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边际 margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-22 00:27:22


边际 margin英语短句 例句大全



1.On the basis of analyzing the theories of fashion and raising the concept of the "center" and"margin"of fashion.分析服装流行的各种理论,提出服装流行的“内核”与“边际”概念,以此出发寻找服装设计和市场应用的有效工具,以期为服装生产实践和经营行为提供参考依据。

2.This paper discusses the mathematical backgrounds of themargin concept and elasticity notion in microeconomics and points out some applications in business management.作者论述了微观经济学中边际概念与弹性概念的数学背景,并指出它们在经营管理中的一些应用。

3.Many issues such asmargin,flexibility,consumer surplus in economics relate to this important method——limit thinking.经济学中的边际、弹性、消费者剩余等许多问题,都涉及到极限思想这一重要方法。


1.marginal costing边际成本计算(法)

2.marginal utility (theory)边际效用(价值说)

3.Antidumping Game of Dumping Margin and Injury Margin;倾销边际与损害边际反倾销效应分析

4.angle of uncertainty光弧)边际不确定区

5.The more he talked, the further he strayed from the point.他越讲越不着边际。

6.marginal productivity theory of wages工资边际生产率理论

7.marginal utility theory of taxatio课税的边际效用理论

8.marginal cost pricing principles按边际成本订价的原则

9.law of constant marginal productivity边际生产力不变法则

10.Then contribution can be calculated as following...边际贡献计算如下…

11.Marginal product theory of distribution分配的边际产品理论

12.diminishing marginal physical product递减的边际物质产品

13.marginal cost [profits, utility]【经济】边际费用 [收益,效用]

14.People stop at the point where the marginal cost equals the marginal benefit.当边际成本等于边际效益,就是活动停止的时候。

15.The Pioneers of Marginalist Economics and the Origin of the Marginal Revolution;从边际主义经济学的先驱看边际革命的产生

16.Generally, the contribution is positive. It can be expressed in total, per unit and percent.一般说来,边际贡献是正数,它可以表示为贡献总额、单位边际贡献和边际贡献率。

17.The correct statement of the marginal effect degression law should be " gradually declining law of marginal effect".边际效用递减规律的准确表述应为"边际效用趋减规律"。

18.Why to say to be equal to limit cost in limit accrual is profit of the company on this the biggest?为什么说在边际收益等于边际成本这一点上企业利润是最大的?


marginal land边际用地;边际地

3)cutoff grade边际品位

1.Optimization of open-pitcutoff grade based on option pricing theory;基于实物期权理论的露天矿边际品位最优化

2.The determination ofcutoff grade in mining operation is an important decision-making problem.矿石开采边际品位的确定是矿产业中一个非常重要的决策问题,它一方面直接影响到矿山企业经济效益高低,同时还影响整个国家的矿产资源有效利用的水平。

4)marginal oilfield边际油田

1.Brief talk about development ofmarginal oilfield in the western South China Sea;南海西部海域边际油田开发浅谈

2.Approach to key points in exploration and development of offshoremarginal oilfields;近海边际油田勘探开发中若干关键问题探讨

3.Application of horizontal well technology in the development ofmarginal oilfield in Bohai Bay;渤海湾边际油田水平井钻完井技术

5)marginal revenue边际收入

6)marginal utility边际效益

1.Based on the analysis of current safety investment in China, safety investment theory ofmarginal utility is discussed, which is used to determine total amounu of safety investment.在分析当前我国安全投资决策研究基础上,讨论安全投资的边际效益理论,并利用其确定安全投资总量的合理值。

2.Starting with the progressive decreasing theory ofmarginal utility in traditional economy,this paper points out that the network economy ismarginal utility progressive increasing economy and discusses the reason for it.本文从传统经济的边际效益递减规律入手,阐述了网络经济是边际收益递增的经济及其原因,并指出网络经济中存在边际效益递增规律的例外。



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