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自我完成 self-completion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 20:40:04


自我完成 self-completion英语短句 例句大全



1.What corresponds with the existence state of human in the education is the existence state of teachers in teacher training:free choice, emotional experience andself-completion.与人在教育中的存在状态相对应的是,教师在教师培训中的存在状态:自由选择、情感体验和自我完成。

2)selfcompletion questionnaire自我完成问卷

3)self-completion questionnaire自我完成的调查表


1.Analysis on theSelf-improvement of Young Teachers in Medical Universities;浅析医学院校青年教师的自我完善

2.Meanwhile,it points out that the training and using of student cadres must always follow the humanism principles,and building-up a cadre of students can play a full leading role to promote students self-management and self-improvement.同时,指出了对学生干部的培养和使用,要始终遵循人性化的指导原则,充分发挥学生干部队伍的先导作用,促进学生向自我管理、自我完善的目标标迈出更新的步伐。

3.Jane Eyre serves as the spokesman for Charlotte, and her mental pilgrimage is the process of spiritual sublimation,that is to say, the process of self-improvement of Christian rational spirit.简·爱是夏洛蒂思想的代言人 ,她的心路历程是精神提升的过程 ,即基督教理性精神的自我完善过程。


1.Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement,我们大多数人想自我完善却遭到失败,

2.University librarian s self-perfection and the development searches newly;高校图书馆员的自我完善与发展新探

3.A reappraisal of Tolstoy s moral self-improvement;托尔斯泰“道德自我完善”的重新评价

4.Quallty education is a path of self perfection of Chinese teaching;素质教育是语文教学自我完善的途径

5.Reform is“ the self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system.改革是“社会主义制度的自我完善和自我发展”。

6.Reform is "the self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system."改革是"社会主义制度的自我完善和自我发展"。

7.Study on Way of Self-perfect in Teachers Ability under Internet Circumstance;网络环境下教师能力自我完善方式研究

8.To face its struggle and its strife and improve their worth.如何面对困难,完善自我。

9.Deepen the Internal Reform of Hospitals,Perfect the Mechanism of self-Restraint深化医院内部改革 完善自我约束机制

10.We will model the way and challenge the process for improvement.开辟路径,挑战工作程序以完善自我。

11.Develop Zhong Da, perfect oneself, serve country, Serve the society.发展中达,完善自我,报效祖国,服务社会。

12.Research on the Legal System of Nature Heritage Protection in China;论我国自然遗产保护法律制度之完善

13.Study on the Perfection of the Freedom of Association under Legal Protection;论我国结社自由法律保障制度的完善

14.On Legal Regulation Perfection of Natural Monopoly Industries of Our Country;论我国自然垄断行业的法律规制完善

15.Learn from Society,Face up to Difficulties,Consummate Oneself,Move Towards Success;学习社会 正视困难 完善自我 走向成功

16.On Reference Use and Perfection of the Free Evaluation of Evidence in China;论自由心证制度在我国的借鉴与完善

17.An Analysis on Shortcoming of the Self-confession in the Civil Procedure and Its Perfection我国民事诉讼自认制度的不足与完善

18.On the Defects and Perfection of Civil "Admission" System in China论我国民事“自认”制度的缺陷及完善


selfcompletion questionnaire自我完成问卷

3)self-completion questionnaire自我完成的调查表


1.Analysis on theSelf-improvement of Young Teachers in Medical Universities;浅析医学院校青年教师的自我完善

2.Meanwhile,it points out that the training and using of student cadres must always follow the humanism principles,and building-up a cadre of students can play a full leading role to promote students self-management and self-improvement.同时,指出了对学生干部的培养和使用,要始终遵循人性化的指导原则,充分发挥学生干部队伍的先导作用,促进学生向自我管理、自我完善的目标标迈出更新的步伐。

3.Jane Eyre serves as the spokesman for Charlotte, and her mental pilgrimage is the process of spiritual sublimation,that is to say, the process of self-improvement of Christian rational spirit.简·爱是夏洛蒂思想的代言人 ,她的心路历程是精神提升的过程 ,即基督教理性精神的自我完善过程。


1.The writer describes three main similarities between Thoreau s Transcendentalism and doctrines of Chinese Confucius and Mencius:willingness to live a simple and virtuous life,putting emphasis on moral cultivation and unremitting pursuit of self-perfectio梭罗超验主义与中国儒家的孔孟思想的相似之处,主要体现在安贫乐道的精神,注重道德修养的原则和对自我完善的追求。

2.At same time, she stresses the teaching method can play the role of improving teaching ability as well as self-perfection.教学方法研究是适应素质教育的重要途径 ,它既是师资教育的有效方法之一 ,又是教师教学方法自我完善的捷径。

3.It’s a shortcut of the teachers’self-perfection.它是教师自我完善的捷径。

6)perfect oneself完善自我


《方言调查字表》供调查整理汉语方言字音用的著作。中国科学院语言研究所编辑,1955年 7月北京科学出版社出版。该字表是以中央研究院历史语言研究所1930年编的"方音调查表格"为底本加以修改编成的。删去了原表格中不必要的罗马字注音和一些不常用的字,改正了字的音韵地位,加入了一些常用字。第2版修订本出版于1964年9月,删去了一些不常用的字和又音字,增加了一些方言常用字,改正了个别字的音韵地位,删改和增补了一些字的注释。新一版修订本1983年 5月在北京由商务印书馆出版,在第 2版的基础上,改正了 3个字的音韵地位。本书选择了比较常用的单字3700多个。书前有用法、说明,发音合作人及声调表、声母表、韵母表。书后附有音标及其他语音符号表。字的次序按切韵、广韵一系韵书书所代表的古音系统排列。先按十六摄排列,摄的次序是:果、假、遇 、蟹、止、 效、流、咸、深、山、臻、宕、江、曾、梗、通。同摄的先分开合口,再分一二三四等。相承的四声并列,每页第一横行的韵目举平以赅上去。声母分36类,次第是: 帮(非)、 滂(敷)、並(奉)、明(微);端、 透、定, 泥(娘)、来,精、清、从、心、邪;知、彻、澄,照庄、穿初、床崇、审生、照章、穿昌、床船、审书、禅、日;见、溪、群、疑,晓、匣、影、喻云、喻以。声母、韵母、声调搭成框架,每个字放在各自应有的音韵地位,形成一张张韵图,相当于现代汉语声韵调配合表。用这个字表调查方言的音系,许多复杂不易理解的现象大都可以得到理解,从而得出方言音系在古今演变上的要点。用这个字表调查方言的音系也便于归纳整理。几十年来的实践证明,用这个字表作为调查研究汉语方言语音的基础是一个比较简便的办法。此书还可以作为学习和研究汉语音韵的参考资料。(见彩图)

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