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科学禁区 scientific forbidden area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-20 03:23:19


科学禁区 scientific forbidden area英语短句 例句大全

科学禁区,scientific forbidden area

1)scientific forbidden area科学禁区

2)specialty of incantation禁科


1.The ZhuYouShuJin in the Yuan Dynasty’s Medicine元代医学开设“祝由书禁科”原因考

2.In Canada, such scientific projects are forbidden.在加拿大,这类科研项目是受到禁止的。

3.In many school systems girls are forbidden to take shop sourses.在许多学校制度中禁止女学生修工科。

4.On Prohibition of Business Strife of Sic-tech Brain Drain;科技人才流动中的竞业禁止问题研究

5.Imprisonment and Struggle--Comment on Nabokov s Views of Time;囚禁与抗争——试论纳博科夫的时间观

6.Interrelated Law Issues about Biotechnology and Convention on the Prohibition of the Development Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction;生物科技相关法律问题与《禁止生物武器公约》

7.Epidemiological investigation on the relationship between obstetric factors and the prevalence of urinary incontinence产科因素与尿失禁患病关系的流行病学调查

8.Prpgress on Surgery Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence女性压力性尿失禁外科手术治疗新进展

9.Do Science and Technology Need Ethical Evaluation and Constraint?--With the Forbidden Zone of Scientific Research Analyzed Simultaneously;科技需要伦理评价和制约吗——兼析科学研究的禁区

10.Legal Appreciation of the Freedom of Scientific Research Activities;科学研究自由的法律评价──兼议“法律应否对科学研究设置禁区?”

11.The issue was whether Kovacs" obligation under the injunction was a "debt" subject to discharge.问题就在于根据禁止令,科瓦克斯的债务是否属于免除的“债务”。

12.In morden society where "scientific development views" is advocated, we should strictly forbid this kind of things happening again.在提倡科学发展观的今天,应严令禁止此类事件的发生。

13.In Tantra, science and mysticism go hand in hand, as do sensuality and asceticism.在坦陀罗,科学与神秘主义手牵手,就像纵欲与禁欲一样。

14.The Discovery and the Scientific Value of Significant Historical Relics about China s Natural Conservation:Protective Steles in Tianbaoyan of Fujian;中国自然保护重要历史文物——福建天宝岩禁碑的发现与科学价值

15.The Working Style of Anti-drug and Aids Prevention in Lincang Teachers" College临沧师范高等专科学校禁毒防艾工作基本模式探讨

16.The main reason that research misconducts happen frequently is the absence of the control function of the norms of science.科研规范控制功能的缺失是现阶段科研越轨行为屡禁不止的主要原因。

17.Not so long ago neuroscientists, too, were guilty of victimising the mentally ill and the imprisoned in the name of science.不久前,神经系统科学家也有犯了欺骗受害者为精神疾病和以科学的名义监禁的罪行。

18.However, the development of quantum mechanics don"t deny the objective reality of micro-particles before observed, and only demonstrate micro-particles be of wave-particle duality.科学实践是哲学最好的试金石,在科学实践的面前,唯心论永远是禁不起推敲的。


specialty of incantation禁科

3)Regional science区域科学

1.This paper basically reviews the development of regional science and emphasizes the fact that more and more researchers gradually begin to treat region as an open, evolutionary, non linear complex system.本文简要指出了区域科学的研究趋势逐渐由静态的、均衡的方式向动态演化的方式转变 ,并开始应用复杂科学的理论和方法来研究和分析区域问题 ,从而形成复杂区域科学研究阶段。

2.Since the foundation of regional science in 1954, much progress have been made in this field.根据系统论的观点,本文构建了一种区域科学的学科体系框架,将区域科学的研究内容分为对要素的研究、对子系统的研究、对分系统的研究、对系统整体的研究、对系统间联系的研究和对系统调控的研究六个方面;将区域科学的学科属性归为应用地理学,并对区域科学与相关学科的关系进行了初步的讨论。

4)science learning center科学区角

5)science park科学园区

6)forbidden zone禁区

1.The experimental research on asphalt mixture traversing Superpaveforbidden zone穿越Superpave禁区沥青混合料的实验研究

2.A simple and efficient computational method has been developed for generating zeolite frameworks with defined pore structures through introducing the concept offorbidden zones.引入"禁区"的概念用于设计具有特定孔道的分子筛骨架结构。

3.It will get twice the result with half the effort if use individual break boldly and in reason nearby theforbidden zone.从第12届欧洲杯足球赛看,个人突破依然是重要的进攻手段之一,运用区域趋向前移和靠中,动作快速简练、多变实用,在禁区附近大胆合理使用个人突破可收到事半功倍的作用。



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