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体育教学思想 the thought of sports teaching and studying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-06 16:39:48


体育教学思想 the thought of sports teaching and studying英语短句 例句大全

体育教学思想,the thought of sports teaching and studying

1)the thought of sports teaching and studying体育教学思想

1.The purpose is to provide the new field of vision forthe thought of sports teaching and studying.本文对90年代中国的4大体育教学思想的体系形成和影响面以及它们之间的联结点和特征进行了初步的分析与讨论, 其目的是为体育教学思想的研究提供新的视角。


1.Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Physical Education in Schools and the Concept of the Teaching of Physical Education;学校体育思想与体育教学思想之辨析

2.Consideration of Teahing thought in Physica Education from the Point of lifetime Sport;从终身体育的视角思考体育教学思想

3.Som reflection on the idea of happy P.E. throughout Physical Education;体育教学中贯彻快乐体育教学思想的思考

4.On P.E.Teaching Thought and Teaching Achievement of P.E.Teacher;浅析体育教学思想与体育教师教学工作成就

5.Review on School Physical Education and Life-long Sports from Several Kinds of Physical Education Teaching Thought;从几种体育教学思想看学校体育与终生体育

6.The Discussion of Modern Physical Education Modes and Thought;现代体育教学思想与体育教学模式的研究

7.Application of Happy Physical Education to Higher Physical Education;快乐体育教学思想在高校体育教学中的实施

8.The Relationship between the Contemporary PE Teaching Concept and Mode;当前体育教学思想与体育教学模式的关系

9.Change the Idea of Physical Education and Deepening the Reform of Physical Teaching;转变体育教育思想 深化体育教学改革

10.Integrating PE Ideological Education into PE and Health Teaching体育与健康教学中渗透体育思想教育

11.Modern Sport Thoughts: the Philosophical Contemplation about the Relationship between Sport and Religion;现代体育思想:体育与宗教的哲学思辨

12.The Education of Ideology and Moral Character in the Teaching of College Physical Education;现代大学体育教学中的思想品德教育

13.Discussion on the Inculsive Education Make Impact on Physical Education全纳教育思想对学校体育教学的影响

14.Life-long Physical Education---The Guiding Principle In School Physical Education终身体育——学校体育教学的主导思想

15.The Object of the Education of Ideological Politics:An Important Category in the Education of Ideological Politics;思想政治教育客体:思想政治教育学的重要范畴

16.PE ideology and PE teaching ideology in colleges and universities under the new Outline;新《纲要》下的高校体育思想和体育教学指导思想

17.Improving the Quality of Physical Education with the Help of Confucian Educational Thoughts借鉴儒家教育思想 提高体育教学质量

18.Improving the Quality of Physical Education with the Help of Confucian Educational Thoughts;借鉴儒家教育思想 提高体育教学质量


physical education ideology体育教育思想

1.Modern value of thephysical education ideology and sports view of YUAN Dun-li;袁敦礼体育教育思想及体育观的当代价值

2.The theory and the practice of physical education are both directed byphysical education ideology.体育教育从理论到实践 ,无不受体育教育思想的指导 。

3)education and teaching thought教育教学思想

4)Views on Educational Politics教育政治学思想

1.On Den Xiaoping’s Succession and Development of MarxistViews on Educational Politics;论邓小平对马克思主义教育政治学思想的继承与发展

5)medical educational idealogy医学教育思想

6)students ideological education学生思想教育

1.In order to cope with social development and the reform of educational system and to carry out the concept of open ideological education, this paper puts forward the establishment of steadily-developing management system forstudents ideological education.为应对社会发展和教育体制改革,贯彻开放式思想教育理念,提出建立稳健发展的学生思想教育管理体系。

2.,the personnel engaged instudents ideological education should make an effort to guide students to properly use internet so as to good effects in idological education.高校学生思想教育工作者 ,应以校园网建设为契机 ,充分发挥信息网络技术的优势 ,在加强领导、转变观念、增加投入、改变工作方法和手段、加强队伍建设和培训等方面积极探索 ,努力做好学生思想教育与互联网的贯通对接工



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