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思维的斧子 Ax of Thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-23 19:26:59


思维的斧子 Ax of Thinking英语短句 例句大全

思维的"斧子",Ax of Thinking

1)Ax of Thinking思维的"斧子"

2)pole axe屠牛用的斧子

3)I do with the small axe.我用小斧子做的。

4)the axe;the ax斧子


1.the head of a nail, hammer, axe, etc钉子、 锤子、斧子等的头

2.an axe that has cutting edges on both sides of the head.斧头的两边都有切边的斧子。

3.A man who wields an ax.用斧人,伐木者使用斧子的人

4.The tree falls not at the first stroke.树不是一斧子能砍倒的。

5.He couldn"t get it out.他没法把斧子捞上来,

6.an axe for wax will not cut rock.砍蜡的斧子砍不了石。

7.The edge of this axe has turned.这把斧子卷了刃了。

8.He split the wood with an axe.他用斧子把木头劈开。

9.The broke the door in with axes.他们用斧子劈开了门。

10.the cutting head of an ax.斧子的砍东西的顶部。

11.Then he was going to strike the tree with his axe,他正要用斧子砍树,

12.She was splitting logs with an axe.她正用斧子劈木头.

13.a large ax with a broad cutting blade.有宽切刃的大的斧子。

14.an ax with a long handle and a head that has one cutting edge and one blunt side.有长把手、斧头一头是切边一头是钝边的斧子。

15.An ax having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle.屠斧一端有刃一端有锤面的斧子,用来屠宰牲畜

16.an ax that has a long handle and a head with one cutting edge and a point on the other side.有长手柄、斧头一边有切边另一边有凿头的斧子。

17.Gloin` s Double Axes( Level20)- Gimli will throw two axes at once with his axe throwing skill. Both will track!野蛮双斧(求等级20)吉姆利可以手持两把斧子进行攻击.如果是扔出斧子也可以同时投出.

18.The executioner put down his axe and stood quietly.刽子手放下了斧子,一言不发地站着。


pole axe屠牛用的斧子

3)I do with the small axe.我用小斧子做的。

4)the axe;the ax斧子

5)thinking proton思维质子

6)claw hatchet带有拔钉钩的斧子



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