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基础性制度 fundamental institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 04:19:45


基础性制度 fundamental institution英语短句 例句大全

基础性制度,fundamental institution

1)fundamental institution基础性制度


1.The Analysis of Market Reform for Fundamental Systems of Chinese Natural Monopoly Industry;我国自然垄断行业市场化改革基础性制度建设必要性分析

2.The Basis of Human Nature Hypothesis in the Modern University Institution Construction;论现代大学制度建构的人性假设基础

3.On the Conception,Fatures and Institutions Foundation of the Public Interests;论公共利益的内涵、特性及其制度基础

4.The Human Nature Basis of Institutional Design in the Vision of Political Civilization;政治文明视野中制度设计的人性基础

5.Orders in Litigation:Basis of Legitimacy and Institution Building;诉讼指挥权:正当性基础与制度建构

6.Theoretical Base and its Design of System of Compulsory Litigation Agency of Lawyer;论强制律师代理诉讼的合理性基础与制度设计

7.Query of the Importance of the "Attribution of Evidence" in Evidence System:A Comparison with the Advantages of the Admissibility;对“证据属性”在证据制度中基础性地位的质疑

8.order-based system以买卖盘为基础的制度

9.project-by-project system以项目为基础的制度

10.Systematic disposition is the basic element of affecting economic security of state.制度配置是影响国家经济安全的基础性要素。

11.A Study on the Influence of Patent Law System for Patentability of Basic Research Results;基础研究成果可专利性对专利制度的影响研究

12.Reflection and Reconstruction of Supervision System in Investigation Basing on Human Nature;以人性为基础的侦查监督制度的反思与重构

13.Construction of Fundamental Legal System on State-owned Capital Operation;国有资本运营的基础性法律制度的构建

14.On the Limited Rationality of Markets and Its System Basis of Establishmen;论市场的有限理性及其确立的制度基础

15.Educational Vouch:Institutional Innovation In Fiscal Resource Allocation To Basic Education;教育券:基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新

16.A Politico-Philosophical Analysis of WesternInstitutionalization Based on Human Naturep;西方人性基础上制度设计的政治哲学分析

17.The Study of the Legitimacy"s Foundation in Power of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexican墨西哥革命制度党执政合法性基础研究

18.The Procuratorate-hosted Settlement of Civil Litigation:Legitimate Basis and Institutionalization民事检察和解的正当性基础及制度构建


institutional infrastructure of market economy制度性基础设施

3)fundamental institutional arrangement基础性制度安排

1.The institutional transition can be divided intofundamental institutional arrangement and secondary one from level, compulsory institution transition and induced one from subject, institutional transplantation and institutional innovation from approaches, gradual institutional transition and radical one from mo.制度变迁从其层次来分,有基础性制度安排与次级制度安排;从其主体来分,有强制性制度变迁与诱致性制度变迁;从其途径来分,有制度移植与制度创新;从其方式来分,有渐进式制度变迁与激进式制度变迁。

4)fundamental policy基础制度

5)system foundation制度基础

1.This thesis analyzes the problems and shortcomings in the current performance management of public sectors in China in the following aspects: thesystem foundation and social environment are imperfect;deviations exist in people s value judgments;the main staff for evaluation presents a unitary image;the feedback of performance is ignored;the government s management of performa.当前中国公共部门绩效管理中存在的问题和不足,主要在于制度基础和社会环境的缺乏、价值取向存在偏差、评估主体单一、对绩效反馈环节的忽略、政府绩效管理与对公务员个人的绩效考评相脱离,等等。

2.The rural democratic politics construction is originated in the relativity of the coordinated development in the system environment and thesystem foundation.农村民主政治建设孕育在制度环境和制度基础协同发展的相关性之中,即不仅有赖于村民自治制度的落实与完善,而且有赖于制度环境的改善与整合,有赖于制度基础的改造与重构。

6)system base制度基础

1.Thesystem base of administration by law includes the methodsystem base and the restrictionsystem base of administration by law.依法行政的制度基础包括依法行政的方法制度基础和依法行政的制约制度基础。



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