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端午节朋友圈搞笑文案 简短俏皮 点赞超高!

时间:2023-10-27 12:40:21


端午节朋友圈搞笑文案 简短俏皮 点赞超高!


In order to meet you, I bought a red string and tied it to your wrist on the Dragon Boat Festival. The joy made me unable to imagine that you would cut it without any sign.


"Can the dumplings be too expensive to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in other ways?" "Of course, you can still go to the river"

“ 为什么要纪念屈原?”他投江为国人争取1天假日,值得尊敬。”

"Why do you want to commemorate Qu Yuan?" He voted for the Chinese to fight for a one-day holiday, worthy of respect. "


Qu Yuan didn jump the river, and we couldn think of 3 days off.


I seriously doubt that Elder Moon has used my red thread to make dumplings.


After that, we will discuss with you, if you eat dumplings, I will eat the egg yolk inside.


Any dumplings eaten by single dogs are salty, and those eaten by sweethearts are sweet.


Newton was dead and dropped a bunch of formulas. Qu Yuan died, leaving three days off for the Dragon Boat Festival.


Suddenly discovered that the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. This is the first time this year that I cannot go to the Maldives for an outbreak because of the epidemic.


Zongzi is the abandoned food in a blink of an eye. Your glory is only one day, only once a year. After the Dragon Boat Festival, you are worthless, and no one will eat you. Regardless of the high price before the holiday, turning around is worthless.

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