失眠网 > 用英语说“我累”的另类表达|发现都没见过!


时间:2018-07-15 16:14:51



What do you think about when you hear the word “tired”? Do you think of physical, mental, or moral fatigue? You can use the word “tired” after a busy day at work or while in the audience during a show that is too long. In short, it is a word that has a very broad range of meanings.



那每当我们想说太累的时候,我们都会想到:Im tired。随口而出的也是:Im tired。对于拥有强迫症和喜欢研究英语口语的小编来说,这样的表达太单一,多听几次都犯困啦。那有没有比这个更变态的表达呢?



Even in English, there are several words and expressions to describe a state of exhaustion or fatigue. The most common expression is “I am tired”. This phrase sometimes generates some confusion even among native speakers, as it is often associated with sleep and the desire to sleep. But, in reality, from a purely semantic point of view, it simply indicates a general state of tiredness. In English, however, there are many other words and expressions that can be used to describe this condition. Let’s take a look at some of those that are most commonly used.即使在英语中,也有几个词和表达来描述疲惫或疲劳的状态。最常见的表达是“我累了”。即使在母语人士中,这句话有时会产生一些混乱,因为它通常与睡眠和睡眠欲望有关。但是,实际上,从纯语义的角度来看,它只是表明了疲惫的一般状态。然而,在英语中,还有许多其他词语和表达可用于描述这种情况。我们来看看最常用的一些。

I am fatigued. 我很疲惫

This expression in English indicates a very strong state of exhaustion after intense activity.


I was overcome by fatigue after a long week at work. 在工作了很长一周后,我被疲劳克服了。

I am drained. 我已经筋疲力尽了

Literally meaning all of the liquid has been taken out of you, this phrase indicates a state of fatigue in which you have no more energy available, like something that has been left completely dry.


Working with children leaves me completely drained.与孩子一起工作让我彻底筋疲力尽。

I am exhausted. 我累死啦

This term indicates a state of intense fatigue.


This morning, I went for a run and now I am exhausted. 今天早上,我去跑了,现在我筋疲力尽了。

I am knackered. 太疲倦啦

This expression is part of British slang and is very informal. The etymology of this term is uncertain but probably derives from knacker, an old word that could indicate a cheater and later on an animal or fur buyer.


He was too knackered to join us for dinner.


I was worn out. 我疲惫不堪

The phrasal verb wear out means deteriorate or erode. It is generally used in reference to objects or items of clothing that have been made unfit through overuse. It can be used to indicate a condition of severe exhaustion.


This situation is really wearing me out.这种情况真的让我失望了。

I am on my last leg. 我太累了

This figurative expression, which literally means you only have one leg left, can indicate unbearable fatigue or the condition of those who feel as if they are about to die.


Yesterday after the party, I was on my last leg. 派对结束后的昨天,我感觉太累啦。

I am weary.累啦

The adjective weary indicates a state of weakness due to some extended effort or a situation that has lasted a long time and has left you without strength.


My weary eyes need rest.我疲惫的眼睛需要休息。

I am washed out. 感觉身体已被掏空

Washed out is used to indicate the loss of colour in a garment due to constant washing. In a figurative sense, it indicates a state of exhaustion that leaves you without energy.


This day of shopping has left me washed out.这一天的购物让我感到身体已被掏空。

I cannot keep my eyes open. 我无法睁开我的眼睛

This figurative expression is used to indicate that you are very sleepy, to the point in which your eyes are closing themselves.


This morning, I woke up very early and now I cannot keep my eyes open.今天早上,我很早就醒了,现在我无法睁开眼睛。

I am beat. 我被打败啦

To beat means to punch or to defeat. Therefore, the expression I am beat indicates that we are completely defeated or knocked out by fatigue.


I had a tough day at work and now I am totally beat.我在工作中度过了艰难的一天,现在我完全被打败了。

I am shattered. 我被打碎啦

The English adjective shattered means destroyed or demolished. In informal English, it can be used to indicate that you feel extremely tired – as if your bones were broken.

英语形容词粉碎手段破坏或拆除。在非正式的英语中,它可以用来表示你感到非常疲惫 - 好像你的骨头被打破了。

Sorry, I cannot come. I am shattered!很抱歉,我不能来。我被打碎了!

These are just some of the many expressions to define tiredness in English. They are surely enough to show you how rich the English language is in colloquial expressions, idioms, vocabulary, and phrasal verbs to indicate the different nuances of a concept.





结束交流时,90%的人只会说:I have to go!你中招了吗?




