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循环作业 cycle operation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-27 13:04:31


循环作业 cycle operation英语短句 例句大全

循环作业,cycle operation

1)cycle operation循环作业

1.The regularcycle operation is strengthened.义马煤业集团千秋煤矿新回风立井施工中,采用先进的施工设备和工艺,加强正规循环作业,提高井筒的掘进速度,取得了2个月都超百米的好成绩。


1.three-shift cyclic mining三班循环作业采矿法

2.state of cyclic operation循环操作状态, 循环工况

3.Discussion on the Function of Circular Economy in Industrial District Planning;论循环经济在工业园区规划中的作用

4.The role and function of the enterprises play in the circulation economy;企业在发展循环经济中的地位和作用

5.The Important Role of Key Enterprises in the Development of Circulative Economy in the Upper Reaches of Zhujiang River骨干企业在发展珠江上游循环经济中的作用

6.The scoop-up was the key phase during a scooping cycle.3个区间中,铲取区间是整个作业循环的关键。

7.To Make Government into Function in Circular Economy of Agriculture;发挥政府在农业循环经济发展中的作用

8.Discussion on Function and Countermeasure of Agricultural Mechanization Technology in Developing circular Agriculture;论农机化技术在循环农业发展中作用与对策

9.On the Importance of Agriculture in Recycling Economy and Building a Harmonious Society;论农业在循环经济和谐社会建设中的作用

10.Function of Forestry on Implement Circular Economy Development Strategy;林业在实施循环经济发展战略中的作用

11.Analysis of the Action of Biomass Utilization in Circular Agricultural Economy;生物质能利用在循环农业中的作用分析

12.To establish virtuous circle mechanism of“three bases”work of oil field enterprise;建立油田企业“三基”工作的良性循环机制

13.Role of Material Industry in the Cycle Economics andthe Strategy of Sustainable Development;材料工业在循环经济与可持续发展中的作用

14.A Research on Interrelations of Industrial Cluster and Circular Economy产业集聚与循环经济相互作用机理研究

15.On Development of Agricultural Recycling Economy and Optimization of Modern Farming System试论发展农业循环经济与优化现代农作制度

16.The key factors to promote the recycling economy --materials circulation industry and environmental protection service industry;物流业与环保信息服务业在推行循环经济中的作用及实现途径

17.The effect ofoptimized combination of aluminum industry production upon environment and recycled economic character;铝工业生产优化组合对保护环境及循环经济的作用

18.Revolving Fund for Staff Housing工作人员住房循环基金


big cirle job大循环作业

3)working cycle bulk作业循环体

4)cycle operation style作业循环方式

1.On the basis of cycle operation time on the comprehensive work face,the paper compares the applied ranges of the differentcycle operation style,educes the calculation formula of the daily output on the comprehensive work face and lists the calculation results of daily output under the normal condition.在计算综采工作面作业循环时间的基础上,比较了不同作业循环方式的适用范围,导出了计算综采工作面日产量的公式,列表给出了常规条件下的日产量计算结果。

5)cycle operation time作业循环时间

1.On the basis ofcycle operation time on the comprehensive work face,the paper compares the applied ranges of the different cycle operation style,educes the calculation formula of the daily output on the comprehensive work face and lists the calculation results of daily output under the normal condition.在计算综采工作面作业循环时间的基础上,比较了不同作业循环方式的适用范围,导出了计算综采工作面日产量的公式,列表给出了常规条件下的日产量计算结果。

6)operating cycle time作业循环周期

1.When the probablity for picking goods is equal,this research aims at deducing itsoperating cycle time and efficiency formula respectively in single and compound operations,then verifying the formula through empirical calculation on the basic data of The Integrated Storage Laboratory of SCUT,hence providing a basis for the system construction of automatic stereo warehouse .在假定等概率拣取货物的条件下,分别推求转弯型堆垛机的平均单一作业和复合作业循环周期和作业效率的计算公式,并利用华南理工大学仓储综合实验室的基本数据进行了作业效率的实证计算,从而为自动化立体仓库系统的建设设计和有效管理提供依据。


兵棋作业(见想定作业)兵棋作业(见想定作业)war gaming exercisebingqi zuoye兵棋作业(war ga而ng exercise)见想定作业。

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