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假新闻 False News英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-16 15:15:44


假新闻 False News英语短句 例句大全

假新闻,False News

1)False News假新闻

1.Analysis of News Sources inFalse News;虚假新闻中消息来源的使用及其应对分析

2.Based on the analysis of the deep-leveled causes that false news produces,the essay has brought forward several measures to stop the false news appearing,the main causes that false news produces are gossip,the decider s neglect of duty and medium collective plan and so on.在剖析假新闻产生的深层原因的基础上,提出了制止假新闻出现的措施。

3.What cause false newsWhy false news isn t stopped in timeThis paper discusses how to prevent false new form three aspects:social background,new departments ′incomplete system and news′ social property.为什么会出现假新闻?为什么没有及时杜绝假新闻?它既有社会的大背景,又有新闻系统在结构上的缺失。


1.In wartime, govermnents often black out all news or give out false news.战争中,一些政府经常封锁新闻或发布假新闻。

ments on Legislation of Press in China through the Case of "Fake News"--And A Rough Analysis of Other Countries" Practice从“虚假新闻”管窥我国新闻立法——兼谈各国新闻立法

3.Prohibiting False News,Preventing Dishonest Reports Must Strengthen Journalists Sense of Responsibility;强化责任意识是制止虚假新闻的关键

4.The Flushing of Fake News and its Causes and Counter-Measures in Song Dynasty;宋代假新闻的泛滥状况与原因及整治新探

5.Similar false and partially false news items have been seen not only in the "Hubei Daily", but also other newspapers, TV and radio have had such news.类似的假新闻和半真半假的新闻,并非《湖北日报》上有,其他报纸,以及电视、广播中也曾有过。

6.In order to get higher ratings, some media outlets even create false news.还有些媒体为了收视率,甚至制造假新闻。

7.Briefly on Harms,Causes of False News and Legal Liabilities;浅议媒体虚假新闻的危害、成因及法律责任

8.Rather, he was a master at creating headlines in timing his pseudo news to distract a nationwide audience over a prolonged period.他反而是一位制造报纸头条新闻的大师――选择适当时机,以他的假新闻长时间混淆全国视听。

9.A Study on a Substantive Issue That Must Be Clarified for Athletic News--An Analysis of the Core Reason of Deceptive Athletic News in China;研究体育新闻必须澄清的一个质性问题——兼论中国体育虚假新闻产生的核心理由

10.False news can fool readers for a period of time, but eventually the writers fool themselves.假新闻可以愚弄读者于一时,但最终被愚弄的还是作者自己。

11.US ex-president Nixon"s comeback is placed at sixth.美国前总统尼克森的复出被评为第六大经典假新闻。

12.So, to punish false news, some practical measures must be taken, exposing it in the papers is very effective.看来,治假新闻得有点切实的办法,登报揭露就很有效。

13.Nowadays it"s quite difficult to tell an authentic news report from an invented one,现在有的新闻报道可谓是 真假难辨,

14.News Mediua and Law--Review and Rethinking of the case of Crackdown on Counterfeiting Offenses in Jiajiang;新闻与法浅论——“夹江打假案”回眸与反思

15.the most dangerous and wide - open drug hustle of them all(Newsweek)他们中最危险、最擅钻空子的假药贩子(新闻周刊)

16.ghosts and other unreal entities; unreal propaganda serving as news.鬼和其他虚幻的实体;作为新闻的虚假的宣传。


18.Making and spreading pseudo sports news from legal liability aspect;制造和传播虚假体育新闻的法律责任透析


pseudo event假新闻

1.Thepseudo event affair made by New York Time in has brought about collective thinking to news media all over the world.《纽约时报》制造假新闻事件引起了全世界新闻媒体的集体反思。

3)fake news虚假新闻

1.Fake News is to meet the psychological needs of the audience;it is also because of intense competition in the media industry and is easy to makefake news.虚假新闻缘于新闻工作者满足受众的心理需求,缘于激烈的媒体竞争,也缘于新闻自身容易造假。

2.In order to obtain the foothold in the market society, some media, journalists entered into the wrong road of thefake news either intentionally or unintentionally.为了在市场化的社会中求得立足之地,一些媒体、新闻工作者有意或无意地走入了虚假新闻的歧途。

3.In the past year,great quantities offake news frequently appear in various media.在过去的,各种虚假新闻报道引起了公众对新闻真实性的关注,新闻立法再次成为热点话题,但我国新闻立法历经二十几年却迟迟无法出台。

4)false news虚假新闻

1.Perspective offalse news about professional soccer in China;我国职业足球虚假新闻透视

2.Although our party insists on this principle all the time,there still emerge a lot offalse news in news report.要捍卫新闻的真实性,就必须加强调查研究,不惟上,不惟书,同虚假新闻作斗争。

3.<Abstrcat>It is well accepted thatfalse news of professional soccer runs against the laws of news, which, to some extent, influences the people to make the correct understanding about the development of the professional soccer in China.职业足球的虚假新闻违背了新闻规律,一定程度上影响了人们对我国职业足球发展的正确理解。

5)Idols on News communication新闻假象

6)to prevent false news杜绝假新闻



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