失眠网 > 关于晚安的句子 今天的烦心事到此为止 愿你要的明天如约而至

关于晚安的句子 今天的烦心事到此为止 愿你要的明天如约而至

时间:2022-01-27 07:20:21


关于晚安的句子 今天的烦心事到此为止 愿你要的明天如约而至

本该玩的年龄,却怎么心事重重 本该放纵的青春,却怎么只能听天由命,晚安。

The age that should have played, but how to worry about the youth that should have been indulged, but how can only let fate, good night.


You can have a bad relationship, but don let yourself have a bad life. Good night


Instead of waiting for others to love you, its better to learn to love yourself a little more. Good night.


This is the end of todays troubles. I wish you the promised tomorrow. Good night.

当你撑不住的时候要记住还有亿万个细胞只为你而活 晚安。

When you can stand it, remember that there are billions of cells left to live for you. Good night.

错过了秋枫冬雪 便会迎来春天的樱花 也就是说 今年遗憾的 来年一定会实现,晚安。

Miss the autumn maple and winter snow will usher in the spring cherry blossom, that is to say, this years regrettable next year will come true, good night.

自己一个人照顾好自己 晚上盖好被子 过马路的时候左右看 不要睡太晚 睡觉时记得把手机亮度调低些 不然有辐射 记得我在关心你。

Take good care of yourself when you cover the quilt and cross the road in the evening. Don sleep too late. Remember to turn down the brightness of your mobile phone when you go to bed, or you will get radiation. Remember that I care about you.

熬过最苦的日子真的会变成另外一个自己 有些路很远走下去会很累 可是不走会后悔 希望最后的结局配得上这一路的颠沛流离,晚安。

Living through the most difficult days will really become another one. It will be very tired if you go a long way, but if you don go, you will regret it. I hope the final result is worthy of the displacement of this road. Good night.

纵使黑夜吞噬了一切,太阳还可以重新回来,希望以后的生活 温柔 有趣 不必太激烈 三餐四季 不必太匆忙 晚安。

Even if the night engulfs everything, the sun can still come back. I hope that later life will be gentle and interesting without too intense meals and seasons without too hasty goodnight.

特别喜欢凌晨醒来 发现外边天还黑的 有着雨声 并且不用工作上课 然后继续呆在温暖的被窝 再睡去这种满足感。

I especially like the satisfaction of waking up in the morning and finding that its still dark outside with rain and no work and class, and then staying in the warm quilt and sleeping.


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