失眠网 > 神仙情头·扎心丧句:很开心你能来 不遗憾你走开

神仙情头·扎心丧句:很开心你能来 不遗憾你走开

时间:2019-10-02 15:19:17


神仙情头·扎心丧句:很开心你能来 不遗憾你走开


Its raining in your city. Id like to ask if you have an umbrella. But I can help it, because Im afraid you didn bring it, and I can help it. Its like I love you but can give you the company you want.


Once the pursuit of life only if the first meeting, always feel that the fate of the world is the most beautiful, is to wipe each others shoulders and look back on a smile. After a long time, I realized that most of the startling glimpses were as gorgeous as fireworks and then came back to silence.


If you are destined to go on your own, then say goodbye, lonely smoke in the desert, sunset. Drink the last bowl of wine, and Ill go. No need to retain, no need to send. Goodbye today, goodbye in the afterlife. If they asked me, they would say that I am a grain of sand on earth, which should have roamed the world.


Sometimes, people you choose to spend your whole life will get off halfway. You are the most ambivalent person. So love or marriage is not really chosen by you. Everyones self choice is often not reliable. The true lover who can be with you all your life is guarded. It goes on unconsciously. Life is all about living.


Knowing each other is the beginning of our destiny, but I never thought that God gave me such kindness to meet such a beautiful you. In the rest of my life, I will cherish every moment, love you, love you, and love you all my life.

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