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常见医学术语缩写 值得收藏

时间:2019-04-09 10:10:41


常见医学术语缩写 值得收藏

Abbreviations, acronyms(首字母缩写), and medical terminology are used for many conditions, and for instructions on medication prescribed by your doctor. This is a short list of common abbreviations you may have seen on a doctor"s notepad; a prescription drug package or bottle; lab or other test results; or in your doctor"s notes.





aaOf each, equal partsABRAbsolute bed restAbd.AbdomenacBefore mealsADAdmitting diagnosisA&DAdmission and dischargeAd libAs desired, if the patient so desiredADLActivities of daily livingAdm.AdmissionAd. Spec.AdmissionurinespecimenA.M. or a.m., AM or amMorningambAmbulation, walking, ambulatory,able to walkamt.AmountAP or A.P.AppendectomyaquaWater or H2O@AtApprox.ApproximatelyB&B or b&bBowel andbladdertrainingbid or B.I.D. or b.i.d.Twice a dayb.m. or B.M.Bowel movement,fecesB.P. or BPBloodpressureBR or br or B.R. or b.r.BedrestBRP or B.R.P. or brpBathroom priviledgesBSC or bscBedside commode°CCelsius degree (or centigrade)cWithCaCancerCath.CatheterCBC or C.plete blood countcc or ubic centimeterCCU or C.C.UCardiac care unit/ coronary care unitCBR or C.B.R. or cbrComplete bed restC/O or c/oComplaint ofCO2Carbon dioxideCS or C.S. or c.sCentral supplyCSD or csd or C.S.DCentral service departmentCSR or csr and C.S.RCentral supply roomCVA or C.V.ACerebrovascular accidentorstrokeCPR or C.P.RCardiopulmonary resuscitationdc or d/cDiscontinuedel. M. Or d.r., or DRDeliveryroomDisch or dish or D/CDischargeD. % C. or D&CDilatation and curettage 刮宫术drsg.DressingDOA or D.O.ADead on arrivalDr. or DrDoctorDXDiagnosisECG or EKGElectrocardiogramED or E.D.Emergency departmentEEG or E.E.G.ElectroencephalogramEENT or E.E.N.T.Eye, ears, nose and throatE. or EEnemaER or E.R.Emergency room°FFahrenheit degreeF. or Fe. or F or FeFemaleFBS or F.B.SFasting blood sugarFF or F.F.Forced feeding or forced fluidsftFootFxFractureFx urineFractional urinegalGallonGI or G.I.GastrointestinalgtOne dropgttTwo or more dropsGtt or G.T.T.Glucosetolerance testGU or G.UGenitourinary 泌尿生殖系统Gyn. or G.Y.N.Gynecology 妇科学H2OWater or aquaHOBHead of bedhrHourHS or hsBedtime or hour ofsleephtHeighthyperAbove or highhypoBelow or lowH.W.B. or hwb or HWBHot waterbottleICU or I.C.U.Intensive care unitI&O or I.&O.Intake and outputIrrIrregularIsol. Or isolIsolationIV or I.V.IntravenousLLiterLab. or labLaboratorylbPoundLVN or L.V.NLicensed vocational nurseMMaleMatMaternityMD or M.D.Medical doctorMeasMeasuremecMeconiummedMedicineminMinutemlMilliliterMn or mn or M/nMidnightN.A. or N/ANursing aide or nursing assistantn/g tube or ng. tube or N.G.T.Nasogastric tubenoctAt nightNPNeuropsychiatric or nursing procedureNPO or N.P.ONothing bymouthnsyNurseryO2OxygenOB or O.B.ObstetricsObt or obt.ObtainedOJ or O.J.Orange juiceOrb.OrderlyOOB or O.O.B.Out of bedOPD or O.P.D.Outpatient departmentOR or O.R.Operating roomOrthoOrthopedics(整形外科)OT or O.TOccupational therapy or oral temperatureoz.OuncePAR or P.A.R.Postanesthesia room(麻醉后复苏室)PcAfter mealsPed or PedsPediatricsPerby, throughp.m. or P.M., pm or PMAfternoonPMC or P.M.CPostmortem carePN or P.N.PneumoniapoBy mouthpost or pafterpostop or post opPostoperativepost op specAftersurgeryurine specimenPPPostpartum(after delivery)PPBSPostprandial blood sugarpreBeforeprn or p.r.n.Whenever necessary, when requiredpreop or pre opBefore surgerypre op specUrine specimen before surgeryprepPrepare the patient for surgery by shaving the skin.Pt or ptPatient; pintPT or P.T.Physical therapyqEveryqdEvery dayqhEvery hourq2hEvery 2 hoursq3hEvery 3 hoursq4hEvery 4 hoursQHS or qhsEvery night at bed time/ hour ofsleepqid or Q.I.D.Four times a dayqam or q am or q.a.m.Every morningqod or Q.O.DEvery other dayqsQuantity sufficient, as much as requiredqtquartr or Rrectal or RectalRm or rmRoomRN or R.N.Registered nurseRom or R.O.M.Range of motionRR or R Rm.Recovery roomRxPrescription or treatment ordered by a physicians or ?WithoutS&ASugar and acetone(丙酮)S&A test or S.& A. testSugar and acetone testS&K or S.& K. testSugar and ketone testSOBShortness of breathsosWhenever emergency arises; only if necessarySPDSpecial purchasing departmentSpec or spec.Specimenss or ??One-halfSSE or S.S.E.Soapsuds enema(肥皂水灌肠)StAt once, immediatelySTDSexually transmitted disease(性病)SurgSurgerytid or T.I.D.Three times a dayTLC or tlcTender loving care(安乐护理)TPRTemperature, pulse, respirationTWETap water enemaU/a or U/A or u/aUrinalysisUng.Ointment, unguentine(药膏、软膏)VDRLTest for syphilisV.S or VSVital signsWBC or W.B.C.White blood countw/cWheel chairwc or W.C.Ward clerkwtWeight参考资料:/medical-terminologies-abbreviations-listcheat-sheet/更多阅读常见护理术语英文缩写,一起来挑战护理英语常用词汇Ⅰ——常用护理技术用语用药英语,你想知道的在这里

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