失眠网 > 研究揭示单个细胞分裂错误如何导致癌症基因组复杂性—小柯机器人—科学网


时间:2022-08-22 08:01:59



研究揭示单个细胞分裂错误如何导致癌症基因组复杂性 作者: 发布时间:/4/20 13:02:36 美国霍华德休斯医学研究所David Pellman、Neil T. Umbreit、Cheng-Zhong Zhang等研究人员合作,揭示了单个细胞分裂错误导致癌症基因组复杂性的机制。该研究于4月17日发表于《科学》。

据研究人员介绍,染色体断裂-融合-桥(BFB)循环是一个突变过程,可产生基因扩增和基因组不稳定。BFB循环的特征可以在癌症基因组中发现,而另一种灾难性的突变现象是染色体碎裂(chromothripsis)。 研究人员通过阐明由单个细胞分裂错误(染色体桥形成,其会迅速增加基因组的复杂性)触发的突变级联反应来解释这种关联。研究人员发现,最初的桥断裂需要放线菌素压力。从桥DNA的异常间期复制开始,染色体碎裂增多。 下一个有丝分裂中随后的DNA复制爆发会产生广泛的DNA损伤。在第二次细胞分裂过程中,断裂的桥染色体会频繁错误分离并形成微核,从而促进其他的染色体碎裂。 研究人员认为,这种突变级联的反复会产生许多人类癌症的持续进化和亚克隆异质性。 附:英文原文 Title: Mechanisms generating cancer genome complexity from a single cell division error

Author: Neil T. Umbreit, Cheng-Zhong Zhang, Luke D. Lynch, Logan J. Blaine, Anna M. Cheng, Richard Tourdot, Lili Sun, Hannah F. Almubarak, Kim Judge, Thomas J. Mitchell, Alexander Spektor, David Pellman

Issue Volume: /04/17

Abstract: The chromosome breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycle is a mutational process that produces gene amplification and genome instability. Signatures of BFB cycles can be observed in cancer genomes alongside chromothripsis, another catastrophic mutational phenomenon. We explain this association by elucidating a mutational cascade that is triggered by a single cell division error chromosome bridge formation that rapidly increases genomic complexity. We show that actomyosin forces are required for initial bridge breakage. Chromothripsis accumulates, beginning with aberrant interphase replication of bridge DNA. A subsequent burst of DNA replication in the next mitosis generates extensive DNA damage. During this second cell division, broken bridge chromosomes frequently missegregate and form micronuclei, promoting additional chromothripsis. We propose that iterations of this mutational cascade generate the continuing evolution and subclonal heterogeneity characteristic of many human cancers.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aba0712


期刊信息 Science:《科学》,创刊于1880年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:41.037官方网址:投稿链接:

