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发展难点 difficulty of development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-22 13:57:04


发展难点 difficulty of development英语短句 例句大全

发展难点,difficulty of development

1)difficulty of development发展难点


1.The Difficult Point and Countermeasures in the Exploitation of the Land and Resources and the Regional Economic Development in the Western Regions;西部国土资源开发与区域经济发展难点及对策

2.Problems and Strategic Options on Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Economy in Guangxi;广西城乡经济协调发展难点问题与战略选择

3.On the difficulties of agri-industrialization in the rural areas of different types;我国不同类型地区农业产业化发展难点研究

4.Difficulties and Countermeasure Analysis on the Promotion of China s Circular Economy;我国发展循环经济的难点及对策分析

5.Difficult Point of the Development of Labour Force Market in Guizhou and Countermeasures;贵州省劳动力市场发展的难点与对策

6.Difficulty And Countermeasure of Bank Service Business Development;商业银行中间业务发展的难点与对策

7.The Difficulties and Countermeasures for the Development of Liancheng Manganese Mine of Fujian Province;福建省连城锰矿发展中的难点和对策

8.Retrospect to Our Sports Industry Development and Difficulties Analysis;我国体育产业发展的回顾与难点分析

9.Grasp at Key Points, Solve Difficult Points and Promote the Development of prospering the City by Sci-Tech towards Depth and Breadth抓住热点 解决难点 推进科教兴市向纵深发展

10.The Difficulties, Key Point and Development Orientation of Agricultural Information Application in Poor Area;贫困地区农业信息化的难点、重点和发展方向

11.Technical difficulties and research prospects of air drilling空气钻井的技术难点剖析及发展前景展望

12.Study on Difficulties and Suggestions about Development of Our Domestic Factoring Business;国内保理业务在我国发展的难点与对策研究

13.The Research of Difficulties and Measures about Harmoniously-Development of Multicampus Universities;多校区大学协调发展的难点与对策研究

14.A Study on the Development Characteristics of Social Intelligence in Children with Learning Disabilities;学习困难儿童社会智力发展特点的研究

15.Cultural Construction:Hope to Develop Tourism in Guizhou and Its Difficulty;文化建设:发展贵州旅游业的希望与难点

16.Analyzes technical difficulties and development tendency of women s 3000-meter steeplechase;女子3000m障碍跑发展趋势及技术难点探析

17.Chinese Economic Development During the 11th five-year-plan;“十一五”时期中国经济发展的机遇、难点与前景

18.The Difficulties And Countermeasures of Developing Social Housing Cooperative Society in China;我国发展社会型住房合作社的难点及对策


develop hard发展困难

3)development characteristics发展特点

1.Background anddevelopment characteristics of innovative services industry in Beijing;北京创新型服务业的提出背景及发展特点分析

2.The article,from thedevelopment characteristics and historical missions of libraries and realization of their modernization,proposed some problems that need solving in the process.文章从图书馆的发展特点与历史使命,以及实现图书馆现代化任务的角度,指出了图书馆发展过程中急需解决的问题。

4)development emphasis发展重点

1.Structure &development emphasis of sports management science in China;我国体育管理科学的学科结构和发展重点

5)development emphases发展重点

1.Thedevelopment emphases of China"s chemical industrial technology and the development direction of key technology and equipment were suggested on the basis of analyzing the developing trends of chemical industrial technology in the world.介绍了我国化学工业产业及产业技术的发展现状,指出了我国化学工业存在的问题,通过分析世界化学工业产业及产业技术发展趋势,提出了当前我国化学工业产业技术的发展重点和重大技术装备的发展目标。

2.Thedevelopment emphases of China"s fine Chemicals and the development direction of key technology were suggested on the basis of analyzing the developing trends of chemical industrial technology in the world.介绍了精细化工产业的特点 ,指出了我国化学工业存在的问题 ,通过分析世界化学工业产业及产业技术发展趋势 ,提出了当前我国精细化工的发展重

6)Hot spots for development发展热点



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