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室内设计教育 teaching of interior design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-04 09:37:41


室内设计教育 teaching of interior design英语短句 例句大全

室内设计教育,teaching of interior design

1)teaching of interior design室内设计教育

1.Theteaching of interior design should advocate the students to study the decorative materials and related skills to construct comprehensive systems of knowledge and skill in accordance with the developing trends of modern decorative materials.室内装饰材料作为室内设计、装修的基本载体和最基础元素,是传达思想、观念与艺术形式的物质媒介,室内设计教育应该结合现代装饰材料发展趋势,在课程教学中提倡学生对装饰材料和与之相关技术的学习与研究,力求构成室内设计教育完整的知识和技能体系。


1.Interior Design Education and Practice in the U.S.--Evaluation about Chinese and American Education of Interior Design;美国室内设计教育与执业——中美室内设计教育评估

2.The Study of Interior Education Development in 21 Century;21世纪室内设计教育发展的研究与思考

3.Under the Halo of Architecture:Interior Design Education and New Housing Thoughts Of Bauhaus撩去建筑的光环——包豪斯的室内设计教育与新住宅思想

4.From Solving Problems to Searching for Problems--The Development Trend of Contemporary Interior Design Education从解决问题到寻找问题——当代室内设计教育发展趋势

5.Rational Reflections on Teaching Interior Design in General Fine Art Education;“大美术”教育中室内设计教学的理性思考

6.Studies of the Education Type Indoor Textile Product Design in e-Ages Urban Children;e时代儿童教育型室内纺织品设计研究

7.on How to Combine Double -certificate Education of indoor Design Major in University;高职院校室内设计专业如何结合“双证”教育

8.The Research about the Practise & Training Systems for the Interior Decoration Design Profession of Higher Professional Education;高等职业教育室内装饰设计专业实训模式体系研究

9.Reform and Practice in Furniture Design and Interior Decoration Specialty;“家具设计与室内装饰”专业(成人教育)的改革与实践

10.The chamber music should be a course in the music education in teachers colleges and universities;在高师音乐教育中应开设“室内乐”课

11.On the Setting of Classroom Environment in Kindergarten幼儿园室内环境的教育价值及其创设

12.Interior design & interior designer;室内设计&室内设计师——不断更新的内涵

13.Role and functions of the BB instruction system in modern education;“室内设计”BB系统教学的实践与体会

14.Interior design teaching under Australia TAFE mode;澳大利亚TAFE模式下的室内设计教学

15.About the Application of Activities Study in Teaching Interior Design;活动式学习在室内设计教学中的应用

16.On the Teaching of 3ds Max for Indoor and Outdoor Animation Design浅谈3ds max室内外动漫设计的教学

17.Teaching Experiences of 3DSMax Interior Design《3DSMax室内设计》教学心得体会



interior design teaching室内设计教学

1.Innovation is the essence of interior design,which made the cultivation of professional talents be the process of cultivating creative talents ininterior design teaching.室内设计教学作为培养创新能力的主渠道,对创新人才的成长影响巨大。

3)Interior design室内设计

1.Key points for interior design of small house-type residence;浅谈小户型住宅室内设计要点

2.Discussion on the mission and cultivation of interior designer;谈室内设计师的使命和修养

4)indoor design室内设计

1.The value and application of color sign in the regionalityindoor design;色彩符号在地域性室内设计中的价值与运用

2.Discussion on soft environment ofindoor design;浅谈室内设计中的软环境

3.Chinese traditional symbol inindoor design;室内设计中的中国传统符号

5)Education of design设计教育

1.Nowadays the research in domestic education of design is only limited in file analysis and spiritual requirement.经济的高速发展和创意产业的兴起,使艺术设计教育在中国掀起了热潮。

2.Design, as an important means to improve products added value, has been paid more and more attention, and it has prospered the education of design in China.设计作为提高产品高附加价值的重要手段,在受到社会普遍重视的同时,也带来了我国设计教育的繁荣。

6)designing education设计教育

1.On the Popularization of Designing Education in Elementary and Middle Schools;关于在中小学普及设计教育的思考

2.The present paper expounds the chall enges brought by the globalization e ducation,analyses the problems existent in th e presentdesigning education and br ings forth the development prospect of the cultivation of talen ted designers.论述全球化教育给我国设计教育带来的挑战,剖析我国当前设计教育存在的问题,阐明我国设计教育在人才培养上的发展前景。


室内1.谓祖庙之内。室,指太室。 2.家中。

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