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花园 Garden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-20 20:21:54


花园 Garden英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation of the new trends of garden design from Chelsea Flower Show ;由切尔西花展看花园设计的新趋势

2.From Paris Exposition to MillerGarden Space Composition of Western Modern Landscape Architecture;从巴黎工美博览会到米勒花园——西方现代景观的空间构成

3.Gertrude Jekyll,English gardener,is the key person in the Arts and CraftsGardening.杰基尔实现了园艺栽培的艺术化,与建筑师路特恩斯共同确立的规则式布局自然式种植的花园设计模式在西方有着广泛的影响。


1.Flowers are popular in gardens too.花在花园里也很普遍(花园里也有花)。

2.a trowel used by gardeners.花园园丁使用的泥铲。

3.Oh, what a beautiful garden!啊, 多美的花园!

e to my gar-den and rest for a while,飞到花园 歇一歇,

5.There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer.夏天花园里开满了鲜花。

6.The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom.花园里现在鲜花盛开。

7.Masses of flowers were Blazing in all parts of the garden.花园四处簇簇鲜花盛开。

8.pluck a rose from the garden从花园里摘一朵玫瑰花

9.The garden is coming on nicely.这个花园里花草茂盛.

10.She was on her knees planting flowers in the garden.她在花园里跪着种花。

11.She mentioned all the flowers in the garden.她举出花园所有的花名。

12.The flowers in the garden were a wonderful sight.花园的花是一幅美景。

13.build a wall between my garden and my neighbour"s在我的花园与邻居花园之间砌一堵墙

14.My garden communicates with the garden next door by means of a gate.我的花园与隔壁的花园有门相通。

15.The garden has been walled off from the neighbours".花园用墙和邻居家的花园划开。

16.From "Garden Path Sentence" to "Garden Path Narration";从“花园路句子”到“花园路叙事”

17.The campus is also known as "Yan Yuan", the Garden of Yan.校园又被称作“燕园”,燕子的花园。

18.Chinese gardens can be divided into two categories, the imperial and the private.中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两类。


landscaped garden园景花园

3)Liuhua Lake Park流花湖花园

4)The Frangipani Gardens《鸡蛋花花园》

1.Various Behaviors on the Periphery of Australian Society——Analysis ofThe Frangipani Gardens by Barbara Hanrahan澳大利亚社会边缘上的种种行为——析巴巴拉·汉拉汉《鸡蛋花花园》中的几位女性

5)Zhongyin Garden中银花园

1.The first demonstration project of middle water reuse inZhongyin Garden,a resident community was introduced,with detailed description of design,operation,technical index and economical benefits of the system.文章详细介绍了深圳市第一个中水回用示范工程——中银花园中水回用工程的设计、运行情况,并进行了技术经济指标分析。

6)Xiahuayuan Formation下花园组

1.The Finding ofXiahuayuan Formation in Caogoupu Area in Yuxian and Coal Looking Prospect;蔚县草沟堡区下花园组的发现及找煤前景

2.Xiahuayuan Formation Depositional Environment and Coal-accumulation Characteristics in Xuandong Mine Area, Hebei河北宣东矿区下花园组沉积环境与聚煤特征



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