失眠网 > 在Python中使用OpenCV将RGB格式的图像转换为HSV格式的图像


时间:2020-05-27 08:36:22



AnHSVis another type of color space in whichH stands for Hue,S stands for SaturationandV stands for Value.


AHuerepresents color. It is an angle from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.

色相代表颜色。 从0度到360度的角度。

Saturation:It indicates the range of grey in the color space. It ranges from 0 to 100%. Sometimes the value is calculated from 0 to 1. When the value is'0,'the color is grey and when the value is'1,'the color is a primary color.

饱和度:它指示颜色空间中的灰色范围。 范围是0到100%。 有时,该值是从0到1计算的。当值为“ 0”时,颜色为灰色;当值为“ 1”时,颜色为原色。

Valueis the brightness of the color and varies with color saturation. It ranges from 0 to 100%. When the value is'0'the color space will be totally black. With the increase in the value, the color space brightness up and shows various colors.

值是颜色的亮度,并随颜色饱和度而变化。 范围是0到100%。 当值为“ 0”时,颜色空间将完全为黑色。 随着该值的增加,色彩空间的亮度会提高并显示各种颜色。

In this program, we will be using three functions of OpenCV-python (cv2) module. let's see their syntax and descriptions first:

在此程序中,我们将使用OpenCV-python(cv2)模块的三个功能。 我们先来看一下它们的语法和说明:

1) imread():

It takes an absolute path/relative path of your image file as an argument and returns its corresponding image matrix.



2) imshow():

It takes window name and image matrix as an argument in order to display an image in a display window with a specified window name.



3) cv2.cvtColor():

It takes image matrix and a flag for changing color-space from one color space to another(in this case we are using BGR2HSVcolor-space conversion) and returns the newly converted image matrix.



Python程序将RGB格式的图像转换为HSV格式的图像 (Python program to convert an RGB format Image in an HSV format Image)

# open-cv library is installed as cv2 in python# import cv2 library into this programimport cv2# read an image using imread() function of cv2# we have to pass only the path of the imageimg = cv2.imread(r'C:/Users/user/Desktop/pic1.jpg')# displaying the image using imshow() function of cv2# In this : 1st argument is name of the frame# 2nd argument is the image matrixcv2.imshow('original image',img)# converting the colourfull image into HSV format image# using cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV argument of# the cvtColor() function of cv2# in this :# ist argument is the image matrix# 2nd argument is the attributeHSV_img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)# displaying the Hsv format imagecv2.imshow('HSV format image',HSV_img)



翻译自: /python/convert-an-rgb-format-image-in-an-hsv-format-image-using-opencv.aspx

