失眠网 > 精湛有深意的句子 句句碰触心灵 精辟有哲理

精湛有深意的句子 句句碰触心灵 精辟有哲理

时间:2022-04-09 10:22:31


精湛有深意的句子 句句碰触心灵 精辟有哲理


Some words are destined to rot in the heart. Some wounds are meantto be hard to heal. Some things are meant to be indelible. Somepeople are meant to be irreplaceable.


In a life, who comes into your life is determined by fate, but whostays in your life is determined by you. Some people are destined tostay with them forever; Some people are destined to become traces...This trace is also divided into depth, deep life will not forget,shallow... Just passers-by.


If you believe in fate, all accidents are preordained. If youdon believe in fate, all fate is accidental.


Some encounters are destined to leave; Some reservations are meantto be avoided; Some choices are destined to be against the heart.


If you e meant to be a passer-by, why bother with a lamp?


Time is too thin, fingers are too wide. Inadvertently, the storyhas been told, some people are doomed to dissipate in the wind andmoon, some fate is doomed to fall in the water. Once suffered injuryis very ordinary, once loved people have become a chapter.


Time is invincible. No matter how hard you try to remember yourheart, you are looking back at the dust and smoke in front of time.Besides, you are just a wound doomed to silence in my white youth.


Not binding, not pestering, not possessing, not longing to findmeaning in each other, that is doomed to failure.


If you e not the lead, you e bound to lose. It wasn yours. Itwas meant to be. Fate, can escape, can change, let it be.


Dandelions are destined to fly away, just as some people aredestined to drift away from their own sight through life.


Some things are doomed to powerless, some people are doomed tolove, some love is doomed, have no choice.

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