quality management principles in teaching quality management;质量管理八项原则在教学质量管理中的应用

5.Building the Monitoring and Controlling Architecture and Implementing the Complete Management Poliy for the Quality of Learning and Studying;构建教学质量监控体系 实施全面教学质量管理

6.On the Quality Generating Mode and the Quality Management of Practical Teaching;实践教学的质量生成模式与质量管理

7.Improving the Quality of RTVU Education through Introducing TQC;推行全面质量管理,提高电大教学质量

8.Strengthen the Teaching Management and Improve Teaching Quality of;加强学院教学管理 努力提高教学质量

9.By Using the Model of Quality Control Management,to Normalize the Experiment Teaching Administration;借鉴质量管理模式 规范实验教学管理

10.Innovate Teaching Administration,Implement Quality Engineering and Promote Teaching Quality;创新教学管理 实施质量工程 提高教学质量

11.Constructing System of Teaching Quality and Actualizing All-side Management;构建教学质量监控体系 实施教学质量全面管理

12.On Heightening Quality Education and Strengthening Teaching Management;加强教学管理 促进教学质量提高

13.Strengthening the Management of Experimental Teaching to Improve Experimental Teaching Quality;加强实验教学管理 提高实验教学质量

14.Optimize the Teaching Management in Colleges and Universities and Improve the Teaching Quality;优化高校教学管理 扎实提高教学质量

15.Some advices on improving the teaching quality by strengthening the teaching management in technical and vocational colleges;加强教学管理 提高高职高专教学质量

16.Strengthening Teaching Management,Enhance Teaching Quality for Graduate Students;加强教学管理 提高研究生教学质量

17.Increasing the Quality Level of the Correspondence Education through Strengthening the Instructional Management;加强教学管理 提高函授教学质量水平

18.Strengthening Teaching Management and Research to Improve the Quality of Teaching;加强教学管理与研究 提高教学质量



1.Market economy results in the transformation of government functions and brings strong appeals for improving government administrative quality,judicial quality in particular,and judicial quality management(JQM) is a practical way to improve judicial quality in our country.市场经济导致政府职能转变,带来了民众提高政府质量的诉求,特别是提高司法质量的强烈诉求,而司法质量管理则是提高我国司法质量的现实途径。

3)teaching quality management教学质量管理

1.Application of the 8 quality management principles inteaching quality management;质量管理八项原则在教学质量管理中的应用

2.On the new ideas ofteaching quality management based on TQM and ISO9000 in colleges and universities;基于TQM和ISO9000的高校教学质量管理新理念

3.The Study of Teaching Quality Management Modernization in Vocational Schools;职业中学教学质量管理现代化研究

4)management of teaching quality教学质量管理

1.An exploratory study onmanagement of teaching quality and the building of monitoring system;关于高校教学质量管理与监控体系建设的探析

2.Themanagement of teaching quality is a lifeline and bottom-line of colleges and universities.加强高校教学质量管理必须明确教学质量管理的内涵,转变教学质量管理观念,创新教学质量管理标准,构建教学质量保证体系。

3.Accuracy of choosing monitoring point for teaching quality has a close bearing on the effectiveness ofmanagement of teaching quality.教学质量监控点选择得准确与否直接关系到教学质量管理的成效。

5)teaching quality and utility教学质量与管理

6)teaching and education quality management教育教学质量管理


司法1.官名。两汉有决曹﹑贼曹掾,主刑法。历代皆有。唐制在府曰法曹参军,在州曰司法参军。宋沿唐制,诸州置司法参军。元废。参阅《文献通考.职官十七》。 2.星官名。 3.现指检察机关或法院依照法律对民事﹑刑事案件进行侦察﹑审判。

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