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环境卫生学 Environmental hygiene英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 23:49:55


环境卫生学 Environmental hygiene英语短句 例句大全

环境卫生学,Environmental hygiene

1)Environmental hygiene环境卫生学

1.Application of single cell gelelectrophoresis assay in environmental hygiene;单细胞凝胶电泳技术在环境卫生学中的应用

2.Strengthen the experimental teaching curriculum of environmental hygiene qualified course under construction;以精品课程建设为契机,强化《环境卫生学》实验课程教学

3.In this paper,problems in teaching of environmental hygiene for preventive medicine program in our country are analyzed.通过分析目前我国预防医学专业环境卫生学教学中存在的问题,提出环境卫生学教学应增加案例教学、基于问题的教学方式,要突出对学生科研思维和分析问题、解决问题能力的培养,并提出提高教师素质、改变教学理念、改革教学考核方式等措施。


1.Reform and practice in teaching Environmental Hygiene《环境卫生学》课程教学改革与实践

2.Reflections on Bilingual Teaching of Environmental Hygiene《环境卫生学》双语教学的若干思考

3.Practice of Problem-based-learning in Experiment Teaching of Environmental HygienePBL教学模式在环境卫生学实验教学中的实践

4.Problems in Teaching of Environmental Hygiene and Reform Strategies;环境卫生学教学存在的问题和改革策略

5.Hygienic Surveillance and Management in Sterile Room of Central Supply Department中心供应室无菌室环境卫生学监测及管理对策

6.Several Improvement Advices of Animal Environmental Hygiene on Teaching Experiment浅谈《家畜环境卫生学》实验教学改革中的几点建议

7.Environmental Health Regional Information Network环境卫生区域信息网(环境卫生网)

8.Institute of Environmental Sanitation Design环境卫生设计科学研究所

9.Centro Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente泛美卫生工程和环境科学中心

10.Health Promoting School Scheme学校推广环境卫生教育计划

11.National Environment and Health Action Plan国家环境和卫生行动计划(环卫计划)

12.Central Environmental Health District Office中区环境卫生办事处

13.Environmental Hygiene Section [Urban Services Department]环境卫生组〔市政总署〕

14.Environmental Health Criteria Task Group环境卫生标准工作组

15.Pan-American Information Network on Environmental Health泛美环境卫生信息网

16.Regional Centre for Environmental Health Activities环境卫生活动区域中心

17.Environmental Health Branch [Urban Services Department]环境卫生科〔市政总署〕

18.Office of Global and Integrated Environmental Health全球和综合环境卫生处


Environment hygiene环境卫生学

1.Environment hygiene is a practical subject,therefore to emphasize and construct and bring into practice effectively multiple experimental and practical teaching system is very significant for the cultivation of students competence of practice and complex quality.环境卫生学是实践性很强的应用学科,在教学过程中注重实验实践教学,构建多元化的实验实践教学体系并有效地进行实践,对提高学生的动手能力、分析问题、解决问题的实际应用能力和综合素质具有重要的意义。

3)Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering (BSSE)环境卫生学学士

4)Military environmental hygiene军队环境卫生学

1.Cultivation of student s autonomy in laboratory teaching of military environmental hygiene;军队环境卫生学实验课中学生自主性的培养

5)Environmental hygienic monitoring环境卫生学监测

6)Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering (MSSE)环境卫生学硕士



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