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android 揭示动画_如何使用意图揭示函数名称使代码更好

时间:2023-09-10 17:49:24


android 揭示动画_如何使用意图揭示函数名称使代码更好

android 揭示动画

Discover Functional JavaScriptwas named one of thebest new Functional Programming books by BookAuthority!


Code is a way to communicate with developers reading it. Functions with intention-revealing names are easier to read. We read the function name and can understand its purpose. The function name is our tool for expressing intent on a piece of code.

代码是与阅读代码的开发人员进行交流的一种方式。 具有意图揭示名称的功能更易于阅读。 我们阅读了函数名称,并可以理解其用途。 函数名称是我们表达代码意图的工具。

Let’s look at a list of operations done in a functional style with the use of anonymous functions.

让我们看一下使用匿名函数以功能样式完成的操作的列表 。

function getTodos(users){return todos.filter(todo => !pleted && todo.type === "RE").map(todo => ({title : todo.title,userName : users[todo.userId].name})).sort((todo1, todo2) => todo1.userName.localeCompare(todo2.userName));}

Now check the same functionality refactored using functions with intention-revealing names.


function isTopPriority(todo){return !pleted && todo.type === "RE";}function ascByUserName(todo1, todo2){return todo1.userName.localeCompare(todo2.userName);}function getTodos(users){function toViewModel(todo){return {title : todo.title,userName : users[todo.userId].name}}return todos.filter(isTopPriority).map(toViewModel).sort(ascByUserName);}

Function names give clarity to the code. With a good function name, you just have to read the name — you don’t need to analyze its code to understand what it does.

函数名称使代码更清晰。 有了一个好的函数名,您只需要阅读名称即可—您无需分析其代码即可了解其功能。

It’s widely estimated that developers spend 70% of code maintenance time on reading to understand it.


Kyle Simpson in Functional-Light JavaScript

功能轻型JavaScript中的 Kyle Simpson

Discover Functional JavaScriptwas named one of thebest new Functional Programming books by BookAuthority!


For more on applying functional programming techniques in React take a look atFunctional React.

有关在React中应用函数式编程技术的更多信息,请查看Functional React

Learnfunctional React, in a project-based way, withFunctional Architecture with React and Redux.


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翻译自: /news/how-to-make-your-code-better-with-intention-revealing-function-names-6c8b5271693e/

android 揭示动画

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