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音步 foot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 16:25:13


音步 foot英语短句 例句大全



1.The revelation of thefoot characteristics of English poetry to oral English teaching;英诗的音步特点对英语口语节奏教学的启示

2.As a result of fusion two monosyllables in afoot fused into a complex word, and as a result of division a prosodic unit divided into two syntax units (a content word and a function word ).就本质上说,"双音化"指的是两个音节构成基本韵律单元(音步)的倾向。

3.When the structure of "numeral+classifier+noun"play the role of object,the emergence or ellipsis of "one "is limited by the character of Chinesefoot.宾位“数量名”结构中数词“一”的隐现是有条件的,为汉语音步特点所制约,是韵律音奏的内在要求决定“一”的省略与否。


1.English verse composed in iambic pentameter.五音步诗行英语中的五音步抑扬格诗

2.(of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one.(指音步韵律)两个短音后跟一个长音。

3.A metrical foot having three short or unstressed syllables.三短节韵,三短音节的音步有三个短的或非重读音节的音步

4.A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet.六音步诗行由六个韵律音步组成的一行韵文

5.A line of verse consisting of eight metrical feet.八音步诗句有八个诗步的诗行

6.A metrical unit consisting of seven feet.七韵步由七个音步组成的格律单位

7.A metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables.二短音步一种有节奏的步伐,上有两个短或无重音的音节

8."Catalectic:Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot. Used of verse."最后音步:缺少一个音节的缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。用于诗歌中。

9.Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot. Used of verse.最后音步缺少一个音节的缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。用于诗歌中

10.the heroic couplet英雄史诗式两行诗(每句有五音步十音节)

11.The short or unaccented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.弱音节音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中

12.The accented or long part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse.强音节音步中长的或重读的部分,尤指在重音节诗歌中

13.an iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in `delay".抑扬格诗中的音步是由非重读音节后跟着一个重读音节组成,如"delay"。

14.She combined music and dance steps.她将音乐和舞步结合。

15.high speed low-noise synchronous motor高速低噪音异步电动机

16.a movie with synchronized speech and singing.语言和音乐同步的电影。

17.her quiet voice, footsteps她那轻轻的嗓音、 脚步声

18.the gradual refinement of her taste in music她音乐修养的逐步提高.


disyllable foot双音音步

3)synchronization of voice语音同步

4)pitch synchronous基音同步

1.Mandarin speech synthesis based onpitch synchronous time-frequency interpolation;基于基音同步的时频域插值的汉语语音合成

5)Patterns of feet音步格式

6)labial synchronization唇音同步



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