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竣工 completion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-21 01:49:21


竣工 completion英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on environmental impact characteristics of environmental protection check & acceptance for the projectcompletion, the investigation procedure, the key contents, existing problems and some suggests are discussed in details in this paper.针对输气管道工程对环境的影响特点,对输气管道工程竣工环境保护验收调查程序、调查重点内容进行了探讨研究,提出了输气管道工程验收调查目前尚存在的问题和改进意见。

2.The main environmental problems in the underground gas storage construction were analyzed in this paper, and the main contents of the environmental protection check & acceptance investigation for the underground gas storagecompletion were discussed.文章分析了地下储气库建设中存在的主要环境问题,阐述了地下储气库竣工环境保护验收调查的主要内容,提出了地下储气库竣工环境保护验收调查的技术路线和技术方法,从而有助于为地下储气库工程竣工环境保护验收调查提供参考。


1.when the project is completed,在三峡工程完全竣工前,

2.final accounts of the completed capital constructionproject基本建设工程竣工决算

3.The project had been completed by the end of 1990 .这项工程于1990年底竣工。

4.check and acceptance of the completed capitalconstruction project基本建设工程竣工验收

5.On completion accounts and accounts record of constructional project浅谈建设工程竣工结算与竣工结算备案

6.floor space of buildings completed by real estate enterprise was 17.074 million square meters.竣工面积1707.4万平方米。

7.The new highway is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.新公路定于年内竣工。

8.Implementation Completion Report - ICR项目竣工报告(简写为 ICR)

9.The project was terminated as of January 1.该项目于一月一日竣工

10.The bridge was completed in September of the same year.同年九月这座大桥竣工。

11."upon completion of the project, submit a report on inspecting and accepting the completed environmental protection facilities."竣工后,必须报送环境保护设施竣工验收报告。

12.Several Thinkings on Acceptance and Recording of the Project after its Completion;对工程竣工验收备案工作的几点思考

13.How to Do the Settlement Verification of a Construction Project;如何作好建设工程竣工结算审核工作

14.How to do audit account work well for building engineering怎样做好建设工程竣工结算审核工作

15.Differences Between Final Accounts Audit of Construction Project Completion and Construction Projects Completion Settlement Verification;浅析建设项目竣工决算审计与建设工程竣工结算审核的区别

16.A total of 400 million square meters of new residential buildings were completed in urban areas, and 810 million square meters of new houses were built in rural areas in 1998.全年城镇竣工住宅面积4亿平方米,农村竣工住宅面积8.1亿平方米。

17.It is estimated that the construction will take21 months to complete.建设工期21个月,预计5月竣工。

pletion of the building work is taken longer than expect.建筑工程的竣工比预计的时间要长。



1.Settling accounts of acompleted project refers to construction enterprisecomplete the whole contract project according to the content of the contract stipulated,and after qualified by checking and conformed to the contract,settle the final accounts to the contract award enterprise.工程竣工结算系指施工企业按照合同规定的内容全部完成所承包的工程,经验收质量合格,并符合合同要求之后,向发包单位进行的最终工程款结算。

2.Working out final financial accounts after a capital project iscompleted reflects the benefit of investment of capital project and construction result.基建项目竣工财务决算是反映基建项目投资效益和建设成果的重要文件。

3)Finished engineering竣工工程

4)completion of works工程竣工

5)completion of works竣工;完工

6)as-built drawings竣工图;竣工图



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