失眠网 > 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳选项。My father

阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳选项。My father

时间:2022-02-11 06:37:31


阅读下面短文 掌握其大意  然后从各题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳选项。My father


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at . As for me, I both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.

The last time Dad and I set sail together is really. It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the lake. Dad hadn’t sailed for years, but everything well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.

When we were in the middle of the lake, awind came all of a sudden. The boat was hit . Dad was always at his best in any , but at this moment he .

“John!!” he shouted in a trembling voice, with the tiller still in his hands.

In my memory he could fix any. He was the one I always for strength and security. Before I could respond, aof water got into the boat. I rushed to the tillerit was too late. Another huge wall of waterthe boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely of him.

I swam to Dadand assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was a little awkward about his flash of . “It’s all right, Dad. We are safe now,” I comforted him.

That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. More importantly, I found it was my turn to start for my father.

【小题1】A.boatingB.runningC.swimmingD.teaching【小题2】A.enjoyedB.desiredC.hatedD.learned【小题3】A.unforgivableB.unforgettableC.cheerfulD.regretful【小题4】A.sentB.orderedC.invitedD.allowed【小题5】A.calmB.icyC.stormyD.thundery【小题6】A.finishedB.wentC.seemedD.sounded【小题7】A.strongB.gentleC.coldD.hot【小题8】A.repeatedlyB.lightlyC.hardlyD.violently【小题9】A.dangerB.placeC.sportD.job【小题10】A.sufferedB.fellC.frozeD.withdrew【小题11】A.lookB.HelpC.RunD.Jump【小题12】A.problemB.relationshipC.machineD.boat【小题13】A.turned toB.lived withC.argued withD.objected to【小题14】A.fountainB.streamC.showerD.wave【小题15】A.if B.forC.afterD.but【小题16】A.got throughB.poured intoC.turned overD.lifted up【小题17】A.ashamedB.protectiveC.tiredD.afraid【小题18】A.hopelesslyB.quicklyC.slowlyD.helplessly【小题19】A.painB.angerC.fearD.shame【小题20】A.making upB.getting readyC.paying offD.looking outC




【小题1】考查动词词义辨析:A. boating划船,B. running跑,C. swimming游泳,D. teaching教,根据第5段I swam to Dad可以确定是C(swimming),父亲精通航海术,却不会游泳。所以选C。

【小题2】考查动词词义辨析:A. enjoyed享受,B. desired渴望,C. hated讨厌,D. learned学会,根据下文,作者陪父亲一同去航海,而且还救了落水的父亲,可知作者在很小的时候就学会了(learned)航海和游泳。选D。

【小题3】考查副词辨析:A. unforgivable 不能原谅的,B. unforgettable难忘的, C. cheerful高兴的,D. regretful后悔的,上次作者跟他父亲一起去航海,但却遇到了意外,作者好不容易才救起了落水的父亲,当然是十分难忘(unforgettable)。选B。

【小题4】考查动词词义辨析:A. sent送,派遣,B. ordered 预定,命令,C. invited 邀请,D. allowed允许,下文叙述了作者跟其父亲一起去航海的经历。根据Dad hadn’t sailed for years,可知作者在大学毕业回家后,邀请(invited)父亲一同前往,去航海。选C。

【小题5】考查副词辨析:A. calm冷静的,平静的,B. icy 冰冷刺骨的,C. stormy 有风暴的,D. thundery有雷的,根据下文When we were in the middle of the lake, a 42 wind came all of a sudden.可知,作者他们到了湖心,突然起风。自然出发的时候应该是风平浪静(calm),也才能够去航海。选A。

【小题6】考查动词词义辨析:A. finished完成,B. went去,C. seemed 似乎,D. sounded听起来,尽管父亲多年没有航海,但在父亲的掌控中,一切都进展顺利(go well)。选B。

【小题7】考查副词辨析:A. strong强大的,B. gentle 温柔的,C. cold冷的,D. hot热的,根据下文,他们的船随风颠簸,到处乱撞(violently),而且父亲还被卷落水中,可知一定是狂风大作(strong)。选A。

【小题8】考查副词词义辨析:A. repeatedly 重复地,B. lightly轻地,C. hardly几乎不,D. violently暴力地,根据上文狂风大作,可知他们的船随风颠簸,到处乱撞(violently),选D。

【小题9】考查名词辨析:A. danger 危险,B. place地方,C. sport运动,D. job工作,想想当时,肯定他们是遇险了,在作者记忆中,父亲应该是能处理好一切的险情(danger),但这一次,却害怕了。选A。

【小题10】考查动词词义辨析:A. suffered 遭受,B. fell跌倒,C. froze冷冻,呆住了,D. withdrew取款,脱离,根据he shouted in a trembling voice,可知父亲是害怕了,手也不听使唤了,颤抖的声音在那向作者求救。但是此时此刻,作者的爸爸“吓呆”了,不知如何是好。此处freeze表示“惊呆;吓呆”。选C。

【小题11】考查动词词义辨析:A. look看B. Help帮助,C. Run跑,D. Jump跳,根据本句中的“he shouted in a trembling voice”可知作者的爸爸很害怕,大喊“救命”。选B。

【小题12】考查名词辨析:A. problem问题, B. relationship关系,C. machine 机器,D. boat船,在作者的记忆中,爸爸可以解决任何“问题”。fix表示“解决(问题)”。选A。

【小题13】考查词组辨析:A. turned to求助于,B. lived with和…生活,C. argued with和…争论,D. objected to反对,因为作者相信爸爸能够解决任何问题,所以总是向他寻求力量和庇护。 tum to表示“求教于;求助于”。后三项分别表示“与……生活在一起;忍受”“与……争论””反对”,都不符合语境。选A。

【小题14】考查名词辨析:A. fountain喷泉,B. stream溪流, C. shower淋浴;阵雨,D. wave浪,作者还没有来得及回答,一个水“浪”就打到了小船上。前三项均与语境不符。选D。

【小题15】考查连词辨析:A. if如果,B. for 为了,C. after在…后面,D. but但是,根据下文中的“We were thrown into the water…”可知尽管作者冲向舵柄,”但是“已经太迟了。选D。

【小题16】考查词组辨析:A. got through耗尽;顺利通过(考试等),B. poured into不断涌向, C. turned over打翻, D. lifted up举起,下一句提到作者和爸爸被抛进了水中,由此可知巨大的水墙“打翻”了小船。选C。

【小题17】考查形容词辨析:A. ashamed羞愧的,B. protective 保护的,C. tired 厌倦的,D. afraid害怕的,上一句提到作者的爸爸在水中漫无目的地挣扎,下文讲到作者如何帮父亲摆脱险境,由此可知作者在那一刻强烈地感觉到要“保护”他。选B。

【小题18】考查副词辨析:A. hopelessly无望地,B. quickly快地,C. slowly 慢地,D. helplessly无助的,作者“快速地”游到爸爸身边,帮他爬上了船壳。选B。

【小题19】考查名词辨析:A. pain疼痛,B. anger愤怒,C. fear 害怕,D. shame羞愧,第四段提到作者的爸爸用颤抖的声音向作者求救,由此可知此时他为自己当时表现出来的“恐惧”感到尴尬。选C。

【小题20】考查词组辨析:A. making up组成,弥补,合好,化妆,B. getting ready准备,C. paying off还清,没有白费, D. looking out当心,留意,更重要的是,作者发现轮到自己去“照看”父亲了。look out for sb.表示“关照”。选D。

阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳选项。My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten and a

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