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傣族文化传承 the transmission and inheritance of the Dai culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 21:55:49


傣族文化传承 the transmission and inheritance of the Dai culture英语短句 例句大全

傣族文化传承,the transmission and inheritance of the Dai culture

1)the transmission and inheritance of the Dai culture傣族文化传承

2)Dai culture傣族文化

1.In the contemporary changes,“material objects,behavior,and concepts” as three levels in theDai culture are linked to ethnic tendency,modernization and tradition.傣族文化系统的实物、行为、观念三大层面 ,在当代变迁中 ,现代化与民族化、现代性与传统性胶着在一起 ,表现出兼容并蓄的走向。

2.It applies theories and methods of structural linguistics, cultural linguistics and chaos theory to analyse systematically the characteristics and functions of four syllable expressions in Dai language, to discuss the linguistic quality of four syllable expressions in Dai language and to explore the relation between four syllable expressions in Dai language andDai culture.本文主要以西双版纳傣语四音格为语言材料,运用结构语言学,文化语言学以及浑沌学等理论和方法,系统地分析了傣语四音格的特征和功能,论述了傣语四音格的语言性质,探索了傣语四音格与傣族文化的关系。


1.The Dai Ethnic People s Cultural Environment and the Regional Eco-culture;论傣族文化生态与生态文化的区域性

2.The relation of four syllable expressions and Dai culture is the concrete application and development of the theories of cultural linguistics.傣语四音格与傣族文化的关系则是对文化语言学理论的具体应用和发展。

3.A Probe into the Origin of Thai-Dai People and Formation of Thai-Dai Ethnic Cultural Circle;傣泰民族起源与傣泰民族文化圈的形成新探

4.Evolution of Social Form and Culture Propagate of Dais Buddhism社会形态演化与傣族佛教文化传承

5.The Dai s Traditional Culture and the "Modernity" of their Reproduction--A Case Study of the Dai People in Xishuangbanna;傣族传统文化与生育行为现代化——以西双版纳傣族为例

6.Changes of Dai People’s Traditional Architecture Culture and the Countermeasures, Take the Tuzhangfang of Xin Ping County in Yunnan as an Example;变迁中的傣族传统建筑文化及应对措施——以新平傣族土掌房为例

7.The Marriage Custom of the Dai Nationality in Dehong and its Relation with its Society and Culture德宏傣族婚姻习俗与社会文化的关系

8.A study on the characters of Dai culture on diets in Dehong;浅议云南省德宏州傣族饮食文化特征

9.Diversified Complex of Ethnic and Cultural Features and Formation of Thai-Dai Ethnic Groups;傣泰民族多元复合的民族文化特征与民族形成

10.Ethnic Identity and Cultural Change of Achang Ethnic Group between Han and Dai in Southwestern Yunnan of China汉傣之间:阿昌族的民族认同与文化变迁

11.Ethnic Representation and Cultural Practice in China:A Case Study of the Dai People"s Peacock Dance民族表象与文化实践:以云南傣族孔雀舞为例

12.Pattra-leaf culture refers to the traditional culture of the Dai nationality with Pattra-leaf scriptures as the core.贝叶文化是指以贝叶经为核心的傣族传统文化。

13.A Correct Response of Dai Traditional Culture to the Economic Integration of China and ASEAN;傣族传统文化与中国-东盟经济一体化的回应

14.The protection of Dai ganlan style architecture is the need of carrying forward the minority culture and developing tourism industry of minority regions.傣族干栏式建筑的保护对弘扬傣民族文化、发展民族地区旅游业有着非常重要的意义。

15.Research on the Planning of Folk Custom Ecotourism of Dai Race in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族民俗文化生态旅游规划研究

16.Palm Leaves Buddhism Sutra Culture of Xishuangbanna Dai and plant diversity conservation西双版纳傣族贝叶文化与植物多样性保护

17.The Cultural Origin of the Construction of Traditional Dai Bamboo Buildings in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族传统聚落规划思想的文化渊源

18.Construction of the Multicultural Curriculum in the Basic Education of Daizu Areas;傣族地区基础教育多元文化课程的建构


Dai culture傣族文化

1.In the contemporary changes,“material objects,behavior,and concepts” as three levels in theDai culture are linked to ethnic tendency,modernization and tradition.傣族文化系统的实物、行为、观念三大层面 ,在当代变迁中 ,现代化与民族化、现代性与传统性胶着在一起 ,表现出兼容并蓄的走向。

2.It applies theories and methods of structural linguistics, cultural linguistics and chaos theory to analyse systematically the characteristics and functions of four syllable expressions in Dai language, to discuss the linguistic quality of four syllable expressions in Dai language and to explore the relation between four syllable expressions in Dai language andDai culture.本文主要以西双版纳傣语四音格为语言材料,运用结构语言学,文化语言学以及浑沌学等理论和方法,系统地分析了傣语四音格的特征和功能,论述了傣语四音格的语言性质,探索了傣语四音格与傣族文化的关系。

3)Thai-Dai Ethnic Cultural Circle傣泰民族文化圈

1.A Probe into the Origin of Thai-Dai People and Formation ofThai-Dai Ethnic Cultural Circle;傣泰民族起源与傣泰民族文化圈的形成新探

4)Dai culture items傣族文化事项

5)the ethnic culture of Colorful-waistband Daizu People花腰傣民族文化

6)On Dai Medicine and Culture傣族医药与文化


傣族佛教中国云南省傣族信仰的"南传上座部佛教"。亦称"小乘佛教"。信仰此教的还有布朗族、德昂族、部分阿昌族、佤族和少数彝族。公元1~2世纪之间,印度佛教中分裂出主张"普渡众生"的大乘教派,将原来只求自我解脱的原始佛教和部派佛教称为小乘。小乘佛教后来传至斯里兰卡,继而传到中南半岛和中国云南省。关于此教最初传入傣族地区的时间,看法不一,主要有"盛唐时期"和"明初"两种说法。傣族佛教奉释迦牟尼为教主,继承上座部关于人空法有的理论,以在现世证得阿罗汉作为最高目标,提倡信徒出家过禁欲生活,脱离烦恼业报的束缚,导致自我解脱,达到涅槃。为此,要求对佛与僧进行奉献和布施。傣族佛教分为几个宗派。在西双版纳的属润派,其内部又分为摆坝(山野派)和摆孙(田园派)两支派。在德宏和临沧一带的分为摆庄、多列和左抵等派。各派之间的区别主要表现在戒律方面。摆孙、摆庄戒律较宽,寺院建于村内热闹地带,僧侣和信徒人数较多;摆庄派的一般僧侣可食肉、吸烟,乘车骑马,自由出入民家。摆坝、左抵、多列戒律严格,僧侣衣食简朴清苦。摆坝派僧侣原来隐居山林,终生独处。左抵派僧侣皆集中一处,由大佛爷率领过着集体而定期流动的生活。左抵、多列两派由于禁止杀牲食肉,信徒皆不饲养猪、鸡。各派佛教的僧侣皆划分为几个僧阶。西双版纳佛教僧阶有九级之多,其他各派也各有数个僧阶。过去傣族的文化教育由寺院垄断,男子只有入寺为僧,才有可能通过宗教教育掌握一定的文化知识。西双版纳傣族男子从七、八岁起一般都要过一段脱离家庭的寺院生活,成年后多数还俗为民,成家立业,少数留寺深造,按僧阶继续晋升,成为终身僧侣。按照小乘教义,有二法不可违,一为佛法,一为王法,故历史上傣族佛教与傣族封建统治者关系密切。据傣文《泐史》记载,西双版纳第一代首领叭真入主该地时,已有"至尊佛主"之称。统治阶级借宗教势力巩固其统治,推行其政策法令,他们多在宗教节日决定重要政治措施或任免下属官员,高级僧侣晋升时要接受土司的赐封或得到认可,佛教寺院则授予封建统治者以高级僧阶的尊称。由于这种关系,使傣族佛教的传播具有两个特点:一是自上而下传播,得到统治势力的大力扶持;二是在其传播地区具有全民性, 对人民的政治、 经济、文化产生过深刻、巨大的影响。由于小乘佛教适合傣族农村自然经济的特点,过去一切宗教活动都具有村落共同体的性质。每个村寨都有寺院,僧侣的物质生活由本村群众供养,寺院还通过斋期和宗教节日,接受世俗信徒的布施。宗教活动颇为频繁,泼水节期间,要进行浴佛、堆沙、听佛爷讲经等奉佛活动;在傣历九月十五关门节至十二月十五开门节的3 个月净居期内,要举行多次佛会;此外几乎每月还有种种祭佛参僧活动。 傣族佛教保存的经典甚为丰富,所译三藏佛典包括经、律、论中相当多的经典,还有不少藏外典籍。这些经典中有一部分是用傣文字母音译的巴利语写本,保存了小乘佛典比较早期的面貌,还有一部分是傣族僧人根据佛教教义加以阐发的著作,其中记录了许多傣族地区的历史、地理、语言、文学材料。西双版纳及孟连、耿马等地的经典大多刻写在贝叶上,称为"贝叶经",其他地区多写在当地制作的构皮棉纸上。

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