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阅读下面短文 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A B C和D)中 选出可以填入空白处的最

时间:2020-05-03 00:45:25


阅读下面短文 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A B C和D)中 选出可以填入空白处的最



Many years ago, Dad worked as a farmhand (农场工人). At that time, he had a horse. Every Saturday he __31to the town after dinner and spent a few hours on social 32with other farmhands, such as drinking, chatting, and playing cards in the café. On Saturday evenings, the café was 33because many farmhands were there. Before midnight Dad returned home on his horse, quite satisfied with his 34. In his words, he 35thought of changing his job.

At the age of 31, Dad married my mother who was a schoolteacher. In the following spring I came 36into the world. Life became hard, so my mother felt 37 . She told Dad that they must make a 38 .

My mother had 39of how some famous persons, especially Thomas Edison who was born in a poor family, fought against fate and achieved greatness and 40 . And she 41that I would some day become a great leader 42men or cities and Dad should be a successful businessman. So she 43Dad to give up his job as a farmhand, sell his horse and 44a small business of his own. And I went to high school and college. She even sent me abroad for 45education when I graduated from college. Under the drive of my mother’s hope, Dad and I 46what we have today. Dad runs a big international 47and I am a successful lawyer 48great fame in my country, 49not a leader as my mother expected.

Dad said, without my mother, we wouldn’t be what we are today; at least, he would remain a farmhand. 50he got a lesson of life —sometimes we really need drive from outside.

【小题1】A.rodeB.walkedC.ranD.drove【小题2】A.conversationsB.gamesC.relationshipsD.activities【小题3】A.cold B.crowdedC.quietD.dirty【小题4】A.horse B.entertainmentC.lifeD.beer【小题5】A.often B.everC.never D.sometimes【小题6】A.laughingB.singingC.sleepingD.crying【小题7】A.unimportant B.busyC.unsatisfied D.tired【小题8】A.living B.changeC.decisionD.house【小题9】A.dreamedB.heardC.thoughtD.spoken【小题10】A.honestyB.moneyC.fameD.energy【小题11】A.caredB.knewC.forgotD.hoped【小题12】A.trainingB.ruling C.helping D.protecting【小题13】A.warnedB.wantedC.allowedD.persuaded【小题14】A.start B.findC.design D.sell【小题15】A.farther B.higherC.easierD.closer【小题16】A.showed B.keptC.lostD.achieved【小题17】A.company B.schoolC.farmD.café【小题18】A.sufferingB.sharingC.enjoying D.following【小题19】A.thoughB.ifC.andD.since【小题20】A.SoB.HoweverC.Or D.BecauseA




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