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园区 park英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-11 02:34:18


园区 park英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation and Thought on Park Construction of Langfang City;廊坊园区建设的调查与思考

2.The Park Cultural Environment Construction Based on Urban Management——A the case study on Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park基于城市经营的园区人文环境建设——以上海张江高科技园区为例


1.Construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area into a "Science Park and Technology Park"天津滨海高新区“科学园区+技术园区”的构建

2.Five view Districts, namely the zoo area, botanical garden appreciate the area, view wu lake District, entertainment zone and forest area.五个景区,即动物园区、物园观赏区、武湖区、乐区和山林区。

3.Study on Preceding Planning in Construction of the Branch Park of Tsinghua Science Park;清华科技园分园区建设前期策划研究

4.The Study on the Post-evaluation System of the Project in Shengli Industry Zone胜利工业园园区项目后评价体系研究

5.So how far is the campus?离软件园区还有多远?

6.We"re not going to campus.我们不是去软件园区

7.Wuxi Singapore Industrial Park无锡新加坡工业园区

8.Huangyan Canned Food Industrial Park黄岩罐头食品工业园区

9.Industrial Park of Sanmen County, Taizhou台州三门县工业园区

10.(10) Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Zone(十)中关村科技园区

11.Discussion on regional economy development and strategy of vitalizing regions by science and education;区域经济、科技园区与科教兴区战略

12.Zhongguancun High-Tech Park maintained rapid growth.中关村“一区五园”科技园区继续高速发展。

13.The Duality Structure and Development of China Logistics Parks;我国物流园区二元结构与物流园区发展

14.The Eco-industrial Park:A New form of the Industrial Park Development in Our Country;生态工业园区——我国工业园区发展的新形态


16.Garden Style University Campus Design--No. 3 Branch of Southern Part of Suzhou International Education Campus景园式大学校园设计——苏州国际教育园南区三校

17.The vineyard of Clos de Vougeot is shared between 80 owners.伏旧园的产区由80个庄园主拥有。

18.Bwindi Impenetrable National Park比温蒂禁猎区国家公园



1.A study of landscape ecological design in sand-grown plant garden——taking Dongshan County for example;沙生植物观光园区景观生态设计研究——以东山县为例

2.Development Strategies of Moso BambooGarden in Qingyuan County;庆元毛竹林园区开发技术

3.Study on the Countermeasures of the Agricultural Science and TechnologyGardens Development in Shandong Province;山东省农业科技园区发展的对策研究


1.It is good to build the new high technology and industrialzone, not only for the Chinese herbal medicine trades of planting, producing, processing, researching and developing , but also for these areas in Gansu.在陇东南建设中药现代化高新技术产业园区,对区域及甘肃省中药的种植、生产、加工、研制、开发等行业的发展是有力的推动,使中药科研、生产成为工业支柱产业,使中药的种植(养殖)成为农业支柱产业,彻底改变经济增长方式,实现经济的大发展。

2.This article outlines about the Western scholars variouszone development theory,commented on them simply and advances its hint for economic development of China.本文概述了西方学者关于园区经济发展的有关基础理论,并进行了简单评价,提出对我国经济发展的启示。

3.The agricultural science and technologyzone as the carrier and platform of agricultural science and technology transformation, the same as lead of agricultural industry promotion and optimization.农业科技园区作为农业科技成果转化的载体和平台,作为农业产业提升和优化的龙头,同时以作为农技推广体制创新的新形组织模式,近几年在全国各地得以推广,并在实践中取得了重要的作用,同时已显现出不同程度的弊端和不足。


1.Solution oncampus network intrusion detection with exchange cooperation;园区网络入侵检测与交换机联动的实现

2.Design and Realization of the Vehicle Management System for Campus;园区车辆管理系统的设计与实现

3.The basic situation ofcampus and environmental management method were introduced from the view of total quantity control and pollution emission permits trading combined with experience of domestic experimental units.从总量控制与排污权交易的概念出发,介绍园区的基本情况以及目前园区环境管理方法和缺点,结合国内总量控制与排污权交易试点省市经验,着重论述总量控制与排污权交易在园区环境管理中的作用,并阐述在园区中推行总量控制与排污权交易的几点意见。

5)logistics park物流园区

1.Study on the Characteristics of Railway Logistics Park;铁路物流园区相关特性的研究

2.The Problems and Suggestions of Logistics Park Planning and Construction;物流园区规划建设的问题及建议

3.The 3S of the planning strategies forlogistics parks;物流园区规划的3S策略

6)chemical industry park化工园区

1.Probe into the main content of safety planning forchemical industry park;化工园区安全规划主要内容探讨

2.Study on development pattern of circular economy inchemical industry parks in China;我国化工园区发展循环经济的典型模式研究

3.No-constraint two-objective land-use planning ofchemical industry park based-on VEGA基于向量评价遗传算法的化工园区无约束双目标安全规划


公主岭市国家农业科技园区 公主岭市国家农业科技园区吉林公主岭国家农业科技园区于2001年9月3日经国家科技部批准建立,是全国首批确定的21个国家农业科技园区(试点)之一。2001年12月27日,吉林省人民政府批复将园区纳入省级开发区管理序列,享有省级经济管理权限。2002年9月5日,省政府专门成立了以常务副省长王儒林为组长、省直部门和四平市政府等24个成员单位参加的园区建设领导小组,负责园区建设的领导、组织和协调工作。 园区位于松辽平原腹地的吉林省公主岭市,核心区面积20.07平方公里,人口4.5万人,机关事业单位35个,国有和民营企业345家。这里粮食资源丰富,交通通讯便捷,科技基础雄厚,是东北粮食主产区农业发展和科技创新的典型代表。

图片列表门票价格交通提示相临景点二郎山庄 伊通火山群国家级自然保护区介绍 满族民俗馆 二龙湖古城遗址 山门水库风景区 叶赫风景区 四平战役纪念馆 偏脸城 叶赫那拉城 转山湖水库 公主岭市国家农业科技园区 伽蓝寺

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