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人格解体 depersonalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-03 23:53:09


人格解体 depersonalization英语短句 例句大全



1.The results showed that insufficient reward and conflicting values were excellent predictors of exhaustion;work overload,lack of control and community breakdown were excellent predictors ofdepersonalization;community breakdown was an excellent predictor of reduced personal accomplishment.结果表明,奖赏不足和价值观冲突对耗竭具有显著的预测作用;工作负荷、缺乏控制和共同体瓦解对人格解体具有显著的预测作用;共同体瓦解对成就感降低具有显著的预测作用。

2.The results show that there are three factors in CMBI named exhaustion,depersonalization,and reduced personal accomplishment.结果表明,工作倦怠由耗竭、人格解体和成就感降低三个因素构成。


1.A state in which the normal sense of personal identity and reality is lost, characterized by feelings that one"s actions and speech cannot be controlled.人格解体丧失关于个人本体和现实的正常感觉。其特征是感到不能控制自己的行动和说话

2.Personality thought nobleness, manifests in regarding the detail understanding and tolerant.人格思想的高尚,体现在对于细节的理解和宽容。

3.Tigre People"s Liberation Front蒂格雷人民解放阵线(蒂格雷人阵)

4.The paper thinks the key to comprehending the work is to revert to the main persona structure in the work, not to criticize it.理解文本的关键在于还原作品的主体人格结构,归真而不在批判。

5.The Style of Fei Ming’s Fiction Interpreted;深蕴人生况味的精神艺术追求——解读废名小说文体风格

6.On the Establishment of Animals Civil Subject Capacity--Anthropocentrism Legal Ideology and Deconstruction;论动物法律主体资格的确立——人类中心主义法理念及其消解

7.Explaining and Reading "Goldbach Problem" and on Style of Poetry;人间春雷 文苑奇葩——解读《哥德巴赫猜想》兼论诗体化风格

8.Study of Sino-American Family Conflict Resolution Style--From Perspectives of Cultural Individualism-Collectivism从文化个人主义和集体主义论中美家庭冲突解决风格

9.Analyzing the Cause of Modernity Crisis from Philosophy Background of Individual Personality Formation从个体人格形成的哲学背景解析现代性危机的成因

10.Separation of a group of related psychological activities into autonomously functioning units, as in the generation of multiple personalities.分裂,解体一组相关的心理活动分解为自行运作单位,如多种人格的产生

11.The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征

12.New Explanation About "Like Fist, Like Man"--On the Relationship between Fist s Style and Personality;“拳如其人”新解——拳风与人格的关系新论

13.The tripartive personality analysis of Jane Eyre;《简·爱》女主人公的“三部人格”解析

14.The comfortable and true feelings --analyzing the moral quality of scholars of Wei-jin period again;适意与真情——对魏晋士人人格的再解读

15.New Investigation of Nietzsche Ubermensch Theory;理想人格之丰碑——尼采的“超人”学说解析

16.Strict Analytical Solution of Phonon Spectrum in Three-dimensional Face Centered Cubic Crystal三维面心立方晶体声子谱的严格解析解

17.Analyses on the Pluralistic Patterns of Mass Media in Middle and Primary Schools in the Modern Society;现代社会中的大众媒体多元格局解析

18.On Coding and Decoding for Sphere Degenerated-Octree Grid球体退化八叉树网格编码与解码研究


Alice in wonderland syndrome人格解体综合征

3)depersonalization neurosis人格解体神经症

4)depersonalization neurosis人格解体神经病

5)personal explanation人格解释

6)personality decomposition人格分解



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