失眠网 > 吴恩达《神经网络和深度学习》第四周编程作业—深度神经网络应用--Cat or Not?

吴恩达《神经网络和深度学习》第四周编程作业—深度神经网络应用--Cat or Not?

时间:2018-08-28 17:40:22


吴恩达《神经网络和深度学习》第四周编程作业—深度神经网络应用--Cat or Not?

吴恩达《神经网络和深度学习》— 深度神经网络应用--Cat or Not?

1 安装包2 数据集3 模型的结构3.1 两层神经网络3.2 L层深度神经网络3.3 通用步骤4 两层神经网络5 L层神经网络6 结果分析7 使用自己的图像进行测试8 完整代码




∙\bullet∙ 建立深度神经网络并将其应用于监督学习


1 安装包


import timeimport numpy as npimport h5pyimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport scipyfrom PIL import Imagefrom scipy import ndimagefrom dnn_app_utils import *from lr_utils import load_dataset

2 数据集

在这里,我们将使用与“用神经网络思想实现Logistic回归”中相同的“cats vs non-cats”数据集。此前建立的模型在对猫和非猫图像进行分类时只有70%的准确率。我们来看看利用深度神经网络模型,分类的准确性能不能得到提高。

【说明】:在文件夹datasets下包含两个数据集:训练集(train_catvnoncat.h5)和 测试集(test_catvnoncat.h5)。

∙\bullet∙ 标记为cat(1)non-cat(0)图像的训练集m_train

∙\bullet∙ 标记为cat(1)non-cat(0)图像的测试集m_test

∙\bullet∙ 每个图像的维度都为(num_px,num_px,3),其中3表示3个通道(RGB)。

让我们熟悉一下数据集吧, 首先通过运行以下代码来加载数据。

train_x_orig, train_y, test_x_orig, test_y, classes = load_dataset()



# Example of a pictureindex = 7print("y = " + str(train_y[0, index]) + ". It's a " + classes[train_y[0, index]].decode("utf-8") + " picture.")plt.imshow(train_x_orig[index])plt.show()


y = 1. It's a cat picture.



# Explore your datasetm_train = train_x_orig.shape[0]num_px = train_x_orig.shape[1]m_test = test_x_orig.shape[0]print("Number of training examples: " + str(m_train))print("Number of testing examples: " + str(m_test))print("Each image is of size: (" + str(num_px) + ", " + str(num_px) + ", 3)")print("train_x_orig shape: " + str(train_x_orig.shape))print("train_y shape: " + str(train_y.shape))print("test_x_orig shape: " + str(test_x_orig.shape))print("test_y shape: " + str(test_y.shape))


Number of training examples: 209Number of testing examples: 50Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3)train_x_orig shape: (209, 64, 64, 3)train_y shape: (1, 209)test_x_orig shape: (50, 64, 64, 3)test_y shape: (1, 50)



# Reshape the training and test examplestrain_x_flatten = train_x_orig.reshape(train_x_orig.shape[0], -1).Ttest_x_flatten = test_x_orig.reshape(test_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T# Standardize data to have feature values between 0 and 1.train_x = train_x_flatten/255.test_x = test_x_flatten/255.print("train_x's shape: " + str(train_x.shape))print("test_x's shape: " + str(test_x.shape))


train_x's shape: (12288, 209)test_x's shape: (12288, 50)

【说明】:12288=64×64×312288 = 64 \times 64 \times 312288=64×64×3,这是图像重塑为向量的大小。

3 模型的结构


∙\bullet∙ 两层神经网络

∙\bullet∙ L层深度神经网络


3.1 两层神经网络



∙\bullet∙ 输入维度为 (64,64,3)(64, 64, 3)(64,64,3) 的图像,将其展平为大小为 (12288,1)(12288, 1)(12288,1) 的向量。

∙\bullet∙ 相应的向量:[x0,x1,⋯,x12287]T\left [ x_{0}, x_{1},\cdots ,x_{12287} \right ]^{T}[x0​,x1​,⋯,x12287​]T 乘以大小为 (n[1],12288)\left ( n^{\left [ 1 \right ]},12288 \right )(n[1],12288) 的权重矩阵 W[1]W^{\left [ 1 \right ]}W[1]。

∙\bullet∙ 然后添加一个偏差项并按照公式获得以下向量:[a0[1],a1[1],⋯,an[1]−1[1]]T\left [ a_{0}^{\left [ 1 \right ]},a_{1}^{\left [ 1 \right ]},\cdots ,a_{n^{\left [ 1 \right ]}-1}^{\left [ 1 \right ]} \right ]^{T}[a0[1]​,a1[1]​,⋯,an[1]−1[1]​]T。

∙\bullet∙ 然后,重复相同的过程。

∙\bullet∙ 将所得向量乘以 W[2]W^{\left [ 2 \right ]}W[2] 并加上截距(偏差)。

∙\bullet∙ 最后,采用结果的sigmoid值。如果大于0.5,则将其分类为猫。

3.2 L层深度神经网络

该模型可以总结为:[LINEAR -> RELU] x (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID


∙\bullet∙ 输入维度为 (64,64,3)(64, 64, 3)(64,64,3) 的图像,将其展平为大小为 (12288,1)(12288, 1)(12288,1) 的向量。

∙\bullet∙ 相应的向量:[x0,x1,⋯,x12287]T\left [ x_{0}, x_{1},\cdots ,x_{12287} \right ]^{T}[x0​,x1​,⋯,x12287​]T 乘以大小为 (n[1],12288)\left ( n^{\left [ 1 \right ]},12288 \right )(n[1],12288) 的权重矩阵 W[1]W^{\left [ 1 \right ]}W[1],然后加上截距 b[1]b^{\left [ 1 \right ]}b[1],结果为线性单元。

∙\bullet∙ 接下来计算获得的线性单元的Relu值。

∙\bullet∙ 把得到的激活值乘以大小为 (n[2],n[1])\left ( n^{\left [ 2 \right ]},n^{\left [ 1 \right ]} \right )(n[2],n[1]) 的权重矩阵 W[1]W^{\left [ 1 \right ]}W[1],然后加上截距 b[2]b^{\left [ 2 \right ]}b[2],结果为线性单元。

∙\bullet∙ 接下来计算获得的线性单元的Relu值。

∙\bullet∙ 重复上述步骤 (L-1) 次。

∙\bullet∙ 最后,采用最终线性单位的sigmoid值。如果大于0.5,则将其分类为猫。

3.3 通用步骤


1. 初始化参数/定义超参数

2. 循环num_iterations次:

∙\bullet∙ 正向传播

∙\bullet∙ 计算损失函数

∙\bullet∙ 反向传播

∙\bullet∙ 更新参数(使用参数和反向传播的梯度)

3. 使用训练好的参数来预测标签

4 两层神经网络

使用上一篇文章构建深度神经网络中实现的辅助函数来构建具有以下结构的两层神经网络:LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID,你可能需要的函数及其输入为:

def initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y): ... return parameters def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation): ... return A, cache def compute_cost(AL, Y): ... return cost def linear_activation_backward(dA, cache, activation): ... return dA_prev, dW, db def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate): ... return parameters


# GRADED FUNCTION: two_layer_modeldef two_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate=0.0075, num_iterations=3000, print_cost=False):"""Implements a two-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID.Arguments:X -- input data, of shape (n_x, number of examples)Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat), of shape (1, number of examples)layers_dims -- dimensions of the layers (n_x, n_h, n_y)num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization looplearning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update ruleprint_cost -- If set to True, this will print the cost every 100 iterationsReturns:parameters -- a dictionary containing W1, W2, b1, and b2"""np.random.seed(1)grads = {}costs = [] # to keep track of the costm = X.shape[1] # number of examples(n_x, n_h, n_y) = layers_dims# Initialize parameters dictionary, by calling one of the functions you'd previously implementedparameters = initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y)# Get W1, b1, W2 and b2 from the dictionary parameters.W1 = parameters["W1"]b1 = parameters["b1"]W2 = parameters["W2"]b2 = parameters["b2"]# Loop (gradient descent)for i in range(0, num_iterations):# Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.# Inputs: "X, W1, b1".# Output: "A1, cache1, A2, cache2".A1, cache1 = linear_activation_forward(X, W1, b1, activation="relu")A2, cache2 = linear_activation_forward(A1, W2, b2, activation="sigmoid")# Compute costcost = compute_cost(A2, Y)# Initializing backward propagationdA2 = - (np.divide(Y, A2) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - A2))# Backward propagation. Inputs: "dA2, cache2, cache1". Outputs: "dA1, dW2, db2; also dA0 (not used), dW1, db1".dA1, dW2, db2 = linear_activation_backward(dA2, cache2, activation="sigmoid")dA0, dW1, db1 = linear_activation_backward(dA1, cache1, activation="relu")# Set grads['dWl'] to dW1, grads['db1'] to db1, grads['dW2'] to dW2, grads['db2'] to db2grads['dW1'] = dW1grads['db1'] = db1grads['dW2'] = dW2grads['db2'] = db2# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)# Retrieve W1, b1, W2, b2 from parametersW1 = parameters["W1"]b1 = parameters["b1"]W2 = parameters["W2"]b2 = parameters["b2"]# Print the cost every 100 training exampleif print_cost and i % 100 == 0:print("Cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, np.squeeze(cost)))if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:costs.append(cost)# plot the costplt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))plt.ylabel('cost')plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))plt.show()return parameters



# CONSTANTS DEFINING THE MODELn_x = 12288# num_px * num_px * 3n_h = 7n_y = 1layers_dims = (n_x, n_h, n_y)parameters = two_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims=(n_x, n_h, n_y), num_iterations=2500, print_cost=True)


Cost after iteration 0: 0.693049735659989Cost after iteration 100: 0.6464320953428849Cost after iteration 200: 0.6325140647912677Cost after iteration 300: 0.6015024920354665Cost after iteration 400: 0.5601966311605747Cost after iteration 500: 0.5158304772764729Cost after iteration 600: 0.47549013139433255Cost after iteration 700: 0.4339163151225749Cost after iteration 800: 0.40079775362038894Cost after iteration 900: 0.35807050113237987Cost after iteration 1000: 0.33942815383664127Cost after iteration 1100: 0.3052753636196264Cost after iteration 1200: 0.27491377282130164Cost after iteration 1300: 0.24681768210614832Cost after iteration 1400: 0.19850735037466102Cost after iteration 1500: 0.17448318112556652Cost after iteration 1600: 0.1708076297809593Cost after iteration 1700: 0.11306524562164731Cost after iteration 1800: 0.09629426845937145Cost after iteration 1900: 0.08342617959726863Cost after iteration 2000: 0.07439078704319081Cost after iteration 2100: 0.06630748132267927Cost after iteration 2200: 0.05919329501038169Cost after iteration 2300: 0.05336140348560552Cost after iteration 2400: 0.04855478562877016



def predict(X, y, parameters):"""该函数用于预测L层神经网络的结果,当然也包含两层参数:X - 测试集y - 测试集标签parameters - 训练模型的参数返回:p - 给定数据集X的预测"""m = X.shape[1]n = len(parameters) // 2 # 神经网络的层数p = np.zeros((1, m))# 根据参数前向传播probas, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)for i in range(0, probas.shape[1]):if probas[0, i] > 0.5:p[0, i] = 1else:p[0, i] = 0print("准确度为: " + str(float(np.sum((p == y)) / m)))return p



predictions_train = predict(train_x, train_y, parameters) # 训练集predictions_test = predict(test_x, test_y, parameters)# 测试集


准确度为: 1.0准确度为: 0.72

从上述结果可以看出,两层神经网络的性能(72%)比逻辑回归实现(70%)更好。接下来,让我们看看使用 LLL 层神经网络模型是否可以做得更好。

5 L层神经网络


# GRADED FUNCTION: L_layer_modeldef L_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate=0.0075, num_iterations=3000, print_cost=False): # lr was 0.009"""Implements a L-layer neural network: [LINEAR->RELU]*(L-1)->LINEAR->SIGMOID.Arguments:X -- data, numpy array of shape (number of examples, num_px * num_px * 3)Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat), of shape (1, number of examples)layers_dims -- list containing the input size and each layer size, of length (number of layers + 1).learning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update rulenum_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loopprint_cost -- if True, it prints the cost every 100 stepsReturns:parameters -- parameters learnt by the model. They can then be used to predict."""np.random.seed(1)costs = [] # keep track of cost# Parameters initialization.parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layers_dims)# Loop (gradient descent)for i in range(0, num_iterations):# Forward propagation: [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)# Compute cost.cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)# Backward propagation.grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches)# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)# Print the cost every 100 training exampleif print_cost and i % 100 == 0:print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:costs.append(cost)# plot the costplt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))plt.ylabel('cost')plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))plt.show()return parameters



layers_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 5, 1] # 5-layer modelparameters = L_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims, num_iterations=2500, print_cost=True)


Cost after iteration 0: 0.715732Cost after iteration 100: 0.674738Cost after iteration 200: 0.660337Cost after iteration 300: 0.646289Cost after iteration 400: 0.629813Cost after iteration 500: 0.606006Cost after iteration 600: 0.569004Cost after iteration 700: 0.519797Cost after iteration 800: 0.464157Cost after iteration 900: 0.408420Cost after iteration 1000: 0.373155Cost after iteration 1100: 0.305724Cost after iteration 1200: 0.268102Cost after iteration 1300: 0.238725Cost after iteration 1400: 0.206323Cost after iteration 1500: 0.179439Cost after iteration 1600: 0.157987Cost after iteration 1700: 0.142404Cost after iteration 1800: 0.128652Cost after iteration 1900: 0.112443Cost after iteration 2000: 0.085056Cost after iteration 2100: 0.057584Cost after iteration 2200: 0.044568Cost after iteration 2300: 0.038083Cost after iteration 2400: 0.034411



predictions_train = predict(train_x, train_y, parameters) # 训练集predictions_test = predict(test_x, test_y, parameters)# 测试集


准确度为: 0.9952153110047847准确度为: 0.78


6 结果分析



def print_mislabeled_images(classes, X, y, p):"""绘制预测和实际不同的图像。X - 数据集y - 实际的标签p - 预测"""a = p + ymislabeled_indices = np.asarray(np.where(a == 1))plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (40.0, 40.0) # set default size of plotsnum_images = len(mislabeled_indices[0])for i in range(num_images):index = mislabeled_indices[1][i]plt.subplot(2, num_images // 2 + 1, i + 1)plt.imshow(X[:, index].reshape(64, 64, 3), interpolation='nearest')plt.axis('off')plt.title("Prediction: " + classes[int(p[0, index])].decode("utf-8") + " \n Class: " + classes[y[0, index]].decode("utf-8"))plt.show()print_mislabeled_images(classes, test_x, test_y, predictions_test)



∙\bullet∙ 猫身处于异常位置

∙\bullet∙ 图片背景与猫颜色类似

∙\bullet∙ 猫的种类和颜色稀有

∙\bullet∙ 相机角度

∙\bullet∙ 图片的亮度

∙\bullet∙ 比例变化(猫的图像很大或很小)

7 使用自己的图像进行测试



∙\bullet∙ 将图像添加到包含数据集的文件夹datasets中。

∙\bullet∙ 在以下代码中更改图像的路径及名称。

∙\bullet∙ 运行代码,检查算法是否正确(1 = cat,0 = non-cat)!


my_image = "datasets/cat.jpg" # change this to the name of your image filemy_label_y = [1]# the true class of your image (1 -> cat, 0 -> non-cat)fname = my_imageimage = np.array(plt.imread(fname))my_image = np.array(Image.fromarray(image).resize(size=(num_px, num_px))).reshape((num_px*num_px*3, 1))my_predicted_image = predict(my_image, my_label_y, parameters)plt.imshow(image)print("y = " + str(np.squeeze(my_predicted_image)) + ", your L-layer model predicts a \"" +classes[int(np.squeeze(my_predicted_image)),].decode("utf-8") + "\" picture.")plt.show()



准确度为: 1.0y = 1.0, your L-layer model predicts a "cat" picture.



准确度为: 1.0y = 0.0, your L-layer model predicts a "non-cat" picture.



准确度为: 1.0y = 0.0, your L-layer model predicts a "non-cat" picture.

8 完整代码

import timeimport numpy as npimport h5pyimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport scipyfrom PIL import Imagefrom scipy import ndimagefrom dnn_app_utils import *from lr_utils import load_datasetnp.random.seed(1)train_x_orig, train_y, test_x_orig, test_y, classes = load_dataset()# # Example of a picture# index = 7# print("y = " + str(train_y[0, index]) + ". It's a " + classes[train_y[0, index]].decode("utf-8") + " picture.")# plt.imshow(train_x_orig[index])# plt.show()# Explore your datasetm_train = train_x_orig.shape[0]num_px = train_x_orig.shape[1]m_test = test_x_orig.shape[0]# print("Number of training examples: " + str(m_train))# print("Number of testing examples: " + str(m_test))# print("Each image is of size: (" + str(num_px) + ", " + str(num_px) + ", 3)")# print("train_x_orig shape: " + str(train_x_orig.shape))# print("train_y shape: " + str(train_y.shape))# print("test_x_orig shape: " + str(test_x_orig.shape))# print("test_y shape: " + str(test_y.shape))# Reshape the training and test examplestrain_x_flatten = train_x_orig.reshape(train_x_orig.shape[0], -1).Ttest_x_flatten = test_x_orig.reshape(test_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T# Standardize data to have feature values between 0 and 1.train_x = train_x_flatten/255.test_x = test_x_flatten/255.# print("train_x's shape: " + str(train_x.shape))# print("test_x's shape: " + str(test_x.shape))# GRADED FUNCTION: two_layer_modeldef two_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate=0.0075, num_iterations=3000, print_cost=False):"""Implements a two-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID.Arguments:X -- input data, of shape (n_x, number of examples)Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat), of shape (1, number of examples)layers_dims -- dimensions of the layers (n_x, n_h, n_y)num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization looplearning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update ruleprint_cost -- If set to True, this will print the cost every 100 iterationsReturns:parameters -- a dictionary containing W1, W2, b1, and b2"""np.random.seed(1)grads = {}costs = [] # to keep track of the costm = X.shape[1] # number of examples(n_x, n_h, n_y) = layers_dims# Initialize parameters dictionary, by calling one of the functions you'd previously implementedparameters = initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y)# Get W1, b1, W2 and b2 from the dictionary parameters.W1 = parameters["W1"]b1 = parameters["b1"]W2 = parameters["W2"]b2 = parameters["b2"]# Loop (gradient descent)for i in range(0, num_iterations):# Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.# Inputs: "X, W1, b1".# Output: "A1, cache1, A2, cache2".A1, cache1 = linear_activation_forward(X, W1, b1, activation="relu")A2, cache2 = linear_activation_forward(A1, W2, b2, activation="sigmoid")# Compute costcost = compute_cost(A2, Y)# Initializing backward propagationdA2 = - (np.divide(Y, A2) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - A2))# Backward propagation. Inputs: "dA2, cache2, cache1". Outputs: "dA1, dW2, db2; also dA0 (not used), dW1, db1".dA1, dW2, db2 = linear_activation_backward(dA2, cache2, activation="sigmoid")dA0, dW1, db1 = linear_activation_backward(dA1, cache1, activation="relu")# Set grads['dWl'] to dW1, grads['db1'] to db1, grads['dW2'] to dW2, grads['db2'] to db2grads['dW1'] = dW1grads['db1'] = db1grads['dW2'] = dW2grads['db2'] = db2# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)# Retrieve W1, b1, W2, b2 from parametersW1 = parameters["W1"]b1 = parameters["b1"]W2 = parameters["W2"]b2 = parameters["b2"]# Print the cost every 100 training exampleif print_cost and i % 100 == 0:print("Cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, np.squeeze(cost)))if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:costs.append(cost)# plot the costplt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))plt.ylabel('cost')plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))plt.show()return parameters# GRADED FUNCTION: L_layer_modeldef L_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate=0.0075, num_iterations=3000, print_cost=False): # lr was 0.009"""Implements a L-layer neural network: [LINEAR->RELU]*(L-1)->LINEAR->SIGMOID.Arguments:X -- data, numpy array of shape (number of examples, num_px * num_px * 3)Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat), of shape (1, number of examples)layers_dims -- list containing the input size and each layer size, of length (number of layers + 1).learning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update rulenum_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loopprint_cost -- if True, it prints the cost every 100 stepsReturns:parameters -- parameters learnt by the model. They can then be used to predict."""np.random.seed(1)costs = [] # keep track of cost# Parameters initialization.parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layers_dims)# Loop (gradient descent)for i in range(0, num_iterations):# Forward propagation: [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)# Compute cost.cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)# Backward propagation.grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches)# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)# Print the cost every 100 training exampleif print_cost and i % 100 == 0:print("Cost after iteration %i: %f" % (i, cost))if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:costs.append(cost)# plot the costplt.plot(np.squeeze(costs))plt.ylabel('cost')plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))plt.show()return parametersdef predict(X, y, parameters):"""该函数用于预测L层神经网络的结果,当然也包含两层参数:X - 测试集y - 测试集标签parameters - 训练模型的参数返回:p - 给定数据集X的预测"""m = X.shape[1]n = len(parameters) // 2 # 神经网络的层数p = np.zeros((1, m))# 根据参数前向传播probas, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)for i in range(0, probas.shape[1]):if probas[0, i] > 0.5:p[0, i] = 1else:p[0, i] = 0print("准确度为: " + str(float(np.sum((p == y)) / m)))return p# # CONSTANTS DEFINING THE MODEL# n_x = 12288# num_px * num_px * 3# n_h = 7# n_y = 1# layers_dims = (n_x, n_h, n_y)# parameters = two_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims=(n_x, n_h, n_y), num_iterations=2500, print_cost=True)layers_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 5, 1] # 5-layer modelparameters = L_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims, num_iterations=2500, print_cost=True)# predictions_train = predict(train_x, train_y, parameters) # 训练集# predictions_test = predict(test_x, test_y, parameters)# 测试集def print_mislabeled_images(classes, X, y, p):"""绘制预测和实际不同的图像。X - 数据集y - 实际的标签p - 预测"""a = p + ymislabeled_indices = np.asarray(np.where(a == 1))plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (40.0, 40.0) # set default size of plotsnum_images = len(mislabeled_indices[0])for i in range(num_images):index = mislabeled_indices[1][i]plt.subplot(2, num_images // 2 + 1, i + 1)plt.imshow(X[:, index].reshape(64, 64, 3), interpolation='nearest')plt.axis('off')plt.title("Prediction: " + classes[int(p[0, index])].decode("utf-8") + " \n Class: " + classes[y[0, index]].decode("utf-8"))plt.show()# print_mislabeled_images(classes, test_x, test_y, predictions_test)my_image = "datasets/girl.jpeg"# change this to the name of your image filemy_label_y = [0]# the true class of your image (1 -> cat, 0 -> non-cat)fname = my_imageimage = np.array(plt.imread(fname))size = (num_px, num_px, 3)my_image = np.resize(image, size).reshape((1, num_px*num_px*3)).T # 重置原始图片的大小# my_image = np.array(Image.fromarray(image).resize(size=(num_px, num_px))).reshape((num_px*num_px*3, 1))my_predicted_image = predict(my_image, my_label_y, parameters)plt.imshow(image)print("y = " + str(np.squeeze(my_predicted_image)) + ", your L-layer model predicts a \"" +classes[int(np.squeeze(my_predicted_image)), ].decode("utf-8") + "\" picture.")plt.show()


import numpy as npimport h5pyimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport testCases# 参见资料包from dnn_utils import sigmoid, sigmoid_backward, relu, relu_backward # 参见资料包import lr_utils # 参见资料包plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5.0, 4.0)# set default size of plotsplt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'np.random.seed(1)# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parametersdef initialize_parameters(n_x, n_h, n_y):"""Argument:n_x -- size of the input layern_h -- size of the hidden layern_y -- size of the output layerReturns:parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters:W1 -- weight matrix of shape (n_h, n_x)b1 -- bias vector of shape (n_h, 1)W2 -- weight matrix of shape (n_y, n_h)b2 -- bias vector of shape (n_y, 1)"""np.random.seed(1)W1 = np.random.randn(n_h, n_x) * 0.01b1 = np.zeros((n_h, 1))W2 = np.random.randn(n_y, n_h) * 0.01b2 = np.zeros((n_y, 1))assert (W1.shape == (n_h, n_x))assert (b1.shape == (n_h, 1))assert (W2.shape == (n_y, n_h))assert (b2.shape == (n_y, 1))parameters = {"W1": W1,"b1": b1,"W2": W2,"b2": b2}return parameters# # 测试initialize_parameters# print("==============测试initialize_parameters==============")# parameters = initialize_parameters(3, 2, 1)# print("W1 = " + str(parameters["W1"]))# print("b1 = " + str(parameters["b1"]))# print("W2 = " + str(parameters["W2"]))# print("b2 = " + str(parameters["b2"]))# GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters_deepdef initialize_parameters_deep(layer_dims):"""Arguments:layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the dimensions of each layer in our networkReturns:parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL":Wl -- weight matrix of shape (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])bl -- bias vector of shape (layer_dims[l], 1)"""np.random.seed(3)parameters = {}L = len(layer_dims) # number of layers in the networkfor l in range(1, L):parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l - 1]) / np.sqrt(layer_dims[l - 1])parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1))assert (parameters['W' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l - 1]))assert (parameters['b' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], 1))return parameters# # 测试initialize_parameters_deep# print("==============测试initialize_parameters_deep==============")# layers_dims = [5, 4, 3]# parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layers_dims)# print("W1 = " + str(parameters["W1"]))# print("b1 = " + str(parameters["b1"]))# print("W2 = " + str(parameters["W2"]))# print("b2 = " + str(parameters["b2"]))# GRADED FUNCTION: linear_forwarddef linear_forward(A, W, b):"""Implement the linear part of a layer's forward propagation.Arguments:A -- activations from previous layer (or input data): (size of previous layer, number of examples)W -- weights matrix: numpy array of shape (size of current layer, size of previous layer)b -- bias vector, numpy array of shape (size of the current layer, 1)Returns:Z -- the input of the activation function, also called pre-activation parametercache -- a python dictionary containing "A", "W" and "b" ; stored for computing the backward pass efficiently"""Z = np.dot(W, A) + bassert (Z.shape == (W.shape[0], A.shape[1]))cache = (A, W, b)return Z, cache# # 测试linear_forward# print("==============测试linear_forward==============")# A, W, b = testCases.linear_forward_test_case()# Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A, W, b)# print("A = " + str(A))# print("W = " + str(W))# print("b = " + str(b))# print("Z = " + str(Z))# GRADED FUNCTION: linear_activation_forwarddef linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation):"""Implement the forward propagation for the LINEAR->ACTIVATION layerArguments:A_prev -- activations from previous layer (or input data): (size of previous layer, number of examples)W -- weights matrix: numpy array of shape (size of current layer, size of previous layer)b -- bias vector, numpy array of shape (size of the current layer, 1)activation -- the activation to be used in this layer, stored as a text string: "sigmoid" or "relu"Returns:A -- the output of the activation function, also called the post-activation valuecache -- a python dictionary containing "linear_cache" and "activation_cache";stored for computing the backward pass efficiently"""if activation == "sigmoid":# Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)elif activation == "relu":# Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)A, activation_cache = relu(Z)assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0], A_prev.shape[1]))cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)return A, cache# # 测试linear_activation_forward# print("==============测试linear_activation_forward==============")# A_prev, W, b = testCases.linear_activation_forward_test_case()# print("A_prev = " + str(A_prev))# print("W = " + str(W))# print("b = " + str(b))## A, linear_activation_cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation="sigmoid")# print("sigmoid,A = " + str(A))## A, linear_activation_cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation="relu")# print("ReLU,A = " + str(A))# GRADED FUNCTION: L_model_forwarddef L_model_forward(X, parameters):"""Implement forward propagation for the [LINEAR->RELU]*(L-1)->LINEAR->SIGMOID computationArguments:X -- data, numpy array of shape (input size, number of examples)parameters -- output of initialize_parameters_deep()Returns:AL -- last post-activation valuecaches -- list of caches containing:every cache of linear_relu_forward() (there are L-1 of them, indexed from 0 to L-2)the cache of linear_sigmoid_forward() (there is one, indexed L-1)"""caches = []A = XL = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network# Implement [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1). Add "cache" to the "caches" list.for l in range(1, L):A_prev = AA, cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, parameters['W' + str(l)], parameters['b' + str(l)],activation="relu")caches.append(cache)# Implement LINEAR -> SIGMOID. Add "cache" to the "caches" list.AL, cache = linear_activation_forward(A, parameters['W' + str(L)], parameters['b' + str(L)], activation="sigmoid")caches.append(cache)assert (AL.shape == (1, X.shape[1]))return AL, caches# # 测试L_model_forward# print("==============测试L_model_forward==============")# X, parameters = testCases.L_model_forward_test_case()# AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)# print("X = " + str(X))# print("parameters = " + str(parameters))# print("AL = " + str(AL))# print("caches 的长度为 = " + str(len(caches)))# print("caches = " + str(caches))# GRADED FUNCTION: compute_costdef compute_cost(AL, Y):"""Implement the cost function defined by equation (7).Arguments:AL -- probability vector corresponding to your label predictions, shape (1, number of examples)Y -- true "label" vector (for example: containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat), shape (1, number of examples)Returns:cost -- cross-entropy cost"""m = Y.shape[1]# Compute loss from aL and y.cost = -1 / m * np.sum(Y * np.log(AL) + (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - AL), axis=1, keepdims=True)cost = np.squeeze(cost) # To make sure your cost's shape is what we expect (e.g. this turns [[17]] into 17).assert (cost.shape == ())return cost# # 测试compute_cost# print("==============测试compute_cost==============")# Y, AL = pute_cost_test_case()# print("Y = " + str(Y))# print("AL = " + str(AL))# print("cost = " + str(compute_cost(AL, Y)))# GRADED FUNCTION: linear_backwarddef linear_backward(dZ, cache):"""Implement the linear portion of backward propagation for a single layer (layer l)Arguments:dZ -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the linear output (of current layer l)cache -- tuple of values (A_prev, W, b) coming from the forward propagation in the current layerReturns:dA_prev -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the activation (of the previous layer l-1), same shape as A_prevdW -- Gradient of the cost with respect to W (current layer l), same shape as Wdb -- Gradient of the cost with respect to b (current layer l), same shape as b"""A_prev, W, b = cachem = A_prev.shape[1]dW = 1 / m * np.dot(dZ, A_prev.T)db = 1 / m * np.sum(dZ, axis=1, keepdims=True)dA_prev = np.dot(W.T, dZ)assert (dA_prev.shape == A_prev.shape)assert (dW.shape == W.shape)assert (db.shape == b.shape)return dA_prev, dW, db# # 测试linear_backward# print("==============测试linear_backward==============")# dZ, linear_cache = testCases.linear_backward_test_case()## dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)# print("dA_prev = " + str(dA_prev))# print("dW = " + str(dW))# print("db = " + str(db))# GRADED FUNCTION: linear_activation_backwarddef linear_activation_backward(dA, cache, activation):"""Implement the backward propagation for the LINEAR->ACTIVATION layer.Arguments:dA -- post-activation gradient for current layer lcache -- tuple of values (linear_cache, activation_cache) we store for computing backward propagation efficientlyactivation -- the activation to be used in this layer, stored as a text string: "sigmoid" or "relu"Returns:dA_prev -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the activation (of the previous layer l-1), same shape as A_prevdW -- Gradient of the cost with respect to W (current layer l), same shape as Wdb -- Gradient of the cost with respect to b (current layer l), same shape as b"""linear_cache, activation_cache = cacheif activation == "relu":dZ = relu_backward(dA, activation_cache)dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)elif activation == "sigmoid":dZ = sigmoid_backward(dA, activation_cache)dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)return dA_prev, dW, db# # 测试linear_activation_backward# print("==============测试linear_activation_backward==============")# AL, linear_activation_cache = testCases.linear_activation_backward_test_case()## dA_prev, dW, db = linear_activation_backward(AL, linear_activation_cache, activation="sigmoid")# print("sigmoid:")# print("dA_prev = " + str(dA_prev))# print("dW = " + str(dW))# print("db = " + str(db) + "\n")## dA_prev, dW, db = linear_activation_backward(AL, linear_activation_cache, activation="relu")# print("relu:")# print("dA_prev = " + str(dA_prev))# print("dW = " + str(dW))# print("db = " + str(db))# GRADED FUNCTION: L_model_backwarddef L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches):"""Implement the backward propagation for the [LINEAR->RELU] * (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID groupArguments:AL -- probability vector, output of the forward propagation (L_model_forward())Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat)caches -- list of caches containing:every cache of linear_activation_forward() with "relu" (it's caches[l], for l in range(L-1) i.e l = 0...L-2)the cache of linear_activation_forward() with "sigmoid" (it's caches[L-1])Returns:grads -- A dictionary with the gradientsgrads["dA" + str(l)] = ...grads["dW" + str(l)] = ...grads["db" + str(l)] = ..."""grads = {}L = len(caches) # the number of layersm = AL.shape[1]Y = Y.reshape(AL.shape) # after this line, Y is the same shape as AL# Initializing the backpropagationdAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL))# Lth layer (SIGMOID -> LINEAR) gradients.# Inputs: "AL, Y, caches".# Outputs: "grads["dAL"], grads["dWL"], grads["dbL"]current_cache = caches[L - 1]grads["dA" + str(L)], grads["dW" + str(L)], grads["db" + str(L)] = \linear_activation_backward(dAL, current_cache, activation="sigmoid")for l in reversed(range(L - 1)):# lth layer: (RELU -> LINEAR) gradients.# Inputs: "grads["dA" + str(l + 2)], caches".# Outputs: "grads["dA" + str(l + 1)] , grads["dW" + str(l + 1)] , grads["db" + str(l + 1)]current_cache = caches[l]dA_prev_temp, dW_temp, db_temp = linear_activation_backward(grads["dA" + str(l + 2)],current_cache,activation="relu")grads["dA" + str(l + 1)] = dA_prev_tempgrads["dW" + str(l + 1)] = dW_tempgrads["db" + str(l + 1)] = db_tempreturn grads# # 测试L_model_backward# print("==============测试L_model_backward==============")# AL, Y_assess, caches = testCases.L_model_backward_test_case()# grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y_assess, caches)# print("dW1 = " + str(grads["dW1"]))# print("db1 = " + str(grads["db1"]))# print("dA1 = " + str(grads["dA1"]))# GRADED FUNCTION: update_parametersdef update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):"""Update parameters using gradient descentArguments:parameters -- python dictionary containing your parametersgrads -- python dictionary containing your gradients, output of L_model_backwardReturns:parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parametersparameters["W" + str(l)] = ...parameters["b" + str(l)] = ..."""L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network# Update rule for each parameter. Use a for loop.for l in range(L):parameters["W" + str(l + 1)] = parameters["W" + str(l + 1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(l + 1)]parameters["b" + str(l + 1)] = parameters["b" + str(l + 1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(l + 1)]return parameters# # 测试update_parameters# print("==============测试update_parameters==============")# parameters, grads = testCases.update_parameters_test_case()# parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, 0.1)## print("W1 = " + str(parameters["W1"]))# print("b1 = " + str(parameters["b1"]))# print("W2 = " + str(parameters["W2"]))# print("b2 = " + str(parameters["b2"]))

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