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致自己的情感语录 深刻文艺 句句现实入心!

时间:2021-07-10 07:26:49


致自己的情感语录 深刻文艺 句句现实入心!

一、人生要清清楚楚看昨天,扎扎实实抓今天,高高兴兴看明天。向昨天要经验,向明天要动力,向今天要成果。记住昨天,思索明天,善待今天。生活不是诗,是平凡的欢笑和眼泪,是认真做好每一天份内的事。Life should clearly see yesterday, firmly grasp today, happy to see tomorrow. We need experience from yesterday, motivation from tomorrow and results from today. Remember yesterday, think about tomorrow and treat today kindly. Life is not poetry, it is ordinary laughter and tears, it is earnest to do a good job in every day.

二、人再怎么被爱,都会挂念着那些没得到的爱,影响一个人的,不是得到的东西,而是那些求之不得的。不在乎我的人,我说痛他也不会有什么表情。心疼我的人,我不说他也会察觉我有多痛。No matter how people are loved, they will miss the love that they have not received. What affects a person is not what they get, but what they can get. I don care about my people, I said pain, he will not have any expression. I don say that the person who loves me will notice how painful I am.

三、我喜欢出发。凡是到达了的地方,都属于昨天。哪怕那山再青,那水再秀,那风再温柔。太深的流连便成了一种羁绊,绊住的不仅是双脚,还有未来。I like to start. Everywhere we arrive belongs to yesterday. Even if the mountain is green, the water is beautiful and the wind is gentle. Too deep lingering will become a fetter, not only stuck to the feet, but also the future.

四、有一种爱,永藏心底,全世界只有你自己知道,虽然苦涩,但偶尔想起,还是会有甜蜜的成分。只愿所有默默付出的人,都能够被这个世界温柔以待。There is a kind of love, always hidden in the heart, the world only you know, although bitter, but occasionally think of, there will be sweet ingredients. I just hope that all those who give in silence can be gently waited for by the world.

五、人生一世,也不过是一个又一个二十四小时的叠加,在这样宝贵的光阴里,我必须明白自己的选择。过自己不想要的生活需要勇气,过自己想要的生活,不但需要勇气,你还得有能力。Life is a mere superposition of twenty-four hours. In such a precious time, I must understand my choice. It takes courage to live a life you don want. It takes courage as well as ability to live the life you want.

六、吃别人吃不了的苦,忍别人受不了的气,付出比别人更多的,才会享受的比别人更多。成熟最大的好处是:以前得不到的,现在不想要了。当看破一切的时候才明白,原来失去比拥有更踏实。Eat what others can eat, endure what others can stand, pay more than others, and enjoy more than others. The greatest advantage of maturity is that you don want what you didn get before. When you see through everything, you realize that loss is more solid than possession.

七、人只要健康的活着,真诚的爱着,也不失为一种富有。是你的就是你的,努力了珍惜了,问心无愧,其他的交给命运 。不强迫别人来爱自己,努力让自己成为值得被爱的人,其余的事情顺其自然。如果不是相互喜欢,痴情就是别人的负担,其实;你不必这么冷淡,我也没想过纠缠。As long as people live healthily and love sincerely, they are also rich. Its yours, and you try to cherish it, have a clear conscience, and give the rest to your destiny.

Instead of forcing others to love themselves, try to make themselves worthy of being loved, and let the rest go. If you don like each other, infatuation is the burden of others, in fact, you don have to be so cold, I have never thought of entanglement.

八、人生的追求有很多,欲望也有很多,看似前方无路,实则绝地逢生。我们不能期待说自己的每一次梦想都会成真,但是不努力,你注定不会得到你想要的目标,守株待兔的方式固然不可取,亡羊补牢确实可以在挣扎中获得一线生机。There are many pursuits and desires in life. Seemingly there is no way ahead, but in fact there is a Jedi life. We can not expect to say that every dream of our own will come true, but without hard work, you are doomed not to get the goal you want. It is not advisable to wait for the rabbit. It is indeed possible to gain a glimmer of life in the struggle to mend the sheep.

九、该得到的要付出努力抓到手,不要等待,真正属于你的机遇不多,行动永远比幻想重要;不要抱怨,要直面矛盾和问题,怨天尤人只能证明你的无能。世上没有不平的事,只有不平的心。不去怨,不去恨,淡然一切,往事如烟。经历了,醉了,醒了,碎了,结束了,忘记吧!珍惜现有的生活,幸福就在你身边。What you should get is to make great efforts to grasp it, not to wait, there are not many opportunities for you, action is always more important than fantasy; don complain, face contradictions and problems directly, complain about the sky and others can only prove your incompetence.

There is no injustice in the world, only injustice in the heart. Do not complain, do not hate, indifferent to everything, the past like smoke. Experience, drunk, awake, broken, over, forget it! Cherish the existing life, happiness is around you.

十、其实我们,都只是别人生命里的过客,偶然路过,停停靠靠,最终还是要继续往下出发。即使停留,却也只是暂时的。没有永恒之塔的陪伴,即使很美却不可以一直停靠。最终能一直能和自己走下去的,永远的都只有那个了不起的自己。In fact, we are just passers-by in other peoples lives, passing by accidentally, stopping and docking, and ultimately we should continue to move on. Even if staying, it is only temporary. Without the companion of the eternal tower, even if it is beautiful, it can not stop all the time. Eventually, the only person who can go on with himself is the great self.

十一、不要在喝醉时联系任何人,不要在晚上做任何决定,矫情的话尽量憋在心里,天亮了,你会庆幸当时没有说出口。不管如何都不要去太在意别人的眼光,我们只为自己活得,而不是为别人活着的。不必为了别人无谓的指责、不赞同而去改变自己。Don contact anyone when you e drunk, don make any decisions at night, try to keep your affectations in mind. Youll be glad you didn say them at dawn. Never care too much about the eyes of others. We only live for ourselves, not for others. You don have to change yourself for the sake of needless criticism and disapproval from others.

十二、决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。每天一样的太阳,不一样的风景,每天相同的时间,不一样的内容,让人生充盈,生命厚度倍增,这就是丰富多彩,完美的一生。What determines our life is not our ability, but our choice. Every day the same sun, different scenery, the same time, different content, so that life is full, the thickness of life doubled, this is a colorful, perfect life.

十三、我从来都没有觉得自己自视甚高,只是你有什么资格跟我平起平坐。你做的再好,也还是有人指指点点;你即便一塌糊涂,也还是有人唱赞歌。所以不必掉进他人的眼神,你需要讨好的,仅仅是你自己。Ive never felt very high about myself, but what qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with me? No matter how well you do, there are still some people pointing out; even if you are in a mess, there are still some people singing hymns. So don fall into other peoples eyes. You need to please only yourself.

十四、 该来的总是姗姗来迟,该走的却总是迫不及待。好好珍惜对你好的人,弄丢了,就再也找不回来了。一个成熟的人往往发觉可以责怪的人越来越少,人人都有他的难处。Its always late to come, but its always eager to leave. Cherish the people who are good to you. If you lose them, you will never find them again. A mature person often finds that fewer and fewer people can be blamed. Everyone has his own difficulties.

十五、 你明知道自己不会和这个人在一起,还是会去享受这份恋爱的心情。然后到了合适的时候,离开,去和不爱但是很合适的人在一起。有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。You know you won be with this person, or you will enjoy this love. Then its the right time to leave and be with the right people who don love you. Some love, can only stop at the lips and teeth, hide in the years.

十六、你若想得到这世上最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。从今天起,给自己更多崭新的可能:跟那个浮躁、粗心、消极、懈怠的自己挥手作别,把脸迎向阳光,你的面前就不会有阴影。If you want the best in the world, you have to let the world see the best of you. From today on, give yourself more new possibilities: waving goodbye to the impetuous, careless, passive and lazy self and facing the sunshine, there will be no shadow in front of you.

十七、生活中处处充满乐趣,做一个热爱生活的人,感受生活的乐趣,让自己充满阳光和活力,练就一种豁达乐观的习惯渗透到你的骨子里,体现在你的气质里,融化在你的生活里,把自己塑造成一个你想成为的人。Life is full of fun everywhere. Be a person who loves life. Feel the joy of life. Let yourself be full of sunshine and vitality. Practice an open-minded and optimistic habit to permeate your bones, embody in your temperament, melt in your life, and shape yourself into a person you want to be.

十八、真正让人难过的往往都是一些小事,就像那天下了很大的雨,别人在等伞,而我在等雨停。哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。愿你脚踏实地,也愿你仰望星空,往事不回头,未来不将就!What really makes people sad is often some small things, like that day when it rained heavily, others were waiting for an umbrella, and I was waiting for the rain to stop. Those who miss anything are passers-by. May your feet be down-to-earth, and may you look up to the stars. The past will never turn back, and the future will never come.

十九、人生,别贪的太多,别爱的太满,有些事情要知道适可而止才行,有些事情尽心尽力就足够了,有些人真心对待就好了。没有太晚的开始,不如就从今天行动。总有一天,那个一点一点可见的未来,会在你心里,也在你的脚下慢慢清透。生活,从不亏待每一个努力向上的人。Life, don greed too much, don love too full, there are some things to know just enough, some things to do their best is enough, some people treat it sincerely. If its not too late to start, its better to start today. Someday, that little visible future will be slowly cleared in your heart and under your feet. Life is never benefiting everyone who strives to make progress.

二十、有些歌不敢再听,有些地方不敢再去,就连看到一段腻人的情话也不敢多停留一眼,怕的是有你的回忆被风吹起,而你已经拉着别人的手,做我们曾经做过的事。Some songs dare not listen to, some places dare not go any more, even to see a tiresome love story dare not stay one more look, fear is that your memories are blown up by the wind, and you have taken the hands of others, do what we have done.

二十一、生活之中总是会有一些挽不回的遗憾。世间所有的美好都是相对的,没有十全十美。正是由于缺憾的存在,才会让我们对未来充满憧憬,我们不要怕挫折,也不必避讳烦恼,让我们细心的去收藏点点滴滴的快乐。There are always some irreparable regrets in life. All the good things in the world are relative, not perfect. It is precisely because of the existence of regrets that we will be full of expectations for the future. We should not be afraid of setbacks, nor should we avoid worries. Let us carefully collect every bit of happiness.

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