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小兽 Small mammal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-22 18:30:33


小兽 Small mammal英语短句 例句大全

小兽,Small mammal

1)Small mammal小兽

1.Studies on the similarity and classification of chigger mite communties on small mammals in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake in Dali of Yunnan,China;云南大理洱海周边地带小兽体表恙螨群落相似性及分类研究

2.Investigation on ectoparasitic sucking lice on small mammals in Jizu Mountain,Yunnan;云南鸡足山小兽体表寄生吸虱状况调查

3.Diversity of chigger mites on small mammals in the surrounding areas of Erhai Lake in Yunnan,China;中国云南洱海周边小兽体表恙螨多样性(英文)


1.The Source of "The Little Animal Yielding Tiger" and Its Exotic Sentiment;小兽伏虎故事的域外来源及异国情调

2.World Small Animal Veterinary Association世界小动物兽医协会

3.The vet put a cast on the dog"s leg.兽医给小狗大打上石膏,

4.A cub is a small bear.那只幼兽是只小熊。

5.have kittens, of a female cat.生育小动物,用于雌兽。

6.The cubs were sickly and undersized.那些幼兽又弱又矮小.

7.The small door opened and Gus stepped inside the cage.小门开了,葛斯踏进兽笼。

8.A young, often undersized fur - bearing animal.幼兽幼小的,常为小型的毛皮动物

9.A young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf.幼兽哺乳动物的幼仔,如小狗或小狼

10.The young of certain other animals.幼兽其它某种动物的幼小动物

11.In the Vet. clinic like be in a flea market bargain the medical charge.把兽医当市场小贩般的讨价还价!

12.They potted at small wild animals in the wood.他们射击树林里的小野兽。

13.The veterinary surgeon implanted a plastic heart in the body of a calf兽医把塑料心脏植入小牛体内。

14.A young animal, especially a baby kangaroo.幼袋鼠,幼兽幼小的动物,尤指幼袋鼠

15.lightly built medium-size theropods.体形较小的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙。

16.The barterer exchanged trinkets for the natives furs.货贩子用小件饰物换取土著的兽皮。

17."He gives food to every beast, and to the young ravens in answer to their cry."他赐食给走兽,和啼叫的小乌鸦。

18.A New Species of the Genus Mammomonogamus,from Hainan Province, China;兽比翼线虫属一新种(线虫纲:小杆目)


small mammals小兽

munity structure and spatial distribution of gamasid mites associated withsmall mammals in Yunnan,China中国云南小兽寄生革螨的群落结构和空间分布(英文)

2.Objective To understand the characteristics of the chigger communities onsmall mammals in Yunnan Province.方法选取云南省16个县(市)为调查点,现场用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小型哺乳动物(小兽),收集耳廓和外耳道全部恙螨,常规分类、鉴定。

3.Small mammals were randomly captured with cage trap.目的研究云南省北部金沙江流域小兽体表恙螨的群落结构。


1.MethodsRodent density was determined with trap-at-night method at three different sites with varied ecological landscapes and elevation above sea level from foothill to the summit of the mountain.结果本次调查共捕获小兽13种,287只;不同生境的小兽密度为9。

2.Rodents were clamped at night and its density was calculated.结果北京市东北部燕山山脉共捕获社鼠、大林姬鼠、黑线姬鼠、小家鼠、棕背、褐家鼠、大仓鼠、川西长尾、北小麝9种;不同生境地区小兽密度为3。

4)Small mammals小型兽类

1.Species composition of small mammals in Jinhua City.;金华城区小型兽类种类组成

2.Study on the seasonal dynamics of small mammals in Jinhua City.;金华城区小型兽类数量季节消长的研究

3.The species diversity and distribution trends of small mammals in Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan;云南横断山区小型兽类物种多样性与地理分布趋势

5)small mammal鼠形小兽

1.Structure ofsmall mammal community and its periodicfluctuations in the central Sichuan square hills;川中方山浅丘地区鼠形小兽群落结构及其变动的研究

6)Rodents and Insectivores小兽类



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