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市场经济体制 Market economy system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-09 18:49:11


市场经济体制 Market economy system英语短句 例句大全

市场经济体制,Market economy system

1)Market economy system市场经济体制

1.Influence factors of inhabitant consumer behavior under the market economy system and the characteristics;市场经济体制下居民消费行为的影响因素及特征

2.Innovation of theories and policies of socialist market economy system;社会主义市场经济体制的理论和政策创新

3.The characteristics of enterprise financial administration under the socilist market economy system are discussed and it is believed that the enterporise financial administration has been given high attention and the function has been broadened.对市场经济体制下企业财务管理的特征进行了探讨,认为在市场经济体制下,企业的财务管理受到了高度重视,职能扩大,以劳动价值论为理论原则,强调风险管理,财权集中。


1.On Cultivating Market Players, to Improve Socialist Market Economic System;健全市场主体 完善市场经济体制

2.The Definition of State-owned Economy under the System of Mixed Market Economy;混合市场经济体制下国有经济的定位

3.The Position of Market Economy and China s Reform of Market Economy System;市场经济地位与中国市场经济体制改革

4.The Relevance of the Non-market Economy Clause to the Construction of China s Socialist Market Economy System;“非市场经济条款”与完善我国市场经济体制

5.Target Mode on Our Country s Defense Economic System under Market Economy System;市场经济体制下我国国防经济体制的目标模式

6.Disscussion on the Sports Industry under Market Economy System in Our Country;试论市场经济体制下我国的体育产业

7.Construct the Sincerity System of Market Economy;构建我国市场经济体制下的诚信体系

8.The Management of Physical Education Industry Under the Market Economy System;浅谈市场经济体制下体育产业的管理

9.The Market Economy System Descends the Government Market to Take Charge of the Working Talent Research;市场经济体制下政府市场监管职能研究

10.Chinese Futures Market under the Socialist Market Economy;论社会主义市场经济体制下的中国期货市场

11.Study on Eco-economic Management Policy under Market Economy System市场经济体制下生态经济管理政策研究

12.The Economical Analysis on Fire Dangers and their Countermeasures;市场经济体制下火灾隐患的经济学分析及对策

13.Perfect the Market Economy System to Excite a New Leap of Individual (Private) Economy;完善市场经济体制 促进个私经济新飞跃

14.Strengthening Macro - economic Control and Establishing Marcket Economy System;加强宏观经济调控与建立市场经济体制

15.A Socialist Market Economic Structure Initially Formed社会主义市场经济体制初步形成

16.The socialist market economy has taken shape initially.社会主义市场经济体制初步建立。

17.Rebuilding Family Ethical Morality in the System of Marketing Economy;市场经济体制下家庭伦理道德的重建

18.Characteristics of Public Finance in a Modern Market Economy;现代市场经济体制下的公共财政特征


Market economic system市场经济体制

1.Preliminary practice and coynition of the application of market economic system in the construction of Three Gorges Project;三峡工程建设运用市场经济体制的初步实践和认识

2.Socialist market economic system combines socialist political system with market economic system, market economic system with modern business system and socialist political system with modern business system effectively.社会主义市场经济体制是社会主义政治制度与市场经济制度的有效结合,是市场经济制度与现代企业制度的有效结合,是社会主义政治制度与现代企业制度的有效结合。

3.Our country’s economic reform is to gradually establish a perfect socialist market economic system, which is an economy ruled by law as well as morality.我国经济体制改革的目标是逐步建立比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制。

3)market economy市场经济体制

1.China aspires to be recognized as amarket economy for a number of reasons.美国及欧盟等国家不承认我国是市场经济体制国家。

2.The legality of the private economy,market economy, private property right, and economic freedom constitute the four ways of confirming and protecting the existence right of private enterprises.民营经济的合法性、市场经济体制、公民私有财产权和经济自由构成了确认和保障民营企业生存权的四条路径 ,只有当宪法对此四者同时作出规定时 ,民营企业的生存权才能得到完全的确认和有效的保障。

3.Although themarket economy can not determine character of the socialist democra cy ,but can affect it profoundly .市场经济体制虽然不能决定社会主义民主政治的性质,但对社会主义民主建设有着深刻的影响。

4)the market economic system市场经济体制

1.The statistic supervision is an important basis and condition to regulate and control, manage and ensure economical operation, and has an important function underthe market economic system.统计监督是调控、管理并保证经济运行的重要依据和条件 ,在市场经济体制下发挥着极为重要的作用 ,并且在目的、范围和传播方式上具有与传统体制所不同的鲜明特点。

2.In this essay,the writer has made an analysis on “the traditional collectivism”under the planned economic system and“the new collectivism”underthe market economic system,the difference of the two systems,and the difficult position of “the rtaditional collectivism”.本文分析了计划经济体制下的“传统集体主义”和市场经济体制下的“新集体主义” ,以及两种体制的差异与“传统集体主义”的困境。

5)Market economy system transformation市场经济体制转轨

6)socialist market economic system社会主义市场经济体制

1.By institutionalizing consciousness of justice,arousing consciousness of morality of self-examination and nurturing the justice consciousness of people in mutually linking to economic benefits,thesocialist market economic system can promote people reach justice consensus.社会主义市场经济体制把"公正之心"制度化,唤醒人的道德内省意识,能够在对于公民的经济利益的关联中培育公民的"公正之心",促进社会达成正义共识。

2.Civil law andsocialist market economic system are two kinds of essential regulating mechanism of law, the legislation and practice of which should be reinforced and perfected.民法和经济法是社会主义市场经济体制不可缺少的两种法律调节机制 ,应加强和完善这两个部门法的立法和实施工作 ;民法和经济法也必须互相配合 ,才能保障我国社会主义市场经济的健康运行。

3.Remarkable progress has been made in China s economic system reform and the framework of asocialist market economic system has been initially established in the 10 years or so since 1992.1992年至今的间,我国从明确提出到初步建立社会主义市场经济体制,经济体制改革取得重大进展。


市场经济体制市场经济体制system of market economyshichang iingii tizhi市场经济体制(sys,em of marke‘“cono-my)以市场作为资源配置的基础和调节手段的经济模式。在国防经济活动中,反映的是以市场调节为主导的经济运行形式,其本质是通过供求规律、价值规律对资源进行合理配置。“市场经济”概念,是在19世纪末新占典经济学兴起后流行起来的。市场包括军品市场起源于商品交换,在资本主义社会中达到了最发达的形态,因此,人们很自然地把它看作资本上义经济的本质特征。社会主义经济制度作为资本主义经济制度的对立物产生之后,计划经济也曾作为市场经济的对立物而出现在公有制为基础的社会主义经济中,因此,人们往往把它视为社会主义经济的基本特征。其实,市场体制与计划体制都是经济手段,社会主义有市场,资本主义也有计划。市场经济体制作为资源配置和经济调节的一种基本方式,无论是对于国民经济还是国防经济,都有极为重要的意义。其主要特征是:①市场导向。国防经济活动在市场经济体制下,都直接或间接地处干市场关系中,国防资源配置的机制,主要是市场导向和市场调节;军品价格由军品成本和市场供求条件制约,军工企业根据市场需求进行生产经营,在遵守经济法规和政策的前提F,市场需要什么就生产什么,包括社会需要和国防需要,公共需要和个人需要等方面。②市场主体。在广阔的市场经济中,进行军品生产、销售和自主经营的企业同其他企业一样,是市场主体最重要的成分,它不是国家行政机构的附属物,而是依据法规具有法人资格和自主权的企业;市场经济体制承认和尊重不同利益主体的经济利益,承认物质刺激和利益分配的必要性和合理性;每个企业不仅是市场主体,而且也是利益主体,其内部个人之间,风险同担,利益共享。③市场竞争。竟争是市场经济体制的必然表现,竞争对军品生产者和经营者既是压力,又是动众它促使企业千方百计地搞好生产、流通和销售,采取各种措施降低成本,增加数量,提高质量,重视科学技术和教育培养人才,提高劳动者的素质,调动全体人员的积极性和创造性。④市场开放。市场体制的本质特征之一是对外开放。开放,才能进行竞争,引进科技、资金和管理经验。⑤宏观调控。在市场经济体制下,政府并不是放弃对国防经济的管理,但其管理的主要方式是实行宏观调控,以经济手段和法规为主,配合以必要的行政管理。⑥市场法制。市场经济是法制经济,市场的有序性由健全、科学的法规体系提供保证。

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