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儿童 children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-07 14:05:24


儿童 children英语短句 例句大全



parison between influences using bio-briquette and raw coal on biological indexes ofchildren;生物固硫型煤和普通煤对儿童生物学指标的对比研究

2.Effects of Air Pollution on Respiratory System of Children in Anshan City;鞍山市大气污染对儿童呼吸系统健康的影响

3.Cosmetic market for China"schildren;剖析中国儿童化妆品市场


1.International Year of the Child国际儿童年(儿童年)

2.International Children"s Centre国际儿童中心(儿童中心)

3.small group home with integrated service for mildly mentally handicapped children为轻度弱智儿童而设兼收正常儿童的儿童之家

4.Children Psychogony and Its Principled Rules Governing Children Education Research and Children Literature Writing;儿童精神发生学对儿童教育、儿童文学的影响

5.A Social Adaptation Comparison of Migrant Children,Rear Children,and Ordinary Children流动儿童、留守儿童与一般儿童社会适应比较

6.Little pitchers have great ears. -- Thomas Heywood儿童耳聪。——海伍德

7.fifty people, not counting the children五十人,儿童除外.

8.Children are (admitted) half-price.儿童半价(入场).

9.Understanding,Guiding and Liberating Children--On Children Education Ideology of Lu Xun and its Enlightenment at Present;理解儿童,指导儿童,解放儿童——论鲁迅儿童教育思想及其当今启示

10.A child who is enrolled in a preschool.在托儿所入学的儿童

11.non-resident children [child care centre]非留宿儿童〔幼儿中心〕

12.resident child [child care centre]留宿儿童〔幼儿中心〕

13.residential child care centre for disabled children残疾儿童留宿幼儿中心

14.the poppers on a child"s pyjamas儿童睡衣上的子母扣儿.

15.integrated kindergarten兼收残疾儿童的幼儿园;兼收弱能儿童的幼儿园

16.We will go to Children"s Park, On Children"s Day.我们将会去儿童公园, 在儿童节。

17.reading disabled child阅读障碍儿童 阅读障碍儿童

18.specially gifted children特殊能力儿童 特殊能力儿童



1.Damage Effects of Atmospheric Pollution on Immunological Function of Children;大气污染致儿童免疫功能损害效应的研究

2.The Correlation on Heavy Metal Pollution and Trace Element Content of Hair Samples from Children;重金属污染与儿童发中微量元素的关系研究

3.Body Composition Index Among Children Aged 7-12 in 1995- in Shandong Province;山东省7~12岁儿童体成分指数1995-变化趋势分析


1.Epidemiological Analysis onChildhood Leukemia in Guangdong Province;广东省儿童青少年白血病流行特征分析

2.Progress of childhood cerebrovascular diseases:treatment and prevention;儿童脑血管疾病的治疗与预防

3.Progress of childhood cerebrovascular diseases:diagnosis and classification;儿童脑血管疾病的分类与诊断


1.Treatment ofpediatric upper urinary calculi with twin pulse low-energy ESWL;复式脉冲碎石机治疗儿童上尿路结石

2.An analysis of the long-term results ofpediatric nasopharynx cancer;儿童鼻咽癌远期疗效分析

3.Etiology of infectious endophthalmitis inpediatric age group;儿童感染性眼内炎的病因学分析


1.Objective To investigate how much pregnant women understand the importance of taking care of oral health forinfants.方法对杭州市1257位妊娠期妇女展开问卷调查,问卷内容涉及儿童口腔保健知识共13个问题,并对结果与妊娠期妇女的年龄、孕周、年收入、文化程度进行统计学分析。

2.Method: Based on the assay result of 1500 samples from clinicinfants,with the help of Trace Elements Study Bureau of Xi an City and all samples are vein blood.目的:探讨该地区儿童血铅增高的原因和血铅增高对儿童的危害性及预防措施。

3.Objective:To investigate the correlation between lead poisoning and asthma ofinfants.目的 :为探讨儿童铅中毒与哮喘的相互关系。


1.The initial exploration of dingnosing and treatingenfant s acute leukemia;儿童急性白血病诊治初探

2.Twenty-seven cases withenfant nasopharyngeal carcinoma underwent PF inducing chemotherapy for one cycle first,then received radiotherapy(D T 55~60Gy),after radiotherapy PF adjuvant chemotherapy for two cycles.[目的]探讨放疗联合PF方案治疗儿童鼻咽癌的放疗剂量及疗效。

3.By analysis theenfant sports characteristic , the author puts forward that the sports practiced byenfant should fit to their need , make them to be more interesting in sports , and the author thinks that interest is an important guarantee to keep theenfant exercising , so he give some ways in doing these .从分析儿童的运动特征着手 ,提出运动应与儿童的需要相适应 ,从而使之产生运动的兴趣 ,认为兴趣是培养儿童体育能力最实际的内部动力之一 ,是强化儿童体育习惯的保障 ,并对如何培养儿童体育兴趣提出具体的方法与建议。



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