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读者沟通 Communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-16 20:29:40


读者沟通 Communication英语短句 例句大全



1.Communication Between the Librarian and the Reader;图书馆员如何与读者沟通


1.The Access of Successful Communication Between Librarians and Readers;创建图书馆员与读者沟通的良好关系

2.Building a Bridge of Communications between Librarians and Readers by Using the Linguistic Art用语言艺术架起馆员和读者沟通的桥梁

3.Talking about the Skill of Communication between the Librarians and the Readers in the Circulation Department of the University’s Library;高校图书馆流通部馆员与读者的沟通技巧

4.Simply Discussing College Library How to Ensure to Communicate With Readers;浅论高校图书馆应如何加强与读者的沟通

5.On Effective Communication between College Librarians and Readers;高校图书馆员与读者之间有效沟通的探讨

6.On Emotional Exchange with College Students in Libraries;论高校图书馆员与学生读者的情感沟通

7."a broad strait, especially one that connects two seas."宽的海峡,尤指沟通两大海域者.

8.simultaneous method [communication method for the hearing impaired]综合交际法〔听觉受损者的沟通方法〕

9.able or tending to communicate.能够或者倾向于与人沟通。

10.Advertisement is a bridge for communication between enterprises and consumers.广告是企业消费者之间沟通的桥梁。

11.A broad strait, especially one that connects two seas.海峡宽的海峡,尤指沟通两大海域者

12.As a journalist, one must have strong communication ability.做新闻记者需要有很强的沟通能力。

13.A Study of the Structure and the Measurement on Communication Competence of Enterprise Manager;企业管理者沟通能力结构与测量研究

munication between Physicians and Patients Play A Important Role on Improving End-of-life care in ICU;ICU临终患者医疗护理中的医患沟通

15.Improving Investor Relations by Constructing Communicate Channel in AIS;构建AIS沟通平台 改善投资者关系

16.The Influence of Editors’Special Letters on the Communication with the Authors编辑专用书信对作者有效沟通的影响

17.Profound command of English language skills in oral and written form. Sound communication and presentation skills.英语听说读写流利,良好的沟通和演示技巧。

18.Analysis of the Terms Relating Characters in Annotation to the Corresponding Characters like DuRu(读如) used by ZhengXuan(郑玄 )in ZhouLiZhu(《周礼注》);郑玄《周礼注》“读如”类沟通字际关系术语分析


tactics of reader communication读者沟通策略

1.This paper discusses the advantages brought by thetactics of reader communication on the establishment of humane environment in libraries,and gives some advices on how to bring those tactics into full play.文章论述了读者沟通策略对塑造图书馆人文环境的作用以及图书馆如何实施读者沟通策略。

3)readers letters读者通讯

4)common readers普通读者

1.It argues that ge and bu ge are closely related to the response ofcommon readers,with the focus on the reader and the receptor.在此基础上,提出"隔"与"不隔"与普通读者接受反应效果的关联问题,认为王国维提出"隔"与"不隔"说的切入点在于读者和接受者,是其站在普通读者接受反应的角度向文本和作者提出的审美要求。

5)communication with consumer消费者沟通

1.In the case study of “Chamsharry Villa Project”, the paper illustrates the content and applications of claim of consumer theory, cost of consumer theory, convenience to consumer theory andcommunication with consumer theory.本文以“香榭里别墅”楼盘为例 ,阐述消费者需求理论、消费者成本理论、消费者方便理论和消费者沟通理论的内容及其应

6)boundary communication role界限沟通者


《读者》(原创版)《读者》(原创版)创刊于9月,系《读者》系列刊物,是《读者》杂志拓展原创领域迈出的重要一步。从起,《读者》(原创版)改为月刊,将继续注重杂志的原创性、思想性、可读性、参与性,给读者更新鲜的原创体验和精神享受。一年来,在广大作者、读者的呵护与支持下,《读者》(原创版)发行量稳步上升,开创了一方独具特色和生命力的原创天地,丰富和拓展了《读者》的品牌内涵,影响力和受众群不断扩大,得到了读者朋友的欢迎和肯定。本刊热忱欢迎您的参与和原创首发作品,也欢迎独立编译并首发的优秀译作。本刊同时向《读者》杂志“原创精品”栏目供稿。投稿要求及订阅、活动详情请参阅最新《读者》(原创版)及《读者》第19—24期。投稿方式: 电子信箱:[email protected]邮寄:(730030)兰州市中央广场邮局《读者》信箱《读者》(原创版)编辑部编辑部电话:0931—8773354传达心灵体验,呈现大千世界!同质化时代,更需要一片原创的天空!

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