失眠网 > 看起来opportunity与chance moment occasion等好像没有差别?

看起来opportunity与chance moment occasion等好像没有差别?

时间:2019-11-07 08:43:07


看起来opportunity与chance moment occasion等好像没有差别?

OPPORTUNITY Synonym: List of 14 Synonyms for Opportunity 机会同义词:Opportunity的14个同义词列表

Synonyms for Opportunity! Following is a list of useful opportunitysynonyms in English with example sentences and ESL infographic. Learn those words to use instead of opportunity to broaden your vocabulary.


OpportunitySynonym 机会同义词

List of Synonyms for Opportunity机会的同义词列表

List of 14 synonyms for opportunity: 14个机会同义词列表:

Chance 机会,际遇;运气,侥幸;可能性Deal 发牌;发放,分配;处理;对待;做生意Free ride (idiom) 搭便车;搭顺风车;免费乘车;自由通过Lucky break 摔出好运气Lucky chance 幸运的机会 机缘Moment 重要,契机;瞬间;重要时刻;指定时刻Occasion 时机,机会;场合;理由Scope 范围;余地;视野;眼界;导弹射程Turn 转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;兑换Good time 好时机;繁荣时期Golden opportunity 绝好的机会Favorable time 良好的时间A second bite of the cherry (idiom) 再咬一口樱桃Window 窗;窗口;窗户

OpportunitySynonyms Infographic 机会同义词信息图表

Synonyms for Opportunity同义词的机会

OpportunitySynonyms with Examples 机会与例子同义

Learn another word for opportunitywith example sentences. 用例句学习机会的另一个单词。


Just give me a chanceand I’ll prove it to you. 给我一个机会,我会证明给你看的。


The dealwas profitable to all of us. 这笔交易对我们大家都有利。

Good time

Now is a good timeto invest in the property market. 现在是投资房地产市场的好时机。

Golden opportunity

Personally, I think you have a golden opportunitybefore you. 就我个人而言,我认为你面前有一个千载难逢的机会。

Favorable time

Is now an appropriatetimeto make a speech? 现在是发表演讲的合适时间吗?

Lucky chance

I think it’s a lucky chance. 我认为这是个幸运的机会。

Lucky break

I always knew I would get my lucky breakone day. 我一直都知道总有一天我会得到好运。


He loses all who loses the moment. 谁失去了现在,谁就失去了一切。


An occasionlost cannot be redeemed. 机不可失,时不再来。

A free ride (idiom)

Suppose we get a free rideinto the land of happiness? 假如我们免费乘车进入幸福的国度呢?


There’s not much scopefor imagination in this job. 这份工作没有多少想象的余地。

A second bite of the cherry (idiom)

He missed a medal in the 100m, but will get a second bite of the cherryin the 400m. 他在100米比赛中错失一枚奖牌,但将在400米比赛中获得第二枚奖牌。


One never loses by doing a good turn. 行善不吃亏。


February 15 to March 15 should be the final windowfor new offers. 2月15日至3月15日应该是新报价的最后期限。

Synonyms for Opportunitywith Examples | Infographic 机会的同义词与例子|信息图

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