失眠网 > 地道的美语表达


时间:2023-12-31 07:04:56



1. My stomach is growing.我肚子开始咕咕叫了.

2. what’s that odor?那是什么味道?

3. this mas me sick.这东西让我觉得恶心.

4. I eat like a bird .我吃的很少.

5. I’ve decided to go on stricter diet.我决定严格控制饮食.

6. you have a fat chance.你机会不大.

7. excuse me,but nature calls.不好意思,我去一下洗手间.

8. number one or number two? 小的还是大的

9. get some Z’s 睡一会儿吧

10. he went our like a light.他一下子就睡着了.

11. I can’t carry a tune.我五音不全.

12. I’m feeling jet lag.时差让我觉得不舒服.

13. I’m a little bit tipsy.我有点醉了.

14. are you expecting?你怀孕了吗?

15. she is on maternity leave.她正在修产假.

16. she has gone into labor. 她开始阵痛了.

17. she doesn’t nurse very well. 她不爱吃奶..

18. you don’t look it. 你看起来不像啊

19. he look so well.你气色真好.

20. do you work out?你运动吗?

21. he is a has-been.他过时了.

22. in the pink.身体很好

23. would you like a generic brand?你要普通的药吗?

24. it’s tough to kick a habit.要改掉坏习惯很难.

25. do you have a prescription?你带处方了吗?

26. I am under the weather.我身体不舒服.

27. my back went out我的腰扭伤了.

28. I think I’ll call in sick today.我今天想请病假.

29. I am afraid I have a cavity in one of my molars.我有颗臼齿可能被虫子蛀了.

30. he turned white with fear.他吓得脸色发白.

31. she had a face-lift她做了面部拉皮.

32. it gives me the creeps我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩.

33. get some fresh air outside户外去透透气.

34. I’m all thumbs today.我今天笨手笨脚的.

35. you must hace a green thumb.你定是个园艺高手.

36. is this seat taken?这个位子有人吗?

37. I’m expecting company.我在等同伴.

38. what’s the good here?这里有特色菜吗?

39. this will meet your appetite.这会增加你的食欲.

40. may I take your oder?可以点菜了吗?

41. what is your favourite dish?你最喜欢什么菜?

42. I want to have an American breakfast.我要美式早餐.

43. I’m stuffed.我吃饱了.

44. I’m fussy about foods.我很挑食.

45. how would you like your steak?你的牛排要几分熟?

46. would you like it with the works?所有的配料你都要加吗?

47. what flavor would you like?white or wheat?你想要什么口味的 ? 白面包还是全麦面包?

48. let’s go to a potluck dinner.我们来聚餐吧.

49. care for seconds?再吃一点吧?

50. this is on the house这是免费招待的.

51. give me a refill.please请再帮我倒一杯.

52. how do you like your coffee?你想喝什么样的咖啡?

53. drink your coffee before ir gets cold.在没有凉之前把咖啡喝了吧.

54. burping in public is bad manners.大庭广众之下打嗝是不礼貌的.

55. you had one too many.你喝醉了.

56. can I have a doggy bag?我可以打包吗?

57. I can’t stand that smell.我受不了那个味道.

58. fish and guests begin to smelly after three days.鲜鱼和客人过了三天就发出臭味.

59. It disagrees with me .它不适合我的口味.

60. where can I wash my hands?洗手间在哪里?

61. where is the join?洗手间在那里?

62. get some shut-eye.打瞌睡

63. I haven’t slept a wink last night.昨晚我没合眼.

64. hit the sack.就寝

65. I don’t have a very good ear for music.我五音不全./我不太擅长音乐.

66. for a song 很便宜 I bought this car for a song.我买这辆车很便宜.

67. motion sickness 头晕 carsickness 晕车

seacickness 晕船 airsickness 晕机

68. I am already beginning to feel these drinks. 我只喝了这么一点就醉了.

69. I get a buzz.酒量小

70. see double 喝醉了 are you going to see double?你是不是喝醉了?

71. see things 眼前出现幻影 am I seeing things? 我看到的是真的吗?

72. you look it 看起来挺像.

73. you seem to be sharp as a tack.你看起来还很硬朗.

74. you seem to be fir as a fiddle.你看起来还很硬朗.

75. beyond recognition 无法辨认,认不出来

76. you look like a million bucks.你看来精力充沛.

77. you have’t change a bit你一点没变.

78. you sure have changed beyond recognition.你变得都认不出来了.

79. heavy smoker or chain smoker 老烟

80. heavy drinker 酒鬼

81. on the wagon 决定戒酒一段时间 he is on the wagon for ten years.他已经十年不喝酒了.

82. I’m seeing red.我可要发火了.

83. I threw my back out.我扭到腰了.

84. I pulled my muscle.我肌肉拉伤了.

85. I have a tight muscle around my neck.我落枕了.

86. I have a cramp in my foot.脚抽筋了

87. my leg is sleeping .脚麻了.

88. our of sorts身体不舒服

89. could I have a sick leave for a week? 我能不能请一个星期的病假?

90. black and blue 鼻青脸肿

91. gray hair /white hair 白头发

92. give a person goose bumps 由于害怕或者寒冷令人毛骨悚然

93. she is all ears 她耳朵特大 或者 她正洗耳恭听.

94. is it occupied 这个位子有人吗?

95. is she available?那个女孩有主了吗?

96. it won’t spoil your dinner.那不会影响到你的胃口.

97. I am full. / I had my fill.我饱了.

98. eat your fill / have your fill.要吃饱啊

99. it makes my mouth water.看到好吃的流口水.

100. what kind of dressing would you like ?你想穿什么样子的衣服?

101. popcorn爆米花

102. meat and potatoes 有时指事情最基本的部分

103. give us all refill .it is on me.再给我们倒满,我请客.

104. turn a cold shoulder to对……冷淡

105. it is a long story.一言难尽.

106. more taste,less speed.欲速则不达.

