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足弓指数 foot arch index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-07 14:17:50


足弓指数 foot arch index英语短句 例句大全

足弓指数,foot arch index

1)foot arch index足弓指数

1.This paper usedfoot arch index to investigate the growth of the foot arch of infants,children and juveniles.本文采用较能客观反映真实足弓的指标——足弓指数,对幼儿、儿童和少年足弓发育情况进行研究。


1.A Research On The Marking And Evaluation Criteria Of The Plantar Arch Indexes For Students In P.E Department In The Teachers College关于师院体育系学生足弓指数评分标准与评价标准的研究

2.An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.足弓,齿弓具有弯曲的或弓状外形的器官或结构,尤指脚的骨架结构的两个弓形部分之一

3.Tow rare disorders of stapes: atrophy and adhesion镫骨足弓进行性萎缩和镫骨足弓鼓岬粘连

4.A bend or curve, especially in a shoreline.弯曲,弓形弯曲或弓形,尤指海岸线

5.Number of spectators at a sports event, esp a football match(体育比赛的)观众人数(尤指足球赛的)

6." Flatfoot: Congenital or acquired flatness of the arch of the foot, in which the foot and heel usually also roll outward, resulting in a splayfooted position."扁平足:先天性或后天性足纵弓平坦的一种外科病。足和足跟向外侧旋转,足弓消失,形成八字脚。

7.The quadrangular bone at the back of the tarsus.跟骨足弓后部的四角状的骨

8.Analysis on Skill in National Juvenile Associate ′99 of Jing Gong Cup;′99“金弓杯”全国少年足球联赛技术综析

9."Flatfoot: Congenital or acquired flatness of the arch of the foot, in which the foot and heel usually also roll outward, resulting in a splayfooted position."扁平足: 先天性或后天性足纵弓平坦的一种外科

10.His unfinished longbow was carved from yew, the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength.奥兹有一张未完工的长弓是以紫杉木雕的,它张力十足,最适合做弓。

11.Exponential Time Algorithms of Knapsack and Constraint Satisfaction Problem;背包问题和约束可满足性问题的指数时间算法

12.Equality Index:from Gini Coefficient to Income-Satisfaction;公平性指标:从基尼系数到收入满足度差距

13.Dynamic evaluation of China sustainable development based on the ecological footprint index;基于生态足迹指数的中国可持续发展动态评估

14.Research on the Satisfaction Indexes of Concrete Mixer Based on AHP Method基于AHP的混凝土搅拌运输车满足度指数

15.Having more than the normal number of digits.多指(或趾)畸形的有超过正常数目的足趾或手指的

16.A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits多指(或趾)畸形的人(或动物)有超过正常数目足趾或手指的人或动物

17.The release of bow pressure at the frog is performed by the little finger.弓根压力的释放是由小指完成的。

18.Archer: Best commander we ever had, right there.弓箭手:他是我们见过最好的指挥官。



1.【Objective】To study the incidence of flat-foot among youth;【Methods】Foot-arch were determined by foot-print in 628 school students(male 309,female 319,age range 13~18,from a middle school).【目的】探讨青少年足弓发育情况;【方法】采用足印法测量某市中学初、高中13~18岁628名(男309名,女319名)学生的足弓。

3)foot arch足弓

1.Methods:Types offoot arch in 1394 soldiers and students from armed police unit were determined by footprint measurement.方法 :足印法测量 1394名武警战士和学员的足弓并分型 ,并测定其跑跳项目运动成绩。

2.This paper usedfoot arch index to investigate the growth of thefoot arch of infants,children and juveniles.本文采用较能客观反映真实足弓的指标——足弓指数,对幼儿、儿童和少年足弓发育情况进行研究。

4)characteristic underflow指数不足

5)thing shaped like an arch,esp the raised part of the foot between the sole and the heel拱形物;(尤指)足底弓.

6)arch of the foot足底弓,跖弓


迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则:}艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i)迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。

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