失眠网 > 填空【小题1】Paris is the capital and largest city of France situated (坐落在)on the River Seine.【小

填空【小题1】Paris is the capital and largest city of France situated (坐落在)on the River Seine.【小

时间:2021-03-27 01:12:11


填空【小题1】Paris is the capital and largest city of France situated (坐落在)on the River Seine.【小



【小题1】Paris is the capital and largest city of France,situated (坐落在)on the River Seine.

【小题2】Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the mostdamage(损失).

【小题3】FFortunately(幸运地), we put all the fires out quite quickly.

【小题4】Confucius is the philosopher whoseinfluence(影响) is the greatest.

【小题5】Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were verysimilar (类似;相似) to those of Confucius.

【小题6】Our teacher often stresses theimportance (重要性) of studying English.

【小题7】You areabsolutely(绝对地;完全地) right.

【小题8】The earthquake in 1956 aaffected(影响) eight provinces.

【小题9】Theprevious(以前的) owner of the flat is an old man.

【小题10】Many people were madehomeless(无家可归的) after the earthquake.

【小题11】The flood hit the city yesterday , causing(造成) three deaths.

【小题12】We must protectenvironment(环境).

【小题13】Weexperienced (经历) a lot of difficulty in selling our house the other day.


【小题15】This river is one of the most pfurniture (受到污染的) areas in that region.



【小题1】考查非谓语动词。Paris和situate之间是动宾关系,故用被动,相当于which is situated。故填situated。

【小题2】考查固定搭配。do damage to sth给......造成损失。故填damage。



【小题5】考查固定搭配。be similar to与......相似。故填similar。

【小题6】考查词性转换。important的名词是importance,the importance of...“......的重要性”。故填importance。


【小题8】考查时态。根据in 1956可知,用过去时。故填affected。


【小题10】考查形容词作宾补。Make sb+do/形容词/过去分词作宾补,homeless无家可归的,故填homeless。


【小题12】考查名词。protect environment保护环境,故填environment。

【小题13】考查时态。the other day有一天,与过去时连用。故填experienced。


【小题15】考查固定句型。one of the+最高级+名词复数,最......之一。故填polluted。

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