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全球最提神咖啡 一杯可致数晚失眠

时间:2019-03-20 13:55:25


全球最提神咖啡 一杯可致数晚失眠

An online coffee firm have invented what they claim is the world"s strongest coffee - which contains 200 per cent more caffeine and comes with its own health warning.一家网上咖啡店发明了一种自称为“全球最提神”的咖啡。这种咖啡里的咖啡因含量比普通咖啡高出200%,出售时甚至贴出“有害身体健康”的警告。

Mike Brown"s intense caffeinated dark roast drink, named "Death Wish Coffee", is blended from the strongest beans in the world and contains double the amount of caffeine of the average Starbucks coffee.发明了这种含有大量咖啡因的香浓烘焙饮品的人叫迈克-布朗,他还将其命名为“死亡之愿”。这种咖啡由世界上味道最重的咖啡豆混合制成,所含咖啡因含量是普通星巴克咖啡的两倍之多。

His Death Wish Coffee beans are ground very fine for extra potency - and Mike even says the extreme brew is his most popular blend.经过精细研磨之后的“死亡之愿”咖啡豆具有惊人的提神效力,迈克甚至说这种极端咖啡是他所制咖啡中最受欢迎的一款。

The rather threatening packaging on "Death Wish Coffee" comes with a skull and crossbones, while a label warns that "sleepless nights will result".“死亡之愿”的包装袋有些恐怖,上面印有骷髅和交叉放置的骨头,商标上还警告说:“小心连夜失眠”。

Death Wish Coffee is made from Robusta beans which contain "nearly double the amount of caffeine" than the Arabica beans used by high-end roasters, according to experts.据专家说,“死亡之愿”咖啡是由罗布斯塔咖啡豆制成的。同使用高端烘焙器处理的阿拉比卡咖啡豆相比,这种咖啡豆的咖啡因含量还要多两倍。

A single 12-ounce cup of coffee at Starbucks contains approximately 260 milligrams of caffeine according to EnergyFiend, a caffeine database. The same cup from Death Wish Coffee contains 520 milligrams, double the amount.咖啡因数据库EnergyFiend显示,星巴克里一杯12盎司的咖啡大约含有260毫克咖啡因。但同样一杯“死亡之愿”却含有咖啡因520毫克,是普通咖啡的两倍。

Mike added: "Usually the lighter the roast, the more the caffeine. But most coffee drinkers prefer a darker roast.迈克还说:“通常烘焙程度越浅,所含咖啡因含量越高。但大多数顾客都喜欢浓稠色重的深度烘焙咖啡。”

"This is medium-roast so it has more flavor than other highly-caffeinated blends. We sell 13 different blends of coffee, and Death Wish is our most popular one."“和其他含有大量咖啡因的同类型咖啡相比,这种中度烘焙的咖啡口味更丰厚。我们店里出售13种不同的咖啡,而‘死亡之愿’是最受欢迎的。”

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