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谢默斯·希尼 Seamus Heaney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-06 17:34:40


谢默斯·希尼 Seamus Heaney英语短句 例句大全

谢默斯·希尼,Seamus Heaney

1)Seamus Heaney谢默斯·希尼

1.The Display of the Translator s Subjectivity——On the Style of Beowulf Translated bySeamus Heaney;译者主体性的彰显——谢默斯·希尼英译《贝奥武甫》之风格解析

2.Building a Third Space in Hybridity:OnSeamus Heaney s Beowulf from the Perspective of Homi Bhabha s Hybridity;杂合中建立第三空间——从霍米·巴巴的杂合理论看谢默斯·希尼的《贝奥武甫》译本

3.On the Significance ofSeamus Heaney s Field Work;谢默斯·希尼《田间劳作》的心路历程及意义


1.On the Significance of Seamus Heaney s Field Work;谢默斯·希尼《田间劳作》的心路历程及意义

2.The Display of the Translator s Subjectivity--On the Style of Beowulf Translated by Seamus Heaney;译者主体性的彰显——谢默斯·希尼英译《贝奥武甫》之风格解析

3.Poetic utterance for Irish culture and politics:On Seamus Heaney s third collection Wintering Out;寻找爱尔兰文化和政治的言说方式——论谢默斯·希尼的诗集《外出度冬》

4.Building a Third Space in Hybridity:On Seamus Heaney s Beowulf from the Perspective of Homi Bhabha s Hybridity;杂合中建立第三空间——从霍米·巴巴的杂合理论看谢默斯·希尼的《贝奥武甫》译本

5.The Race Memory and Poetry Meditation beneath the Bog:A Cultural Construing to The Tollund Man;沼泽下的民族记忆与诗意沉思——西默斯·希尼《托兰人》的文化解读

6.Seamus Heaney s Poems and His Childhood;“不朽的暗示来自童年”──西默斯·希尼的诗与他的童年

7.As a relative unknown in gymnastics, the Greek R. Milisanidis boldly went head to head for the gold medal with the Byelorussian star Shellbo.体操赛坛上的无名之辈、希腊的洛·迈利萨尼迪斯不畏强手,同白俄罗斯名将谢尔博进行金牌竞争。

8.Parsippany-Troy Hills帕西珀尼-特洛伊希尔斯

9.Anna:"The Wonderful Adventures of Nils." Thank you, Neville.安娜:“尼尔斯的奇妙旅行。”谢谢你,内维尔。

10.Monasteries of Daphni, Hossios Luckas, and Nea Moni of Chios希俄斯的达菲尼、霍希俄斯卢卡斯和尼奥莫尼修道院

11.A Study of Virginia Woolf from the Analysis of Septimus从赛普蒂默斯解析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫

12.The oracle of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.鸿1:1论尼尼微的默示、是伊勒歌斯人那鸿所得的默示。

13.An oracle concerning Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.【鸿1:1】论尼尼微的默示,就是伊勒歌斯人那鸿所得的默示。

14.Cultural Politics in Translation:On Seamus Heaney s Translation of Sweeney Astray;希尼《迷途的斯威尼》译本意涵的文化解读

15.he hopes to keep in touch with Mr. Dennis.他希望继续跟丹尼斯先生保持联系。

16.Of or devoted to the worship of Dionysus.膜拜希腊酒神戴奥尼索斯的

17."and the sons of Hotham, his brother: Zophah and Imna and Shelesh and amal."朔默兄弟希连的儿子是琐法,音那,示利斯,亚抹。

18.The sons of his brother Helem were Zophah, Imna, Shelesh and Amal.代上7:35朔默兄弟希连的儿子是琐法、那、利斯、抹。


Seamus Heaney西默斯·希尼

1.Seamus Heaney s Poems and His Childhood;“不朽的暗示来自童年”──西默斯·希尼的诗与他的童年

3)Kramers Kroning (K K) relation克拉默斯-克勒尼希(K-K)关系

4)Marcos Pérez Jiménez (1914~)佩雷斯·希门尼斯,M.

5)Konigs-Knorr reaction柯尼希斯-克诺尔反应

6)Kramers-Kroning analysis克莱默-克洛尼希分析<电子>



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