失眠网 > 中油FMIS7.0财务信息系统 PetroChina FMIS 7.0 System英语短句 例句大全

中油FMIS7.0财务信息系统 PetroChina FMIS 7.0 System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-21 14:01:04


中油FMIS7.0财务信息系统 PetroChina FMIS 7.0 System英语短句 例句大全

中油FMIS7.0财务信息系统,PetroChina FMIS 7.0 System

1)PetroChina FMIS 7.0 System中油FMIS7.0财务信息系统

2)financial information system财务信息系统

1.Research on PKI/CA in University Financial Information System with Application;PKI/CA在高校财务信息系统中的应用研究

2.And combined with Road and Bridge Company its implement process and ways are described as well as the establishment offinancial information system.介绍了公路施工企业实行财务集中核算的必要性 ,以及实行集中核算的实施过程和具体办法 ,着重描述了财务信息系统的建立 ,并对财务集中核算的应用前景进行了展

3.ERP system,which is a highly integrated enterprise resource information management system,financial information system is one of its core contents.ERP系统作为高度集成的企业资源信息管理系统,它的核心之一就是财务信息系统。


1.Discuss the Perfection of Financial Information System in ERP;浅谈财务信息系统在ERP中的完善

2.A Study of Advancing Internet Financial Information System;Internet时代推进财务信息系统建设的探讨

3.Problems in the Construction of Financial Information Management Systems in Universities高校财务信息系统建设中的若干问题

4.Financial Information and Control System财务信息和控制系统

5.Financial and Management Information System财务和管理信息系统

6.Integrated Financial Management Information System综合财务管理信息系统

7.Integrated Financial Information Management system综合财务信息管理系统

8.SOA-based MIS of Finance Company;基于SOA的财务公司业务管理信息系统

9.Integrate Financial Assets Information System Improve Hospital Financial Management整合财务资产信息系统 提高医院财务管理水平

10.Division for Finance, Administration and Management Information Systems财务、行政和管理信息系统司

11.A Study of Information System Planning for Financial Management in a Port Group;港口集团财务管理信息系统规划研究

12.Research of Open and Decisive Finance Management Information System;开放的决策型财务管理信息系统研究

13.Research of Financial Management System Based on Web Services;基于Web Services的财务管理信息系统研究

14.Inquiring Financial Information with Dynamic ASP Website;基于动态ASP网页的财务信息查询系统

15.Trend of forestry accounting information system--Internet Finance;林业会计信息系统发展趋势——网络财务

16.On the Financial Management Information System in ERP Environment;试论ERP环境下的财务管理信息系统

17.On Financial Information Administration System Under ERP;试论ERP环境下财务管理信息系统

18.Liaohe Oilfield Fmis & Amis System Application Integration Research辽河油田财务资产信息系统整合研究


financial information system财务信息系统

1.Research on PKI/CA in University Financial Information System with Application;PKI/CA在高校财务信息系统中的应用研究

2.And combined with Road and Bridge Company its implement process and ways are described as well as the establishment offinancial information system.介绍了公路施工企业实行财务集中核算的必要性 ,以及实行集中核算的实施过程和具体办法 ,着重描述了财务信息系统的建立 ,并对财务集中核算的应用前景进行了展

3.ERP system,which is a highly integrated enterprise resource information management system,financial information system is one of its core contents.ERP系统作为高度集成的企业资源信息管理系统,它的核心之一就是财务信息系统。

3)Financial Management Information System财务管理信息系统

1.Under these new situations, financial management information system (FMIS) has evolved into maturity, and is gradually taking place of computerized accounting system.在新形势下,财务管理信息系统逐步走向成熟,取代了会计电算化,它使财务管理从静态走向动态,从事后达到实时,极大地延伸了财务管理内涵、效能与质量,实现了业务与财务跨时空、跨地域的高度协同处理,极大地提高了决策的时效性。

2.However, with the application ofFinancial Management Information System, these problems can be solved well and the core function of the Financial Management is exerted.财务管理信息系统的应用为解决这些问题提供了帮助,使得财务管理的核心作用真正得到发挥。

4)modern tinancial pre-warming information system现代财务预警信息系统

5)network finance management information system网络财务管理信息系统

1.This paper expounds the necessity of developing thenetwork finance management information system (NFMIS), puts forward the network topological stru cture and technical structure of NFMIS, and points out the system functions that could be realized.阐述了开发网络财务管理信息系统的必要性,给出了系统的网络拓扑结构及技术结构,指出了能够实现的系统功能。


1.To meet the requirements of developing database system for enterprise information management, this paper presents the principle of the seven-step method, and the detail of developing database system by using the method in the environment of Microsoft Access 2000 according to analyzing the primary data and their relationship of financial affairs management information system (FAMIS ).针对企业信息化管理中对数据库系统开发的需要,介绍了七步设计法的基本内容,并结合开发企业财务信息管理系统的具体实践,给出在MicrosoftAccess2000环境下应用七步设计法进行数据库设计的具体步骤。



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