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国家园林城市 national garden city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-09 03:44:01


国家园林城市 national garden city英语短句 例句大全

国家园林城市,national garden city

1)national garden city国家园林城市

1.Successful Experiences of Building National Garden City——A Case Study of Qian"an河北省迁安市国家园林城市的成功创建

2.Based on experiences from the greening of European and American cities,the paper proposes the strategies for constructingnational garden city of Kunming from some aspects greening including park,square,path,residential area,seedling building and stereoscopic greening,according to new content of the Standard of National Garden City,combined with actual conditions of Kunming city.总结了昆明城市园林绿化建设存在的差距,在借鉴欧美大都市城市绿化经验的基础上,依据新的《国家园林城市标准》,结合昆明市实际,从公园、广场、道路、居住区绿化以及苗圃建设、立体绿化等几个方面提出了昆明市建设国家园林城市的对策。


1.State Standard for Garden City will be strictly observed.认真贯彻国家有关《国家园林城市标准》。

2.Research of Current Situation and Countermeasure on Founding National Gardening City of Changsha;长沙市创建国家园林城市的现状及对策研究

3.Successful Experiences of Building National Garden City--A Case Study of Qian"an河北省迁安市国家园林城市的成功创建

4.Thinking on Urban Landscape Construction in Chongqing对重庆市创建国家园林城市的几点思考

5.To Create State Garden City in Zhanjiang City--Also Talk about Integrating and Utilizing Urban Green Resources;湛江市创建国家园林城市的探讨——兼谈城市绿地资源的整合利用

6.Study on Touristic Ecological Footprint of Forest Park in City--Fuzhou National Forest Park as an demonstration;城市森林公园旅游生态足迹研究——以福州国家森林公园为例

7.Constructing a Demonstration Area for Scientific Development and Creating a National Ecological Garden City唐山市创建国家生态园林城的现状与对策

8.In the light of the requirements of constructing state garden city, differences still exist in almost every virescence target of the gardens in Chenzhou city.按照创建国家级园林城市要求,郴州市城市园林绿化中各项指标都还存在着不少差距。

9.The Study on Development Process of Zhangjiagang Landscape Architecture (1978-)张家港市城市园林绿化发展研究(1978-)

10.The Restoration and Utilization of Wetland from the Perspective of Landscape Planning--Landscape Planning & Design of Wetland Park in National Seashore Forest Park,Qinhuangdao风景园林视角下的城市湿地恢复与利用——以秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园湿地园为例

11.The Yushe National Forest Park lies in the south of Shuicheng County, western Guizhou Province.玉舍国家森林公园位于贵州西部的六盘水市水城县南部。

12.On Garden City──A Case Study of Hefei园林在城中 城在园林中──就合肥而论园林城市

13.The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country该城市有全国最大、最负盛名的园林

14.Study of the Impact of Municipal Culture on the Chinese Classic Gardens;城市文化对中国古典园林的影响研究

15.Problems and Suggestions to Management of Domestic Urban Gardening and Greening;我国城市园林绿化管理的问题与建议

16.Chinese New Floricultural Crops and Their Uses in Urban Landscape中国新花卉作物与城市园林绿化建设

17.Creating Urban Forests to Promote Construction of National Forest City in China;营造城市森林以促进“国家森林城市”的建设

18.The National City Sculpture art Committee was established, its membership comprising sculptors, architects and gardeners在有关部门领导下,成立了由雕塑家,建筑家、园林家参加的全国城市雕塑艺术委员会,


urban national forest park城市国家森林公园

1.Urban national forest park is located in urban planning area and is comprised of single forest type of scenic forest,being endowed with multiple functions of touring,natural conservation and supplying entertainment to local residents,thus making the management direction ofurban national forest park diversified and complex.城市国家森林公园地处城市规划区内,林种为单一的风景林,承担着风景旅游、自然保护、市民休闲等多项职能,决定了城市国家森林公园经营方向的多样性、复杂性。

3)National Forest City国家森林城市

1.Creating Urban Forests to Promote Construction ofNational Forest City in China;营造城市森林以促进“国家森林城市”的建设

2.The construction achievement of ecological culture during the establishment of national forest city in Guangzhou has been comprehensively summarized,the characteristics of its ecological material culture,ecological spiritual culture,and ecological system culture have also been analyzed.全面总结了广州市在创建国家森林城市中生态文化建设的成就,分析了其生态物质文化、生态精神文化、生态体制文化的特点,提出了广州的国家森林城市建设不但体现了"岭南文化"的内涵,同时具有的"广州城市性格与特征",形成了特色鲜明的广州城市生态文化。

4)city garden城市园林

1.The paper introduces the pollution fromcity garden plant protection.就城市园林植物保护对生态环境造成的污染,结合园林植物及病虫害的生态特点,从环境保护的角度,提出综合的防控措施和环境保护对策建议,使园林植保和环境保护工作相得益彰。

2.Based upon analysis of two concepts "naturalization of urban forest" and "city garden ecology" and combined with the rapid development features of urbanization the inexorable trends of those two processes and realization ways are elaborated from ecological viewpoint.通过对"城市森林自然化"和"城市园林生态化"两个概念的探讨,结合当今社会城市化进程快速进行的实际,从生态学的角度阐述这两种进程的必然趋势及实现方式,并对其间可能出现的问题进行了归类分析。

3.The low efficiency of using water in moderncity garden plant irrigation makes the situation of water-supply more serious.现行城市园林植物灌溉,水的利用效率低,使本来就很紧张的城市供水更趋紧张。

5)Urban Park城市园林

1.A Research on Recreation Activity Spectrum ofUrban Parks--A Case Study of Wuxi City;城市园林游憩活动谱研究——以无锡市为例

2.Evaluation of recreation activities in urban parks and ‘Expectation Disconfirmation-Experience Level’ management:An example of Wuxi City;城市园林游憩活动评价及“期望差异-体验水平”管理模式——以无锡为例

6)garden city园林城市

1.Accurate allocation will help thegarden city building in Shijiazhuang;准确定位在石家庄园林城市建设中的作用

2.To Make Our City Become an Ecological Garden A Primary Exploration on the National Ecological Garden City with Shenzhen as an Example;让城市成为生态栖居的大公园 国家生态园林城市初探兼谈深圳的实践之路

3.Several viewpoints on creating nationalgarden city of Jincheng;晋城市创建国家级园林城市对策浅见


《城市园林绿化管理暂行条例》《城市园林绿化管理暂行条例》【《城市园林绿化管理暂行条例)] 1982年12月3日城乡建设环境保护部颁发。共7章31条。主要内容:1.本条例适用于城市、县镇、工矿区的园林绿地、树木、花草及园林设施;2、城市园林绿地含:(l)公共绿地,指公园、植物园、陵园、小游园、街道广场绿地等;(2)专用绿地,指单位和居住区绿地;(3)生产绿地,指各种苗圃;(4)防护绿地,指用于隔离、卫生、安全等防护用途的绿地;(5)城市郊区的风景名胜区。 3.园林绿地规划和建设。园林绿地规划由园林部门和规划部门共同编制,确定的绿地不得改作别用。确需变动者,应报经原审批部门批准。近期内有条件的城市的绿地夜盖率要提高到so%,可供绿地面积应达到人均3一5平米。本世纪末做到“黄土不露天”。新建区绿化用地不低于总占地面积的30%;旧城区不低于总用地面积的25%。绿化建设投资纳人基本投资计划。动物园建设要严格控制。新建、扩建动物园必须具备饲养、医疗、卫生防疫等物质和技术条件。植物园建设应发展,要搞人工引种驯化,丰富园林绿化材料。4.园林绿地管理。除专用绿地外,其余四种绿地均由园林部门经营管理。不准任何单位和个人占用,在公共绿地内的商贩、服务等由园林部门管理。文物古迹、古典园林周围,不准建设高度、体量、色彩、风格不协调之建筑物。5.园林植物养护。任何单位和个人不得毁损花木,倾倒污物、挖砂取石、割草取土、开荒垦植、放牧捕猎。百年以上大树和稀有、名贵树种,具有历史价值和纪念意义的树木,统称古树名木,是国家宝贵财富,均属国有。散生于各单位的古树名木,由各单位负责保养。城市树木无论公有或私有,砍伐均需经园林部门批准。引进种苗必须进行植物检疫。6.机构设置和队伍建设。7.奖励和惩罚等。该条例为对城市园林绿地进行有效管理提供了法律依据,为搞好城市绿化,给城市居民创造一个优美的工作、生活、学习、休憩环境,提供了法律保障,为保证城市建设的全面发展,改善城市环境,起了重大作用。

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