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冷暖关系 relationship between cold tone and warm tone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-05 11:59:06


冷暖关系 relationship between cold tone and warm tone英语短句 例句大全

冷暖关系,relationship between cold tone and warm tone

1)relationship between cold tone and warm tone冷暖关系

2)Double systems of cooling & heating冷暖双系统

3)Different Air Temperature冷暖

1.Diagnosis onDifferent Air Temperature in HENAN Duringthe Recent 50 Years;河南省近50年气候冷暖诊断


1.Cold and Warm Extreme Events in Shijiazhuang and Climate Warming石家庄极端冷暖天气气候事件及其与气候变暖

e out of the cold street into the warm.街上寒冷, 进来暖和暖和.

3.It is very cold in winter, but it is warm inside with radiatiors.冬天很冷,不过室内有暖气还暖和。

4.Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Unit暖气、通风和冷气股

5.Lacking warmth of feeling.冷淡的缺乏温暖的感情

6.The heating went off and we were frozen out!供暖停了,我们冷得要命!

7.Switch the heating on I`m cold!把暖气打开吧--我冷!

8.Make sure you muffle up properly, because it"s pretty cold outside.注意穿暖些,外面相当冷。

9.Brief Talk on Heating Design of Using Waste Heat of Lateral Pipe Cooler Cooling Water浅析横管冷却器冷却水余热采暖设计

10.If you are feeling cold, have a hot drink to warm you up.如果你觉得冷,就喝些热的东西暖暖身子吧。

11.The technology of sunshade radiant heating and refrigeration system is low-energy-waste technology which combines heating with refrigeration.天棚辐射采暖制冷技术是将采暖与制冷合二为一的低能耗新技术。

12.It"s cold and you should cover up warmly.天气冷,你应该穿得暖和些。

13.It was very cold this morning, but it becomes to be warming up.今天早上很冷,但现在好象暖和起来了。

14.Some color, some people, some light, some warm and cold.一些色彩、些人、些光影、些温暖和寒冷。

15.This room is cold - there is no heating.这间房间冷——这里没有暖气。

16.No wonder it"s very cold in room, the central heating is not opened.原来暖气没有开,怪不得这么冷。

17.The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了

18.Is the room warmer than the cold air outside?房间里会比外面冷空气暖和吗?


Double systems of cooling & heating冷暖双系统

3)Different Air Temperature冷暖

1.Diagnosis onDifferent Air Temperature in HENAN Duringthe Recent 50 Years;河南省近50年气候冷暖诊断

4)system of solar refrigeration and heating太阳能采暖和制冷系统

5)floor panel heating/cooling system地板辐射供暖供冷系统

1.Presents the heat transfer calculation method offloor panel heating/cooling system and its application in lobbies of Wukesong Gymnasium.介绍了地板辐射供暖供冷系统的传热计算方法及其在五棵松体育馆观众休息厅中的应用。

6)floor radiation refrigeration地板辐射供冷暖系统


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关

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