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太极图遗议 Taiji tu yi yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-03 18:47:22


太极图遗议 Taiji tu yi yi英语短句 例句大全

太极图遗议,Taiji tu yi yi

1)Taiji tu yi yi太极图遗议

1.When discussing about the relation between ZHOU Dun-Yi and Taiji Diagram,we always take MAO Qi-ling\"sTaiji tu yi yi (Lost Meanings of the Taiji Diagram) as strong evidence.毛奇龄的《太极图遗议》,是大家在讨论周敦颐与《太极图》的关系时,经常征引的文献。

2)Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate太极图

1.Relationship Between Tactful Standpoint of Wane and Wax of YinYang inDiagram of the Supreme Ultimate and the Periodic Changes in Endometriosis;太极图圆道观在月经周期子宫内膜变化中的体现

2.Analysis of Aesthetics of S-shapedDiagram of the Supreme Ultimate;试析S形太极图之美学意义


1.A comparison between the "five-element" theory in Taiji Tu and Taiji Tu Shuo;《太极图》与《太极图说》之“五行说”比较研究

2.Probes into the Comparison between Taiji Chart Worked Zhou Dun-yi and Renji Chart Worked Liu Zong-zhou;濂溪《太极图》与蕺山《人极图》比较略论

3.Approaches to the Taiji Life Mechanism and the Criteria of Making the Taiji Drawing;太极生命机理及太极图绘制标准之探源

4.A Comparative Study of Confucianism and Taoism Interpretation on “the Annotations to Taijitu” Written by Zhou Dunyi周敦颐《太极图说》儒道解之比较研究

5.Cao Duan s Confucian Hermeneutics on the Essay of TaiJi Diagram of Zhou Zi;曹端对周子《太极图说》的理学诠释

6.Convergence of the Ancient and the Modernized:the Artistic Charm Therewithal the Tai Chi Graph Transcends Space and Time源古通今——太极图跨越时空的艺术魅力

7.Foundation of the Universe Evolution on the Taiji Figure and the Figure of Nine Squares - Eight Diagrams - Five Elements;太极图的宇宙演化基础和九宫八卦五行图

8.The Application Study of Chinese Traditional Tai Chi Pattern in Graphic Design;中国传统太极图形在平面设计中的应用研究

9.Zhou Dunyi s Explanations of Tai Ji Diagram, the Image - Numbers of the Changes, and the Related Doctrines in the West;周敦颐的《太极图说》、《易》象数及西方有关学说

10.The Meaning Shown by Pictures "in Taiji Diagram and Its Inspiration to Epistemology;太极图的"立象尽意"及其对认识论的启示

11.On the relations between the normal distribution curve and the taiji image and their physical significance;论正态分布曲线与太极图的联系性及物理意义

12.The Evolution and Complementary of the Tai Chi Tu-Ball in the Applied Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine太极图—球的演进与互补在中医学中的应用研究

13.Research of Modern Funiture Design Based on Tai Chi Graphic Symbols基于太极图形符号的现代家具设计的研究

14.Limited Forms and Unlimited Images --Analyzing the Tai Chi Picture From the perspective of modern graph designing;有限形式与无限意象——从现代设计角度谈谈太极图

15.Differences in Eastern and Western Traditional Dancing Poses--Talking from the Comparison Between Taiji Image and Cross;中西方传统舞姿的差异性——从“太极图”与“十字架”的比较谈起

16.“Know and Observe All but Stay Obscure”and the S Curve in the Taiji Diagram;“知白守黑”与太极图S曲线——中国书画的美学思想探微

17.Taiji Graph Reflects the Most Basic Cyclical Motion,the Simple Harmonic Vibration太极图反映了自然界最基本的周期运动——简谐振动

18.The Four--Dimensional Images of Taiji --Grand Unified Cosmos Structure;太极的四维图象——大统一的宇宙结构


Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate太极图

1.Relationship Between Tactful Standpoint of Wane and Wax of YinYang inDiagram of the Supreme Ultimate and the Periodic Changes in Endometriosis;太极图圆道观在月经周期子宫内膜变化中的体现

2.Analysis of Aesthetics of S-shapedDiagram of the Supreme Ultimate;试析S形太极图之美学意义

3)ancient Tai-Ji picture古太极图

4)Taiji figure太极图

1.Objective:To explore the scientific significa nce lies inTaiji figure,and then raise some correlative questions in scientific research.目的:探讨太极图中潜藏的现代科学意义,并提出一些与其相关的科学研究问题。

5)the essay of TaiJi Diagram太极图说

1.Confronted with scholars` different evaluations about the status and the PhilosoPhical imPlication onthe essay of TaiJi Diagram,he made his own view by defending Confucianism.在明代理学史上,曹端以其理学诠释学之入路被称为"明初理学之冠",针对后世学者关于理学开山大儒周敦颐重要哲学著作《太极图说》的学术渊源、地位及其哲学内涵的不同评价,他以维护理学的视野,对这部争论颇多的著作作出了自己独到的见解:周子的《太极图说》是本于儒家文化价值系统的作品,是对其天道性命贯通之学的完美诠释与注脚。

6)Taiji diagram太极图

1.Yuanji diagram is based on the Yin and Yang theory of Taiji, its core is the Huangji formed by the polarization and harmonization of Yin in Yang and Yang in Yin ofTaiji diagram, in this way it solves the problem of "Two bears Three, but what s Three? ", which enbodies the universal law of coming into being-hange-eturn.元极图以太极阴阳学说为基础,其核心是由太极图中“阳中阴、阴中阳”极化合和而成的皇极,由此解决了“二生三、三为何”的问题,突出了天地万物生化返的规律。

2.Therefore, many kinds ofTaiji diagrams appeared.圣人不但对古圣哲不能尽意的哲思"立象以尽意",而且还将自己的见解也附会到已立之象中去,以至出现种类繁多的太极图。

3.When discussing about the relation between ZHOU Dun-Yi and Taiji Diagram,we always take MAO Qi-ling\"s Taiji tu yi yi (Lost Meanings of the Taiji Diagram) as strong evidence.毛奇龄的《太极图遗议》,是大家在讨论周敦颐与《太极图》的关系时,经常征引的文献。



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