失眠网 > 【信息技术】【.12】人工耳蜗在噪声环境中更好地识别旋律并改善语音理解的信号处


时间:2023-06-24 02:45:59



本文为美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(作者:KALYAN S. KASTURI)的电子工程硕士论文,共194页。



Cochlear implants are prosthetic devices, consisting of implantedelectrodes and a signal processor and are designed to restore partial hearingto the profoundly deaf community. Since their inception in early 1970s cochlearimplants have gradually gained popularity and consequently considerableresearch has been done to advance and improve the cochlear implant technology.Most of the research conducted so far in the field of cochlear implants hasbeen primarily focused on improving speech perception in quiet. Musicperception and speech perception in noisy listening conditions with cochlearimplants are still highly challenging problems. Many research studies havereported low recognition scores in the task of simple melody recognition. Mostof the cochlear implant devices use envelope cues to provide electricstimulation. Understanding the effect of various factors on melody recognitionin the context of cochlear implants is important to improve the existing codingstrategies. In the present work we investigate the effect of various factorssuch as filter spacing, relative phase, spectral up-shifting, carrier frequencyand phase perturbation on melody recognition in acoustic hearing. The filterspacing currently used in the cochlear implants is larger than the musicalsemitone steps and hence not all musical notes can be resolved. In the currentwork we investigate the use of new filter spacing techniques called the‘Semitone filter spacing techniques’ in which filter bandwidths are varied in correspondenceto the musical semitone steps. Noise reduction methods investigated so far foruse with cochlear implants are mostly pre-processing methods. In these methods,the speech signal is first enhanced using the noise reduction method and theenhanced signal is then processed using the speech processor. A better and moreefficient approach is to integrate the noise reduction mechanism into thecochlear implant signal processing. In this dissertation we investigate the useof two such embedded noise reduction methods namely, the ‘SNR weighting method’and the ‘S-shaped compression’ to improve speech perception in noisy listeningconditions. The SNR weighting noise reduction method is an exponential weightingmethod that uses the instantaneous signal to noise ratio (SNR) estimate toperform noise reduction in each frequency band that corresponds to a particularelectrode in the cochlear implant. The S-shaped compression technique dividesthe compression curve into two regions based on the noise estimate. This methodapplies a different type of compression for the noise portion and the speechportion and hence better suppresses the noise compared to the regular power-lawcompression.

1 引言

2 人工耳蜗简介

3 文献回顾

4 利用人工耳蜗改善旋律识别的策略

5 噪声环境下人工耳蜗实现更优语音感知的策略

6 结论





