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旅游扶贫模式 Models of tourism for supporting the poor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-20 06:54:02


旅游扶贫模式 Models of tourism for supporting the poor英语短句 例句大全

旅游扶贫模式,Models of tourism for supporting the poor

1)Models of tourism for supporting the poor旅游扶贫模式

1.Also several models of tourism for supporting the poor carry.论文以旅游扶贫战略为切口,论述了旅游扶贫战略的可行性,并对我国目前采用的几种旅游扶贫模式加以分析研究,在此基础上指出旅游扶贫战略在实践中存在的问题,并根据这些问题制定出旅游扶贫战略的发展对策。


1.On the Model of Ecotourism in Poverty Alleviation in Sanjiangyuan Region三江源地区生态旅游扶贫模式的探讨

2.The Research of the Pattern for Small-Scale Eliminating Poverty by Tourism Based on Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT);基于Pro-Poor Tourism(PPT)的小尺度旅游扶贫模式研究

3.An Analysis of Guangdong s Multi-directional Pattern for Poverty Elimination by Tourism Based on Policy Practice;基于政策实践的广东立体化旅游扶贫模式探析

4.Investigating Modes for Poverty Elimination through Developing Tourism Resources at County Levels in the Sanjiangyuan Region基于县域要素的三江源地区旅游扶贫模式探讨

5.Support System and Development Model of Pro-Poor Tourism on Basis of Its Operating Mechanism;基于运行机制的旅游扶贫支持系统和开发模式

6.The Application of BOT Model to PPT Project in China s West;BOT模式在我国西部旅游扶贫项目中的应用

7.Sustainable Poverty-support Tourism Development: Community Participation in Rural Tourism;可持续旅游扶贫开发模式研究——社区参与乡村旅游

8.What the Poor Areas should Do with the "Pro-poor Tourism";贫困地区的“旅游扶贫”之路该怎么走

9.Study on the Profiting Crowd and Pattern for Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism--Take Xishuangbanna Dai Nationality Garden as an Example;旅游扶贫的受益人群及其受益模式研究——以云南西双版纳傣族园为例

10.EVELOPMENT OF SCENERY SPOTS, PROMOTIN LOCAL ECONOMICPROSPERITY, MAKING COMMON PEOPLE RICH:The function and model of assisting poorness by tourism in the Anshun area;开发一方景区 繁荣地方经济 致富周边百姓——安顺地区旅游扶贫的功能与模式

11.Library Tourist Information Service and Tourist Poverty Alleviation in Libraries in the Poverty-stricken Areas in Western Hunan;西部贫困地区图书馆旅游信息服务与旅游扶贫

12.Study on the Tourism Sustainable Development in Poor Countryside;贫困型山地旅游区可持续旅游开发模式研究

13.Study on the Poor-aiding Tourism Development in North-western Guangxi--A case study on the the Poor-aiding tourism in Bama Yao Autonomous County;桂西北旅游扶贫开发研究——以巴马瑶族自治县旅游扶贫为例

14.Cause of the Community-based Poverty in the Upper Reach of Minjiang River and Pattern of Poverty-Alleviation;岷江上游乡村社区贫困成因及扶贫模式初探——以四川黑水国家扶贫开发重点县为例

15.An Effective Analysis of Tourist Investment on Assisting the Poor in the Western Regions旅游投资在西部旅游扶贫中的效用分析

16.The Development of the Tourism Resources and theAid to the Poor by Tourism Developmentin Guizhou Ethnic Minority Areas;贵州民族地区旅游资源的开发与旅游扶贫

17.On one hand, the effect of tourism on supporting the poor is increasingly obvious;一方面,旅游的扶贫效应日益显现;

18.The Effect of the Frontier Tourism in Supporting Border Poor Area边境旅游业在沿边地区扶贫中的作用


Small-scale Pattern for CEPT小尺度旅游扶贫模式

3)Study on the Model of Pro-poortourism旅游扶贫模式研究

4)the pro-poor tourism旅游扶贫

1.But because of lack of profound understanding in the connotation of the Pro-poor tourism,the Pro-poor tourism is being endowed with more and more administrative color.旅游扶贫的积极意义已经得到人们的普遍肯定和相关部门的很大重视,但由于缺乏对旅游扶贫内涵的深刻理解,旅游扶贫被赋予了强烈的行政色彩,所以明确界定旅游扶贫的概念及其特征,并为现实的旅游扶贫工作指出可行之路成为当务之急。


1.A case study onanti-poverty through tourist development in Cangxi Sichuan;四川苍溪县旅游扶贫开发的实践研究

2.Analysis to the relation of tourismanti-poverty and evironmental constructionin in Western China;西部旅游扶贫与生态环境建设关系研究


1.On the other hand,it should implement thepro-poor-tourism tactic,and help the poor shake off poverty and build up a fortune,so as to realize the aim of thepro-poor-tourism tactic.旅游业一方面要挖掘穷人旅游市场,发展穷人旅游经济;同时还要实施旅游扶贫战略,带动贫困人口脱贫致富,实现旅游扶贫战略目标。

2.The main points of"eco-agriculture+tourism of farmhouse"type pro- poor-tourism of Mulao town Nanchong city Sichuan province were introduced and the effect of this tourism mode was evaluated in this paper also,besides those,our analysis indicated that the"eco-agriculture+tourism of farmhouse"typepro-poor-tourism has sign.本文以四川南充市木老乡为例,在介绍"生态农业+农家乐"式旅游扶贫要点的基础上,对其综合效用进行了评析,认为"生态农业+农家乐"式旅游扶贫在经济、社会、知识、环境四方面对当地社区居民的扶贫效用显著。


植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。

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