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非市场机制 non-market mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 14:26:21


非市场机制 non-market mechanism英语短句 例句大全

非市场机制,non-market mechanism

1)non-market mechanism非市场机制

1.From the angle ofnon-market mechanism,this paper puts forward the concepts of the archive’s and archival information’s public goods,and makes concrete exposition of their attributive characters of being the public goods of archives and archival information.从非市场机制角度提出了档案与档案信息公共商品的概念,并对其具有公共商品的属性特征进行了具体的阐述。

2)impersonalized market mechanism非人格化市场机制

3)institutional compatibility非市场性协调机制

4)market mechanism市场机制

1.Market mechanism, government adjustment and health reform;卫生改革与发展必须实现市场机制和政府调节的优化组合

2.Focus on the Market Mechanism of Community Management in Developed Countries and Regions;透视发达国家及地区社区管理中的市场机制

3.How to strengthen ideological work in state-owned construction enterprise undermarket mechanism;市场机制下国有施工企业如何加强思想工作


1.Effect of Market Mechanism on Land Market in Urban China;市场机制对中国城市土地市场的影响

2.The market intermediary institution is an important carrier of market mechanism.市场中介机构是市场机制的重要载体。

3.Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms总统市场机制工作队

4.Market Nature in Extension of Agricultural Technology with Public Welfare and Construction of Market Mechanism;论公益性农技推广的市场性及市场机制的构建


6.Introduce the Market Mechanism and Reform the System of the Car for Public Affairs;引入市场机制实行公务用车制度改革

7.On the Coordination of Property System and Market Mechanisms;产权制度变革与市场机制建设的互补

8.Market mechanism and law intervention of corporate governance in America;美国公司治理的市场机制与法律规制

9.Setup of Market Access Mechanism under Opened Market System开放市场体系下 市场准入机制的建立

10.Regulation Mechanism Design for Transmission Market based on Contestable Markets Theory;基于可竞争市场理论的输电市场管制机制设计

11.The System of Branch Monetary Market and Capital Market;分业体制下货币市场与资本市场的对接机制

12.Research on Operational Mechanism of Urban Infrastructure Marketization;城市基础设施的市场化运营机制研究

13.Study on the Quality Control Mechanism of Tea Market of Changsha City;长沙市茶叶市场质量监控机制的探讨

14.Innovation in Urban Infrastructure Management Mechanism-Market-orientating;城市基础设施经营机制的改革——市场化

15.The Electricity Market Pricing Mechanism and Their Market Characteristics on the Game Equilibria;电力市场定价机制及其博弈均衡市场特性研究

16.The compare of information mechanism in efficient market and fractal market;信息机制在有效市场与分形市场的比较

17.Foundation of A System Linking Money Market and Capital Market of China;我国货币市场与资本市场连通机制问题研究

18.The Linking Mechanism between Money Market and Capital Market and Dredging theConnection between Them;货币市场与资本市场之间的联结机制及其疏导


impersonalized market mechanism非人格化市场机制

3)institutional compatibility非市场性协调机制

4)market mechanism市场机制

1.Market mechanism, government adjustment and health reform;卫生改革与发展必须实现市场机制和政府调节的优化组合

2.Focus on the Market Mechanism of Community Management in Developed Countries and Regions;透视发达国家及地区社区管理中的市场机制

3.How to strengthen ideological work in state-owned construction enterprise undermarket mechanism;市场机制下国有施工企业如何加强思想工作

5)marketing mechanism市场机制

1.Exploration of applyingmarketing mechanism in reclamation and disposition of white waste pollutant——Case study of one-off plastic tableware waste in Shanghai.;市场机制在白色污染物回收处置中的应用探讨——以上海一次性塑料餐具废弃物为例

2.A Study on the Fund-raising Marketing Mechanism of Public Universities;我国公立高校筹资市场机制研究

3.Clean production is not efficient implemented in China due to lacking ofmarketing mechanism.在回顾市场机制在ISO14000标准成功实施中的作用基础上,对我国清洁生产推动中市场机制的缺乏而影响清洁生产的实施效果进行了反思,提出了基于市场的清洁生产推动机制的设想。

6)market system市场机制

1.Applyingmarket system to set a new way of urbanization--Enlightenment from urbanization of Suide County;运用市场机制 走出城镇建设的新路子——绥德县实施城镇带动战略给我们的启示

2.So to reglulatemarket system and remedy the defect of themarket system we must construct relevant legal system, reinforce macroregulation of the government, formulate industry policy, promote people"s.市场经济追求环境资源开发利用的效益,但技术进步的非对称性、市场外部不经济性、忽略无市场价值的资源等市场机制性因素,严重制约了环境资源的可持续利用。

pared to the traditional planned economic system, marketability is a so-called process in which the effect of themarket system to allocate resources and products increases.相对于传统计划经济而言,市场化就是市场机制在经济运行中进行资源配置、产品分配的作用逐渐增大的过程。



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